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Wednesday, January 4th


I'm doing some analysis work with User:Staeiou again, so that means it is time for a new journal entry. This time, I'm including some new outcomes and controlling for some new features. Some of the outcomes are scalar, so I'll need to do some linear regressions also.

Result's for 420 'vandal' editors

  • Good outcome
    • More likely when warning is the first message (marginal)
      • Slightly less likely when the message was personal (marginal)
    • More likely when user is anon (marginal) (Note that vandals leaving is a good outcome and anons leave more than registered editors)
  • Improves
    • More likely when editor is anon
    • Less likely if first message and nodirectives (marginal)
  • Contact
    • No significant effects
  • Good contact
    • Not enough data
  • Stay
    • No significant effects
  • Active (does anything in the next three days)
    • More likely if the editor had recently done article edits
    • More likely if the message was the first one and personal (marginal)
    • Less likely if the message was nodirectives and the editor is anon
      • Effect is counteracted if anon is a shared ip
  • Warned again
    • Less likely if the editor is anon
    • More likely the more article edits the editor performed before being warned
      • Effect is counteracted if the message was nodirectives (marginal)
  • Blocked (within a week)
    • More likely if message was no directives (marginal)
      • But not if the warning was the first message (marginal)
    • Less likely if anon (marginal)
      • But more likely is anon is shared ip
  • Article edits after message
    • No significant effects
  • User_talk edits after message
    • More if personal (marginal)
      • Effect is lessened if warning was the first message.
      • Effect is lessened by amount of previous article edits
      • Effect is strengthened by amount of previous User_talk edits
    • More if nodirectives
      • Effect is lessened by amount of previous article edits
      • Effect is strengthened by amount of previous User_talk edits
    • More for users who performed more article edits before receiving the message
R output
glm(formula = good_outcome ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                 -5.415e-01  6.076e-01  -0.891   0.3728  
personalTRUE                                 1.248e+00  8.341e-01   1.497   0.1345  
nodirectivesTRUE                             3.306e-01  8.249e-01   0.401   0.6886  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        9.107e-01  4.672e-01   1.949   0.0513 .
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -4.635e-01  5.229e-01  -0.886   0.3754  
is_anonTRUE                                  9.158e-01  5.476e-01   1.672   0.0945 .
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -3.291e-02  7.246e-02  -0.454   0.6497  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   1.538e+01  9.110e+02   0.017   0.9865  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -1.200e+00  6.275e-01  -1.912   0.0559 .
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                2.007e-03  6.819e-01   0.003   0.9977  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -7.657e-01  7.543e-01  -1.015   0.3100  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -5.158e-02  9.887e-02  -0.522   0.6018  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -1.479e+01  9.110e+02  -0.016   0.9871  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -6.230e-01  6.271e-01  -0.993   0.3205  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -1.131e+00  6.912e-01  -1.636   0.1018  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -4.313e-02  7.639e-01  -0.056   0.9550  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        4.004e-02  7.932e-02   0.505   0.6137  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -4.939e-01  1.717e+03   0.000   0.9998  

glm(formula = improves ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$before_rating <= 
        4, ])

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                  -1.31604    0.88253  -1.491   0.1359  
personalTRUE                                  1.35133    1.17515   1.150   0.2502  
nodirectivesTRUE                              1.37452    1.13283   1.213   0.2250  
warning_first_msgTRUE                         0.75901    0.64657   1.174   0.2404  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             -0.17259    0.64009  -0.270   0.7874  
is_anonTRUE                                   1.69823    0.83178   2.042   0.0412 *
ns0_edits_before_msg                         -0.08445    0.09122  -0.926   0.3546  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -15.48273  882.74349  -0.018   0.9860  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           -1.28811    0.86610  -1.487   0.1369  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 0.39655    0.85328   0.465   0.6421  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     -1.66699    1.08481  -1.537   0.1244  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             0.03498    0.11880   0.294   0.7684  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      16.03742  882.74389   0.018   0.9855  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       -1.59480    0.87135  -1.830   0.0672 .
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            -1.11661    0.84905  -1.315   0.1885  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 -0.88080    1.07614  -0.818   0.4131  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         0.09803    0.09952   0.985   0.3246  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg        NA         NA      NA       NA  

glm(formula = contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                   -3.62679    1.46222  -2.480   0.0131 *
personalTRUE                                   0.43315    1.96227   0.221   0.8253  
nodirectivesTRUE                               2.10451    1.74211   1.208   0.2270  
warning_first_msgTRUE                          0.71621    1.15651   0.619   0.5357  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             -15.17603 1207.94273  -0.013   0.9900  
is_anonTRUE                                    0.01046    1.17585   0.009   0.9929  
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.05855    0.16375   0.358   0.7206  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -15.39419 4582.97538  -0.003   0.9973  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             0.17398    1.63241   0.107   0.9151  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 16.50455 1207.94341   0.014   0.9891  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      -2.08992    1.58399  -1.319   0.1870  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg              0.17312    0.19992   0.866   0.3865  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       17.05419 4582.97543   0.004   0.9970  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        -1.02927    1.43600  -0.717   0.4735  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             14.41781 1207.94334   0.012   0.9905  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  -0.90375    1.49942  -0.603   0.5467  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -0.24897    0.26754  -0.931   0.3521  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg   36.94708 7971.72993   0.005   0.9963  

glm(formula = good_contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$contact, 

Coefficients: (2 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                 -2.972e+01  5.090e+05       0        1
personalTRUE                                -2.695e+02  9.754e+05       0        1
nodirectivesTRUE                             5.629e+01  6.074e+05       0        1
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -4.358e+01  3.917e+05       0        1
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -5.313e+01  5.815e+05       0        1
is_anonTRUE                                 -4.358e+01  3.917e+05       0        1
ns0_edits_before_msg                         4.674e+01  1.019e+05       0        1
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   3.272e-06  4.313e+05       0        1
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           3.190e+02  8.820e+05       0        1
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                3.962e+02  1.138e+06       0        1
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     2.505e+01  5.335e+05       0        1
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -3.095e+01  1.095e+05       0        1
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      9.900e+01  5.507e+05       0        1
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -9.547e+00  5.826e+05       0        1
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                   NA         NA      NA       NA
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 2.030e+02  1.008e+06       0        1
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -9.987e+01  3.344e+05       0        1
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA

