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User:Edoardo Deplano

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it-N Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
sc-4 Custu impitadore faeddat su sardu in manera perfeta.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
la-3 Hic usor probe ac Latine conferre potest.
grc-2 Ὅδε ὁ χρώμενος μέσην γνῶσιν τῆς ἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς ἔχει.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
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Welcome to E. D.'s global page!
This page is hosted here and gets displayed on every Wikipedia site I have logged to.

I really like learning and studying - this is the reason I started editing Wikipedia and, after five years, I made an account.

I love reading, petting my cats, and listening to music.
I know a bit about literature, philology, linguistic, and classical music.

I'm from Sardinia, Italy and I speak, read and write in some languages I can contribute with.