Stay = after_rating != NA
glm(formula = stay ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                    0.44446    0.59994   0.741    0.459
personalTRUE                                  -0.58553    0.82669  -0.708    0.479
nodirectivesTRUE                               0.60725    0.86012   0.706    0.480
warning_first_msgTRUE                         -0.73213    0.44891  -1.631    0.103
is_shared_ipTRUE                               0.47047    0.55692   0.845    0.398
is_anonTRUE                                   -0.31623    0.53135  -0.595    0.552
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.10898    0.07677   1.419    0.156
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -15.65169  963.41203  -0.016    0.987
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             0.84059    0.61172   1.374    0.169
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                  0.06641    0.71123   0.093    0.926
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      -0.11873    0.74398  -0.160    0.873
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg              0.08050    0.11233   0.717    0.474
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       15.84899  963.41221   0.016    0.987
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE         0.28366    0.60670   0.468    0.640
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE              1.03959    0.74492   1.396    0.163
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  -1.00009    0.78835  -1.269    0.205
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -0.02163    0.10184  -0.212    0.832
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg   31.22035 1745.37813   0.018    0.986

Active = edits_after_msg_3days > 0
glm(formula = active ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                 -4.453e-02  5.951e-01  -0.075   0.9404  
personalTRUE                                -5.305e-01  8.253e-01  -0.643   0.5204  
nodirectivesTRUE                             5.529e-01  8.483e-01   0.652   0.5145  
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -5.183e-01  4.459e-01  -1.162   0.2451  
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -2.619e-01  5.276e-01  -0.496   0.6196  
is_anonTRUE                                 -3.129e-01  5.315e-01  -0.589   0.5560  
ns0_edits_before_msg                         1.546e-01  7.521e-02   2.055   0.0398 *
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -1.430e+01  5.904e+02  -0.024   0.9807  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           1.030e+00  6.157e-01   1.673   0.0944 .
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                8.666e-01  6.919e-01   1.253   0.2104  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -2.989e-01  7.421e-01  -0.403   0.6872  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -4.831e-03  1.042e-01  -0.046   0.9630  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      1.470e+01  5.904e+02   0.025   0.9801  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       9.438e-01  6.158e-01   1.533   0.1254  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            1.652e+00  6.961e-01   2.373   0.0176 *
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -1.350e+00  7.888e-01  -1.712   0.0870 .
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -8.216e-02  9.355e-02  -0.878   0.3798  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  2.981e+01  1.062e+03   0.028   0.9776  

Warned_again = warnings_after_24hrs > 0
glm(formula = warned_again ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                   0.138764   0.620827   0.224  0.82314   
personalTRUE                                  0.009308   0.857870   0.011  0.99134   
nodirectivesTRUE                             -0.451421   0.837561  -0.539  0.58991   
warning_first_msgTRUE                         0.108022   0.494159   0.219  0.82696   
is_shared_ipTRUE                              0.009627   0.604799   0.016  0.98730   
is_anonTRUE                                  -1.789843   0.554147  -3.230  0.00124 **
ns0_edits_before_msg                          0.172620   0.076315   2.262  0.02370 * 
user_talk_edits_before_msg                    0.529527   1.631130   0.325  0.74546   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            0.225963   0.661627   0.342  0.73271   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 0.098961   0.767523   0.129  0.89741   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      0.228774   0.779417   0.294  0.76913   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             0.004940   0.106370   0.046  0.96296   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      -0.531877   1.737340  -0.306  0.75949   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        0.301326   0.653351   0.461  0.64465   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             0.787968   0.755145   1.043  0.29673   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  0.929424   0.768781   1.209  0.22668   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        -0.157855   0.081546  -1.936  0.05290 . 
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  14.165319 535.413764   0.026  0.97889   

Blocked = blocked_after_msg_seconds != NA & blocked_after_msg_seconds < 604800
glm(formula = blocked ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                   -2.71688    1.13548  -2.393   0.0167 *
personalTRUE                                   0.50632    1.34939   0.375   0.7075  
nodirectivesTRUE                               2.24699    1.29385   1.737   0.0824 .
warning_first_msgTRUE                          1.70498    1.07969   1.579   0.1143  
is_shared_ipTRUE                               2.45579    1.13181   2.170   0.0300 *
is_anonTRUE                                   -1.25912    0.68446  -1.840   0.0658 .
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.09715    0.08566   1.134   0.2567  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -13.15120 1015.85018  -0.013   0.9897  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            -0.99664    1.20823  -0.825   0.4094  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 -2.07372    1.27584  -1.625   0.1041  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                       0.86280    0.92028   0.938   0.3485  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg              0.13912    0.11586   1.201   0.2299  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       13.74964 1015.85033   0.014   0.9892  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        -2.04235    1.20607  -1.693   0.0904 .
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             -1.59994    1.24628  -1.284   0.1992  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  -0.01743    0.91321  -0.019   0.9848  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -0.09807    0.09430  -1.040   0.2984  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg   30.46645 1774.86161   0.017   0.9863  

glm(formula = ns0_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

                                             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)                                  0.997242   0.677498   1.472    0.142
personalTRUE                                -0.582510   0.942543  -0.618    0.537
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.119746   0.937707   0.128    0.898
warning_first_msgTRUE                        0.040041   0.508706   0.079    0.937
is_shared_ipTRUE                             0.500841   0.613217   0.817    0.415
is_anonTRUE                                 -0.388479   0.604571  -0.643    0.521
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.074490   0.080350   0.927    0.354
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -0.897513   1.713816  -0.524    0.601
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.477346   0.700012   0.682    0.496
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -0.034788   0.793988  -0.044    0.965
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     0.109420   0.849079   0.129    0.898
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.103531   0.111455   0.929    0.354
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      0.737055   1.832916   0.402    0.688
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -0.532632   0.688123  -0.774    0.439
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            0.413687   0.789530   0.524    0.601
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 0.419368   0.865309   0.485    0.628
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.004787   0.087068   0.055    0.956
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  2.511804   2.950495   0.851    0.395

glm(formula = user_talk_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

                                            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                                 -0.25421    0.09838  -2.584  0.01012 *  
personalTRUE                                 0.25484    0.13686   1.862  0.06335 .  
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.38002    0.13616   2.791  0.00551 ** 
warning_first_msgTRUE                        0.11892    0.07387   1.610  0.10822    
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -0.05845    0.08904  -0.656  0.51192    
is_anonTRUE                                  0.08796    0.08779   1.002  0.31696    
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.07158    0.01167   6.135 2.06e-09 ***
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.07919    0.24886   0.318  0.75050    
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -0.18584    0.10165  -1.828  0.06826 .  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.06498    0.11529   0.564  0.57335    
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -0.07204    0.12329  -0.584  0.55935    
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -0.05239    0.01618  -3.237  0.00131 ** 
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      0.61356    0.26615   2.305  0.02166 *  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -0.13828    0.09992  -1.384  0.16718    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            0.02427    0.11465   0.212  0.83248    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.15455    0.12565  -1.230  0.21943    
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -0.07226    0.01264  -5.715 2.16e-08 ***
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  1.86360    0.42844   4.350 1.73e-05 ***

Result's for 982 'bad faith' editors

  • Good outcome
    • More likely if warning is first message
    • Less likely for shared IPs (marginal)
  • Improves
    • Less likely for editor who receive a personal warning as their first message (marginal)
  • Contact
    • No significant effects
  • Stay
    • More likely for editor who received a nodirectives warning (marginal)
    • Less likely if warning is first message
    • More likely if editor is a shared IP
    • Less likely if the editor is anon and warning was nodirectives
  • Active
    • More likely for editor who received a nodirectives warning (marginal)
  • Warned again
    • More likely for editors with more article editors before receiving the warning
  • Blocked (within a week)
    • More likely for editor who received nodirectives warning
    • More likely for editors with more article edits before receiving the warning
    • Less likely if editor is anon and warning is personal (marginal)
    • Less likely if editor is anon and warning is nodirectives (marginal)
  • Article edits after warning
    • Fewer if warning is nodirectives and first message (marginal)
  • User_talk edits after warning
    • More if warning is nodirectives (marginal)
R output
glm(formula = good_outcome ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                    0.77182    0.55263   1.397   0.1625  
personalTRUE                                   1.15260    0.81364   1.417   0.1566  
nodirectivesTRUE                              -0.46756    0.75751  -0.617   0.5371  
warning_first_msgTRUE                          0.72561    0.29601   2.451   0.0142 *
is_shared_ipTRUE                              -0.58083    0.34408  -1.688   0.0914 .
is_anonTRUE                                   -0.10882    0.49415  -0.220   0.8257  
ns0_edits_before_msg                          -0.03685    0.07583  -0.486   0.6270  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                    13.56302  478.87807   0.028   0.9774  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            -0.57629    0.42966  -1.341   0.1798  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 -0.30045    0.50762  -0.592   0.5539  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      -0.44504    0.72255  -0.616   0.5379  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             -0.13459    0.11072  -1.216   0.2241  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg        1.34038 1532.15740   0.001   0.9993  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        -0.39018    0.41898  -0.931   0.3517  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE              0.10243    0.47929   0.214   0.8308  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                   0.60511    0.68340   0.885   0.3759  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg          0.02706    0.09215   0.294   0.7690  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA  

glm(formula = improves ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$before_rating <= 
        4, ])

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                 -8.366e-01  8.176e-01  -1.023   0.3062  
personalTRUE                                 6.251e-01  1.125e+00   0.556   0.5785  
nodirectivesTRUE                             2.434e-01  1.050e+00   0.232   0.8168  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        3.130e-01  4.711e-01   0.664   0.5065  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             2.875e-02  5.061e-01   0.057   0.9547  
is_anonTRUE                                 -2.896e-01  6.925e-01  -0.418   0.6758  
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -3.451e-03  1.075e-01  -0.032   0.9744  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   1.570e+01  8.827e+02   0.018   0.9858  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -1.052e+00  6.372e-01  -1.651   0.0988 .
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -9.412e-01  7.148e-01  -1.317   0.1879  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     5.953e-01  1.021e+00   0.583   0.5599  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -5.009e-02  1.490e-01  -0.336   0.7367  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -2.173e-01  1.248e+03   0.000   0.9999  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -5.464e-01  6.477e-01  -0.844   0.3988  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -6.849e-02  6.918e-01  -0.099   0.9211  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 1.248e-02  9.177e-01   0.014   0.9892  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        3.774e-02  1.243e-01   0.304   0.7614  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA  

glm(formula = contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                 -4.118e+00  1.708e+00  -2.411   0.0159 *
personalTRUE                                 9.485e-01  2.139e+00   0.443   0.6575  
nodirectivesTRUE                             3.058e+00  1.923e+00   1.590   0.1118  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        1.714e-01  1.183e+00   0.145   0.8848  
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -1.630e+01  2.138e+03  -0.008   0.9939  
is_anonTRUE                                 -9.031e-01  1.215e+00  -0.743   0.4572  
ns0_edits_before_msg                         2.505e-01  2.439e-01   1.027   0.3044  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -1.507e+01  6.302e+03  -0.002   0.9981  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           1.295e+00  1.589e+00   0.815   0.4152  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                2.157e-01  3.190e+03   0.000   0.9999  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -3.357e-01  1.425e+00  -0.236   0.8137  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -3.307e-01  3.459e-01  -0.956   0.3392  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -2.150e+00  1.882e+04   0.000   0.9999  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       4.299e-03  1.374e+00   0.003   0.9975  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -7.911e-01  2.986e+03   0.000   0.9998  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -1.116e+00  1.370e+00  -0.815   0.4153  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -4.470e-01  3.465e-01  -1.290   0.1971  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA  

glm(formula = good_contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$contact, 

Coefficients: (6 not defined because of singularities)
                                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                    32.61   17191.48   0.002    0.998
personalTRUE                                  -10.09   20277.96   0.000    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE                              -13.17   18219.35  -0.001    0.999
warning_first_msgTRUE                         -39.13   15208.47  -0.003    0.998
is_shared_ipTRUE                                  NA         NA      NA       NA
is_anonTRUE                                   -39.13   15208.47  -0.003    0.998
ns0_edits_before_msg                           13.04    5069.49   0.003    0.998
user_talk_edits_before_msg                        NA         NA      NA       NA
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             17.35   18626.50   0.001    0.999
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                     NA         NA      NA       NA
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                       40.29   15208.47   0.003    0.998
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             -14.52    5069.49  -0.003    0.998
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg           NA         NA      NA       NA
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE         19.17   16361.40   0.001    0.999
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 NA         NA      NA       NA
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                   40.34   15208.47   0.003    0.998
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -13.50    5069.49  -0.003    0.998
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       NA         NA      NA       NA

Stay = after_rating != NA
glm(formula = stay ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                   0.06606    0.48475   0.136  0.89161   
personalTRUE                                 -0.95451    0.70062  -1.362  0.17308   
nodirectivesTRUE                              1.24452    0.71972   1.729  0.08378 . 
warning_first_msgTRUE                        -0.76287    0.27340  -2.790  0.00527 **
is_shared_ipTRUE                              0.72939    0.34639   2.106  0.03523 * 
is_anonTRUE                                  -0.20599    0.41993  -0.491  0.62376   
ns0_edits_before_msg                          0.04689    0.07357   0.637  0.52391   
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -0.69833    0.98468  -0.709  0.47821   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            0.17769    0.38669   0.460  0.64587   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                -0.10383    0.50208  -0.207  0.83616   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      0.72683    0.60798   1.195  0.23190   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             0.14539    0.11053   1.315  0.18838   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      13.25580  324.74535   0.041  0.96744   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        0.04094    0.39001   0.105  0.91639   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            -0.32647    0.47560  -0.686  0.49243   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 -1.12897    0.64215  -1.758  0.07873 . 
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        -0.01226    0.09057  -0.135  0.89236   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg        NA         NA      NA       NA   

Active = edits_after_msg_3days > 0
glm(formula = active ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                  -0.52862    0.49458  -1.069   0.2852  
personalTRUE                                 -1.06317    0.73298  -1.450   0.1469  
nodirectivesTRUE                              1.22446    0.71375   1.716   0.0862 .
warning_first_msgTRUE                        -0.34942    0.28619  -1.221   0.2221  
is_shared_ipTRUE                              0.41879    0.34479   1.215   0.2245  
is_anonTRUE                                  -0.29597    0.42725  -0.693   0.4885  
ns0_edits_before_msg                          0.09055    0.07269   1.246   0.2129  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -0.42299    0.87290  -0.485   0.6280  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            0.13009    0.40307   0.323   0.7469  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                -0.25252    0.50058  -0.504   0.6139  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      0.96651    0.63678   1.518   0.1291  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             0.13430    0.10800   1.244   0.2137  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      13.00538  324.74502   0.040   0.9681  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       -0.26009    0.40544  -0.641   0.5212  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            -0.38349    0.47719  -0.804   0.4216  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 -0.97999    0.63280  -1.549   0.1215  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         0.01543    0.09399   0.164   0.8696  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg        NA         NA      NA       NA  

Warned_again = warnings_after_24hrs > 0
glm(formula = warned_again ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                   -1.60354    0.56336  -2.846  0.00442 **
personalTRUE                                  -0.79185    0.82562  -0.959  0.33750   
nodirectivesTRUE                               0.71831    0.77211   0.930  0.35220   
warning_first_msgTRUE                          0.15975    0.32831   0.487  0.62656   
is_shared_ipTRUE                               0.16146    0.40127   0.402  0.68741   
is_anonTRUE                                   -0.06752    0.47507  -0.142  0.88698   
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.16843    0.07676   2.194  0.02823 * 
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -12.99587  501.54675  -0.026  0.97933   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             0.05667    0.46011   0.123  0.90197   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                  0.29265    0.56652   0.517  0.60545   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                       0.61127    0.69751   0.876  0.38084   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg              0.15234    0.11517   1.323  0.18594   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       -2.53879 1539.39314  -0.002  0.99868   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE         0.23259    0.46080   0.505  0.61374   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE              0.22007    0.54885   0.401  0.68845   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  -0.66255    0.66478  -0.997  0.31894   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -0.05687    0.09464  -0.601  0.54787   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA   

Blocked = blocked_after_msg_seconds != NA & blocked_after_msg_seconds < 604800
glm(formula = blocked ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                   -3.75287    1.17037  -3.207  0.00134 **
personalTRUE                                   1.29074    1.40169   0.921  0.35713   
nodirectivesTRUE                               2.69340    1.36154   1.978  0.04791 * 
warning_first_msgTRUE                         -0.35815    0.53858  -0.665  0.50606   
is_shared_ipTRUE                               0.65619    0.54854   1.196  0.23161   
is_anonTRUE                                    0.71693    1.07089   0.669  0.50320   
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.26977    0.10026   2.691  0.00713 **
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -12.34226  838.47333  -0.015  0.98826   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             0.59058    0.82588   0.715  0.47455   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                  0.99767    0.87107   1.145  0.25207   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      -2.24943    1.24073  -1.813  0.06983 . 
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             -0.01088    0.14461  -0.075  0.94005   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       -1.75607 2541.82073  -0.001  0.99945   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        -0.52670    0.74257  -0.709  0.47814   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             -0.04800    0.73187  -0.066  0.94771   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  -2.16513    1.25000  -1.732  0.08326 . 
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -0.14304    0.11710  -1.222  0.22189   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA   

glm(formula = ns0_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)                                  0.6047035  0.3879497   1.559   0.1194  
personalTRUE                                -0.1045305  0.5446618  -0.192   0.8478  
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.8688272  0.5637629   1.541   0.1236  
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -0.2824152  0.2204868  -1.281   0.2006  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             0.0287204  0.2776445   0.103   0.9176  
is_anonTRUE                                  0.1011426  0.3344244   0.302   0.7624  
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.0710905  0.0578912   1.228   0.2197  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -0.1476613  0.4943771  -0.299   0.7652  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.1617764  0.3121253   0.518   0.6044  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.2325437  0.4013152   0.579   0.5624  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -0.0110143  0.4703308  -0.023   0.9813  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.0114903  0.0828917   0.139   0.8898  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      0.2650949  1.7479185   0.152   0.8795  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -0.5558879  0.3146012  -1.767   0.0776 .
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -0.0569869  0.3842222  -0.148   0.8821  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.3413053  0.5005048  -0.682   0.4955  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -0.0007806  0.0711216  -0.011   0.9912  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA  

glm(formula = user_talk_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)                                  0.0983241  0.0926312   1.061    0.289  
personalTRUE                                 0.0662028  0.1300495   0.509    0.611  
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.2328210  0.1346103   1.730    0.084 .
warning_first_msgTRUE                        0.0157816  0.0526459   0.300    0.764  
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -0.0194626  0.0662935  -0.294    0.769  
is_anonTRUE                                 -0.0624357  0.0798509  -0.782    0.434  
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -0.0006017  0.0138227  -0.044    0.965  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -0.0439665  0.1180430  -0.372    0.710  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.0730265  0.0745265   0.980    0.327  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.0193989  0.0958225   0.202    0.840  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -0.0852899  0.1123014  -0.759    0.448  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -0.0081140  0.0197921  -0.410    0.682  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -0.0180641  0.4173524  -0.043    0.965  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -0.0877557  0.0751177  -1.168    0.243  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -0.0513451  0.0917412  -0.560    0.576  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.1673432  0.1195061  -1.400    0.162  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.0008739  0.0169818   0.051    0.959  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA

Result's for 702 'test' editors

  • Good outcome
    • Less likely for anons
  • Improves
    • No significant effects
  • Contact
    • Less likely if warning was nodirectives (marginal)
      • Effect is negated if when editor is anon
    • Less likely if editor was anon
    • More likely for editors who performed more Article edits before receiving the message
  • Good contact
    • No significant effects
  • Stay
    • Less likely if warning was personal
      • Effect negated for shared IPs
      • Effect reduced when warning was the first message
    • Less likely if warning was nodirectives (marginal)
      • Effect negated for shared IPs
      • Effect reduced when warning was the first message
    • Less likely if warning was first message
    • Less likely for anons
    • More likely for editors who performed more Article edits before receiving the message
  • Active
    • Less likely if warning was personal
      • Effect negated for shared IPs
      • Effect reduced when warning was the first message (marginal)
    • Less likely if warning was nodirectives
      • Effect negated for anons (marginal)
      • Effect reduced when warning was the first message (marginal)
    • Less likely if warning was first message
    • Less likely for anons
    • More likely for editors who performed more Article edits before receiving the message
  • Warned again
    • Less likely for anons
    • More likely for editors who performed more Article edits before receiving the message
  • Blocked
    • Less likely if warning was first message (marginal)
    • Less likely if editor was anon
    • More likely for editors who performed more Article edits if the warning was personal
  • Article edits after warning
    • Less if warning was the first message
    • More if the warning was personal and editor is shared IP (marginal)
    • More for editors who performed more Article edits if the warning was nodirectives
  • User_talk edits after warning
    • Less if warning was personal
    • Less if warning was first message (marginal)
      • Reversed (more) if the warning was nodirectives
    • Less if anon
      • Effect negated if warning was personal
      • Even less if warning was nodirectives (marginal)
    • More for editors who performed more User_talk edits before receiving the warning
R output
glm(formula = good_outcome ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                  -0.44829    0.67038  -0.669   0.5037  
personalTRUE                                 -1.77175    1.34020  -1.322   0.1862  
nodirectivesTRUE                             -1.21065    1.13451  -1.067   0.2859  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        -0.55925    0.41794  -1.338   0.1809  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             -0.05136    0.58181  -0.088   0.9297  
is_anonTRUE                                  -1.28428    0.59971  -2.142   0.0322 *
ns0_edits_before_msg                          0.05978    0.06269   0.954   0.3402  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                    0.39092    0.94747   0.413   0.6799  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            0.90512    0.85899   1.054   0.2920  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 1.11485    1.00782   1.106   0.2686  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      0.16467    1.15170   0.143   0.8863  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             0.05496    0.17112   0.321   0.7480  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       0.55815    1.18888   0.469   0.6387  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        1.06266    0.74041   1.435   0.1512  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             0.43437    1.00168   0.434   0.6646  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  0.24502    0.93521   0.262   0.7933  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         0.03954    0.17841   0.222   0.8246  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -11.45743  535.41228  -0.021   0.9829  

glm(formula = improves ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$before_rating <= 
        4, ])

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
                                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                 -0.55994    0.74301  -0.754    0.451
personalTRUE                                -0.67323    1.62319  -0.415    0.678
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.04742    1.39379   0.034    0.973
warning_first_msgTRUE                        0.31938    0.48383   0.660    0.509
is_shared_ipTRUE                             0.19773    0.64628   0.306    0.760
is_anonTRUE                                 -0.39537    0.66314  -0.596    0.551
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.02822    0.04547   0.621    0.535
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.01415    0.96707   0.015    0.988
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.61664    1.02756   0.600    0.548
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.14131    1.16239   0.122    0.903
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -0.19172    1.37986  -0.139    0.889
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -0.01232    0.18516  -0.067    0.947
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      0.68306    1.25022   0.546    0.585
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       0.21162    0.89226   0.237    0.813
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -0.50527    1.17443  -0.430    0.667
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.68984    1.08189  -0.638    0.524
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -0.15446    0.22837  -0.676    0.499
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       NA         NA      NA       NA

glm(formula = contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                 -1.007e+00  1.100e+00  -0.915  0.35999   
personalTRUE                                -2.965e+00  3.312e+00  -0.895  0.37067   
nodirectivesTRUE                            -3.444e+00  1.880e+00  -1.832  0.06694 . 
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -1.155e+00  1.085e+00  -1.064  0.28732   
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -1.556e+01  1.898e+03  -0.008  0.99346   
is_anonTRUE                                 -2.871e+00  1.093e+00  -2.628  0.00859 **
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -5.603e-02  1.261e-01  -0.444  0.65693   
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -1.365e+01  4.882e+03  -0.003  0.99777   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           7.933e-01  1.664e+00   0.477  0.63347   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                4.662e-03  2.623e+03   0.000  1.00000   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     3.157e+00  3.346e+00   0.944  0.34542   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -1.346e-01  3.627e-01  -0.371  0.71043   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      1.577e+01  4.882e+03   0.003  0.99742   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       2.120e+00  1.355e+00   1.565  0.11755   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            1.507e+01  1.898e+03   0.008  0.99366   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 3.330e+00  1.669e+00   1.995  0.04601 * 
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        5.541e-01  2.139e-01   2.590  0.00960 **
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -2.923e+00  1.181e+04   0.000  0.99980   

glm(formula = good_contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$contact, 

Coefficients: (5 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                 -1.957e+01  3.877e+04  -0.001    1.000
personalTRUE                                 3.913e+01  5.890e+04   0.001    0.999
nodirectivesTRUE                             4.066e+01  4.024e+04   0.001    0.999
warning_first_msgTRUE                        3.913e+01  1.521e+04   0.003    0.998
is_shared_ipTRUE                             1.749e+01  1.075e+04   0.002    0.999
is_anonTRUE                                 -3.504e-08  1.521e+04   0.000    1.000
ns0_edits_before_msg                         8.352e-08  2.151e+04   0.000    1.000
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -1.417e-08  8.781e+03   0.000    1.000
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -3.913e+01  2.151e+04  -0.002    0.999
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                       NA         NA      NA       NA
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                            NA         NA      NA       NA
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -8.350e-08  2.634e+04   0.000    1.000
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg             NA         NA      NA       NA
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -4.027e+01  1.521e+04  -0.003    0.998
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                   NA         NA      NA       NA
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -1.863e+01  1.863e+04  -0.001    0.999
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -3.894e-01  2.151e+04   0.000    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg         NA         NA      NA       NA

Stay = after_rating != NA
glm(formula = stay ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                                   1.7033     0.6914   2.464  0.01375 *  
personalTRUE                                 -2.2770     1.0679  -2.132  0.03299 *  
nodirectivesTRUE                             -1.6591     0.9857  -1.683  0.09234 .  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        -1.4520     0.3283  -4.423 9.71e-06 ***
is_shared_ipTRUE                             -0.6181     0.4554  -1.357  0.17470    
is_anonTRUE                                  -2.0221     0.6321  -3.199  0.00138 ** 
ns0_edits_before_msg                          0.4849     0.1487   3.262  0.00111 ** 
user_talk_edits_before_msg                    1.7761     1.4341   1.238  0.21555    
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            1.0137     0.4994   2.030  0.04237 *  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 2.0027     0.6455   3.103  0.00192 ** 
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      1.2884     0.9719   1.326  0.18493    
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            -0.2702     0.2004  -1.348  0.17763    
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       4.3355   254.5518   0.017  0.98641    
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        1.1833     0.4821   2.455  0.01410 *  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             1.5230     0.6856   2.221  0.02632 *  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  1.1991     0.8932   1.342  0.17944    
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        -0.1349     0.2075  -0.650  0.51570    
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -16.2635   882.7446  -0.018  0.98530    

Active = edits_after_msg_3days > 0
glm(formula = active ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                                   1.09306    0.64387   1.698 0.089576 .  
personalTRUE                                 -2.09249    1.06035  -1.973 0.048451 *  
nodirectivesTRUE                             -1.91664    0.96084  -1.995 0.046069 *  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        -0.87948    0.33053  -2.661 0.007795 ** 
is_shared_ipTRUE                             -0.43870    0.46686  -0.940 0.347382    
is_anonTRUE                                  -1.95695    0.58828  -3.327 0.000879 ***
ns0_edits_before_msg                          0.28169    0.11850   2.377 0.017449 *  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                    1.78055    1.38598   1.285 0.198901    
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            0.91475    0.54065   1.692 0.090656 .  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 1.58462    0.67889   2.334 0.019589 *  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      1.02441    0.94747   1.081 0.279604    
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            -0.06421    0.18055  -0.356 0.722104    
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       4.64024  259.30210   0.018 0.985723    
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        0.95712    0.50125   1.909 0.056202 .  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             1.08970    0.68590   1.589 0.112123    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  1.51385    0.86063   1.759 0.078576 .  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        -0.03206    0.17266  -0.186 0.852703    
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -15.57920  882.74452  -0.018 0.985919    

Warned_again = warnings_after_24hrs > 0
glm(formula = warned_again ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                   -0.5462     0.6339  -0.862   0.3889  
personalTRUE                                  -0.2168     1.0230  -0.212   0.8322  
nodirectivesTRUE                              -0.3367     0.9853  -0.342   0.7326  
warning_first_msgTRUE                         -0.2676     0.3777  -0.708   0.4787  
is_shared_ipTRUE                              -0.2397     0.5530  -0.433   0.6647  
is_anonTRUE                                   -1.2727     0.5668  -2.245   0.0248 *
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.2964     0.1180   2.512   0.0120 *
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -12.5703   653.1176  -0.019   0.9846  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             0.4077     0.5875   0.694   0.4877  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                  0.7940     0.7780   1.021   0.3075  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                       0.1015     0.9114   0.111   0.9114  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg             -0.2082     0.1725  -1.207   0.2275  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg       13.0204   653.1179   0.020   0.9841  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE         0.1785     0.5628   0.317   0.7512  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE              0.1851     0.8025   0.231   0.8176  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                   0.6378     0.8646   0.738   0.4607  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg         -0.1571     0.1753  -0.896   0.3701  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg   -1.7565  1595.2256  -0.001   0.9991  

Blocked = blocked_after_msg_seconds != NA & blocked_after_msg_seconds < 604800
glm(formula = blocked ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                 -4.089e-01  8.265e-01  -0.495  0.62073   
personalTRUE                                -9.780e-01  1.506e+00  -0.649  0.51613   
nodirectivesTRUE                            -1.418e+00  1.573e+00  -0.902  0.36724   
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -1.188e+00  6.800e-01  -1.746  0.08077 . 
is_shared_ipTRUE                             4.044e-01  7.660e-01   0.528  0.59757   
is_anonTRUE                                 -2.264e+00  7.708e-01  -2.938  0.00331 **
ns0_edits_before_msg                         1.275e-02  4.633e-02   0.275  0.78314   
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -1.179e+01  1.072e+03  -0.011  0.99123   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           6.234e-01  1.176e+00   0.530  0.59604   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                4.344e-01  1.228e+00   0.354  0.72365   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -5.785e-01  1.284e+00  -0.451  0.65222   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            4.574e-01  2.054e-01   2.226  0.02599 * 
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      3.475e+00  1.233e+03   0.003  0.99775   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -3.924e-01  1.028e+00  -0.382  0.70261   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            6.927e-03  1.061e+00   0.007  0.99479   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 1.640e+00  1.445e+00   1.135  0.25644   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        1.133e-01  1.865e-01   0.607  0.54375   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -2.579e+00  2.628e+03  -0.001  0.99922   

glm(formula = ns0_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

                                            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)                                  1.16503    0.44869   2.597  0.00962 **
personalTRUE                                -0.12445    0.71826  -0.173  0.86250   
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.10784    0.68932   0.156  0.87573   
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -0.52752    0.22613  -2.333  0.01995 * 
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -0.18312    0.32819  -0.558  0.57704   
is_anonTRUE                                 -0.23926    0.40779  -0.587  0.55759   
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.01315    0.03199   0.411  0.68110   
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.19464    0.63878   0.305  0.76069   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.28690    0.33722   0.851  0.39519   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.87715    0.46669   1.880  0.06060 . 
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                    -0.45208    0.66293  -0.682  0.49551   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.13630    0.08894   1.532  0.12589   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      0.04726    0.79420   0.060  0.95257   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       0.10258    0.34672   0.296  0.76743   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            0.49395    0.49463   0.999  0.31834   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.46884    0.61767  -0.759  0.44809   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.20351    0.09520   2.138  0.03290 * 
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -1.19274    1.69130  -0.705  0.48091   

glm(formula = user_talk_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

                                             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                                  0.776859   0.174761   4.445 1.03e-05 ***
personalTRUE                                -0.757924   0.279757  -2.709  0.00691 ** 
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.179569   0.268485   0.669  0.50384    
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -0.154835   0.088077  -1.758  0.07921 .  
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -0.109524   0.127826  -0.857  0.39184    
is_anonTRUE                                 -0.658107   0.158831  -4.143 3.85e-05 ***
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -0.002422   0.012460  -0.194  0.84594    
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.644761   0.248799   2.591  0.00976 ** 
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.179600   0.131346   1.367  0.17196    
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.111744   0.181773   0.615  0.53893    
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     0.653397   0.258207   2.531  0.01161 *  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -0.007997   0.034643  -0.231  0.81752    
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -0.398911   0.309337  -1.290  0.19764    
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       0.320835   0.135045   2.376  0.01779 *  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            0.161095   0.192656   0.836  0.40335    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.406915   0.240579  -1.691  0.09122 .  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.051415   0.037080   1.387  0.16602    
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -0.634153   0.658750  -0.963  0.33606    

Result's for 347 'good faith' editors

  • Good outcome
    • Less likely for anons (marginal)
      • Effect negated for shared IPs
        • Much less if shared IP and warning was personal
    • More likely for editors with more edits to Articles before the warning if the warning was nodirectives
  • Improves
    • No significant effects (Hard when editors are already "good faith")
  • Contact
    • More likely if warning is nodirectives (marginal)
  • Good contact
    • No significant effects
  • Stay
    • Less likely if message was nodirectives (marginal)
    • Less likely if anon
      • Effect negated for shared IPs (marginal)
    • More likely for editor with more edits to Articles before the warning
  • Active
    • Less likely if anon
      • Effect negated for shared IPs (marginal)
    • More likely for editor with more edits to Articles before the warning
  • Warned again
    • Less likely if editor was anon (marginal)
      • Effect reversed when message was personal (marginal)
  • Blocked
    • No significant effects
  • Article edits after warning
    • More for editors with more edits to articles before the warning if message was personal
    • More for editors with more edits to articles before the warning if message was nodirectives
  • User_talk edits after warning
    • More if warning was nodirectives
    • More for editors with more edits to Articles before the warning if message was personal (marginal)
    • More for editors with more edits to User_talk before the warning if message was personal
R output
glm(formula = good_outcome ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                  0.16007    0.40870   0.392   0.6953  
personalTRUE                                 0.20712    0.72859   0.284   0.7762  
nodirectivesTRUE                            -0.90740    0.74468  -1.219   0.2230  
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -0.19591    0.47276  -0.414   0.6786  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             1.82035    0.93861   1.939   0.0525 .
is_anonTRUE                                 -1.13480    0.50024  -2.269   0.0233 *
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.03134    0.02583   1.213   0.2251  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.29976    0.58953   0.508   0.6111  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           0.18395    0.69961   0.263   0.7926  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -3.42239    1.49432  -2.290   0.0220 *
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     0.02764    0.78793   0.035   0.9720  
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.04513    0.04820   0.936   0.3492  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -1.86646    1.50965  -1.236   0.2163  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       0.72754    0.69706   1.044   0.2966  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -1.38098    1.37014  -1.008   0.3135  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 0.25588    0.75189   0.340   0.7336  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.15913    0.06955   2.288   0.0221 *
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -1.17882    1.35785  -0.868   0.3853  

glm(formula = improves ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$before_rating <= 
        4, ])

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                    0.06335    0.64763   0.098    0.922
personalTRUE                                  -0.66141    1.30606  -0.506    0.613
nodirectivesTRUE                              -0.37311    1.42148  -0.262    0.793
warning_first_msgTRUE                          0.24472    0.77532   0.316    0.752
is_shared_ipTRUE                               0.74250    1.59344   0.466    0.641
is_anonTRUE                                   -0.75941    0.77034  -0.986    0.324
ns0_edits_before_msg                          -0.09288    0.08525  -1.089    0.276
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   -18.44366 6522.63863  -0.003    0.998
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE             0.47852    1.31672   0.363    0.716
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 -0.63876    2.20313  -0.290    0.772
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                      -0.38871    1.39141  -0.279    0.780
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg              0.04873    0.23884   0.204    0.838
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg        3.45676 6686.06002   0.001    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE         1.12800    1.28463   0.878    0.380
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            -17.83963 4603.34668  -0.004    0.997
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                  -0.57415    1.32215  -0.434    0.664
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg          0.16202    0.14066   1.152    0.249
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg   -0.10889 7988.44498   0.000    1.000

glm(formula = contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                                 -2.705e+00  7.829e-01  -3.455  0.00055 ***
personalTRUE                                 1.186e+00  1.218e+00   0.974  0.32994    
nodirectivesTRUE                             1.899e+00  1.024e+00   1.853  0.06386 .  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        1.198e+00  9.607e-01   1.247  0.21244    
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -1.387e+01  1.495e+03  -0.009  0.99260    
is_anonTRUE                                 -1.030e+00  8.775e-01  -1.174  0.24031    
ns0_edits_before_msg                         1.765e-02  3.217e-02   0.548  0.58335    
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   1.165e+00  1.019e+00   1.144  0.25278    
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -1.017e+00  1.348e+00  -0.754  0.45061    
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -6.739e-01  1.978e+03   0.000  0.99973    
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     1.005e-01  1.301e+00   0.077  0.93845    
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -2.548e-01  2.595e-01  -0.982  0.32600    
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -5.020e-01  1.103e+00  -0.455  0.64908    
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -1.302e+00  1.137e+00  -1.146  0.25196    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -1.683e+00  2.201e+03  -0.001  0.99939    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -2.258e-01  1.074e+00  -0.210  0.83350    
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        2.739e-03  7.087e-02   0.039  0.96918    
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -5.878e-02  1.514e+00  -0.039  0.96903    

glm(formula = good_contact ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings[group_codings$contact, 

Coefficients: (4 not defined because of singularities)
                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)                                  2.657e+01  3.180e+05   0.000    1.000
personalTRUE                                 2.318e+01  3.994e+05   0.000    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE                             2.150e+02  4.055e+05   0.001    1.000
warning_first_msgTRUE                        1.031e-06  4.695e+05   0.000    1.000
is_shared_ipTRUE                                    NA         NA      NA       NA
is_anonTRUE                                 -4.101e-06  3.978e+05   0.000    1.000
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -1.397e-07  2.045e+04   0.000    1.000
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   4.700e-07  8.726e+04   0.000    1.000
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE           2.450e+01  3.546e+05   0.000    1.000
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                       NA         NA      NA       NA
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                            NA         NA      NA       NA
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg           -2.487e+01  1.100e+05   0.000    1.000
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      6.865e+00  1.122e+05   0.000    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -8.425e+01  6.546e+05   0.000    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                   NA         NA      NA       NA
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 8.286e+01  5.970e+05   0.000    1.000
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -2.173e+01  3.032e+04  -0.001    0.999
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -1.764e+02  2.141e+05  -0.001    0.999

Stay = after_rating != NA
glm(formula = stay ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                  8.488e-01  4.926e-01   1.723  0.08487 . 
personalTRUE                                 3.852e-01  8.540e-01   0.451  0.65198   
nodirectivesTRUE                            -1.355e+00  8.111e-01  -1.670  0.09483 . 
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -4.982e-01  4.695e-01  -1.061  0.28864   
is_shared_ipTRUE                             2.044e+00  1.160e+00   1.763  0.07793 . 
is_anonTRUE                                 -1.400e+00  5.377e-01  -2.604  0.00922 **
ns0_edits_before_msg                         1.445e-01  6.520e-02   2.217  0.02664 * 
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   1.291e+01  6.806e+02   0.019  0.98487   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -5.680e-01  7.115e-01  -0.798  0.42467   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -1.602e+00  1.499e+00  -1.069  0.28528   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     5.773e-01  8.556e-01   0.675  0.49982   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            3.466e-03  1.092e-01   0.032  0.97469   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -1.280e+01  6.806e+02  -0.019  0.98500   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       5.734e-01  6.814e-01   0.841  0.40008   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -1.863e-01  1.667e+00  -0.112  0.91102   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 1.031e+00  7.914e-01   1.303  0.19265   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        1.365e-01  1.113e-01   1.226  0.22014   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  3.564e+00  1.364e+03   0.003  0.99792   

Active = edits_after_msg_3days > 0
glm(formula = active ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                    0.05409    0.45169   0.120  0.90467   
personalTRUE                                  -0.19433    0.75601  -0.257  0.79714   
nodirectivesTRUE                              -0.18931    0.76389  -0.248  0.80427   
warning_first_msgTRUE                          0.50476    0.51490   0.980  0.32693   
is_shared_ipTRUE                               1.62321    0.90530   1.793  0.07297 . 
is_anonTRUE                                   -1.67181    0.54857  -3.048  0.00231 **
ns0_edits_before_msg                           0.12650    0.05313   2.381  0.01726 * 
user_talk_edits_before_msg                    13.68369  662.08610   0.021  0.98351   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE            -0.77237    0.72535  -1.065  0.28696   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                 -0.80849    1.25175  -0.646  0.51835   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                       1.18071    0.82022   1.439  0.15001   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg              0.05985    0.10180   0.588  0.55659   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      -13.53138  662.08622  -0.020  0.98369   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE        -0.60431    0.70750  -0.854  0.39302   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE             -0.44021    1.33310  -0.330  0.74124   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                   0.88056    0.78699   1.119  0.26319   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg          0.05448    0.08475   0.643  0.52034   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg    2.83352 1348.97232   0.002  0.99832   

Warned_again = warnings_after_24hrs > 0
glm(formula = warned_again ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                                 -1.42443    0.56174  -2.536   0.0112 *
personalTRUE                                -1.22563    1.15233  -1.064   0.2875  
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.33578    0.86821   0.387   0.6989  
warning_first_msgTRUE                        0.51295    0.72228   0.710   0.4776  
is_shared_ipTRUE                             1.04161    1.29785   0.803   0.4222  
is_anonTRUE                                 -1.34389    0.71332  -1.884   0.0596 .
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -0.02904    0.06378  -0.455   0.6489  
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.85560    0.75466   1.134   0.2569  
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -0.40517    0.97657  -0.415   0.6782  
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -1.50810    1.77737  -0.849   0.3962  
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     2.32615    1.22779   1.895   0.0581 .
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.04629    0.07163   0.646   0.5182  
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -0.30669    0.83109  -0.369   0.7121  
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -0.71662    0.93377  -0.767   0.4428  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE            0.77636    1.63103   0.476   0.6341  
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                 0.45627    0.95092   0.480   0.6314  
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.09237    0.08317   1.111   0.2667  
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  1.54019    1.44939   1.063   0.2879  

Blocked = blocked_after_msg_seconds != NA & blocked_after_msg_seconds < 604800
glm(formula = blocked ~ (personal + nodirectives) * (warning_first_msg + 
    is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + user_talk_edits_before_msg), 
    family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = group_codings)

                                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                                 -3.123e+00  1.047e+00  -2.984  0.00285 **
personalTRUE                                -1.723e+01  3.961e+03  -0.004  0.99653   
nodirectivesTRUE                            -1.744e+01  4.962e+03  -0.004  0.99720   
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -7.619e-01  8.951e-01  -0.851  0.39467   
is_shared_ipTRUE                             3.735e-01  1.285e+00   0.291  0.77133   
is_anonTRUE                                  9.607e-01  1.182e+00   0.813  0.41620   
ns0_edits_before_msg                        -1.152e-03  5.386e-02  -0.021  0.98294   
user_talk_edits_before_msg                  -1.501e+01  5.249e+03  -0.003  0.99772   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -4.568e-01  1.749e+00  -0.261  0.79390   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                6.853e-01  2.019e+00   0.339  0.73428   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     1.598e+01  3.961e+03   0.004  0.99678   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            8.003e-02  7.009e-02   1.142  0.25353   
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -1.586e+00  6.195e+03   0.000  0.99980   
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE       7.619e-01  3.887e+03   0.000  0.99984   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -3.735e-01  8.060e+03   0.000  0.99996   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -9.607e-01  4.645e+03   0.000  0.99983   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        1.152e-03  4.030e+02   0.000  1.00000   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg  1.501e+01  1.080e+04   0.001  0.99889   

glm(formula = ns0_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

                                            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                                  1.91429    0.85725   2.233 0.026243 *  
personalTRUE                                -0.46038    1.47370  -0.312 0.754946    
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.73790    1.47350   0.501 0.616873    
warning_first_msgTRUE                        0.32790    0.93548   0.351 0.726183    
is_shared_ipTRUE                             1.32866    1.82229   0.729 0.466472    
is_anonTRUE                                 -1.39901    1.02651  -1.363 0.173890    
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.06827    0.05015   1.361 0.174346    
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.05021    0.86366   0.058 0.953681    
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -1.06493    1.37909  -0.772 0.440572    
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE               -1.31611    2.49043  -0.528 0.597543    
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     0.88126    1.58964   0.554 0.579712    
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.41250    0.07838   5.263 2.62e-07 ***
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg     -0.03094    1.05164  -0.029 0.976546    
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -1.40886    1.32538  -1.063 0.288599    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -1.26838    2.66648  -0.476 0.634633    
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.32296    1.52060  -0.212 0.831941    
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg        0.40219    0.10949   3.673 0.000281 ***
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -2.15759    2.43838  -0.885 0.376911    

glm(formula = user_talk_edits_after_msg ~ (personal + nodirectives) * 
    (warning_first_msg + is_shared_ip + is_anon + ns0_edits_before_msg + 
        user_talk_edits_before_msg), data = group_codings)

                                             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)                                  0.363334   0.249594   1.456  0.14646   
personalTRUE                                -0.292572   0.429076  -0.682  0.49582   
nodirectivesTRUE                             0.992960   0.429016   2.315  0.02128 * 
warning_first_msgTRUE                       -0.015913   0.272369  -0.058  0.95345   
is_shared_ipTRUE                            -0.371982   0.530569  -0.701  0.48376   
is_anonTRUE                                  0.004312   0.298874   0.014  0.98850   
ns0_edits_before_msg                         0.001897   0.014601   0.130  0.89670   
user_talk_edits_before_msg                   0.335801   0.251460   1.335  0.18270   
personalTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE          -0.211698   0.401528  -0.527  0.59840   
personalTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE                0.170701   0.725100   0.235  0.81404   
personalTRUE:is_anonTRUE                     0.096056   0.462832   0.208  0.83572   
personalTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg            0.043509   0.022820   1.907  0.05748 . 
personalTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg      0.855420   0.306190   2.794  0.00553 **
nodirectivesTRUE:warning_first_msgTRUE      -0.474142   0.385891  -1.229  0.22010   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_shared_ipTRUE           -0.250105   0.776359  -0.322  0.74755   
nodirectivesTRUE:is_anonTRUE                -0.718469   0.442730  -1.623  0.10562   
nodirectivesTRUE:ns0_edits_before_msg       -0.009917   0.031879  -0.311  0.75594   
nodirectivesTRUE:user_talk_edits_before_msg -0.748478   0.709947  -1.054  0.29256