User:EGalvez (WMF)/Sandbox/Wikimetrics cohort names
Process of Cohort Validation in Wikimetrics
[edit]The process of naming, uploading, and validating cohort usernames is currently a bit complicated. This page is here to help you with this process. The overall process is roughly the following:
- create your cohort file
- upload file to wikimetrics, one file per project
- edit or fix cohort file so that all users are valid
Importantly, once a cohort name is created on Wikimetrics, you cannot name another cohort the same name. Because of this, you may want to name your cohorts a generic name (i.e. test1, cohort1, etc.) until the cohort works. Once all your usernames are valid, or when you are happy with the number of usernames/userIDs that are valid, upload your cohort using the format below.
Wikimetrics - Naming your Cohort File
[edit]As the number of users increases on Wikimetrics, making sure that everyone is using unique file names is very important. This is especially important as cohort sharing becomes enabled and users need to be able to identify what the file contains. Please alter/edit the File Codes below as needed, or add additional ones. However, be aware that many people will be using these codes and changing them frequently may result in confusion.
A Wikimetrics cohort filename format should follow (as closely as possible):
- [Program Name]_[Entity]_[Site/Event]_[StartDate]_[Project]
- Eshop_SW_Morogoro_Mar212015_swwiki
[Program Name]
[edit]The Program Name is the type of Wikimedia Program (see Glossary).
Program Name | File Code |
Wikipedia Education Program | WEP |
WikiLoves Monuments | WLM |
WikiTakes | WT |
WikiExpeditions | WExp |
Content Donations | CoDo |
Edit-a-thons | EThon |
Editing Workshop | EShop |
Writing Contest | WCtests |
WikiCup | WCup |
GLAM initiatives | GLAM |
Add a new program here | ?? |
[edit]The Entity is the organization who organized the event (not funded).
Entity | File Code | Entity | File Code | Entity | File Code |
Amical Wikimedia | AMICAL | Wikimedia Suomi | FI | Wikimedia Polska | PL |
Wikimedia Armenia | AM | Wikimédia France | FR | Wikimedia Portugal | PT |
Wikimedia Argentina | AR | Wikimedia Hong Kong | HK | Викимедија Србије | RS |
Wikimedia Österreich | AT | Wikimédia Magyarország | HU | Викимедиа РУ | RU |
Wikimedia Australia | AU | Wikimedia Indonesia | ID | Wikimedia Sverige | SE |
Wikimedia Bangladesh | BD | Wikimedia Israel | IL | Wikimedia Taiwan | TW |
Wikimedia Canada | CA | Wikimedia India | IN | Вікімедіа Україна | UA |
Wikimedia Switzerland | CH | Wikimedia Italia | IT | Wikimedia UK | UK |
Wikimedia Chile | CL | Викимедија Македонија | MK | DC Wikimedia District of Columbia | US-DC |
Wikimedia Česká republika | CZ | Wikimedia Macau | MO | NYC Wikimedia New York City | US-NYC |
Wikimedia Deutschland | DE | Wikimedia México | MX | Wikimedia Uruguay | UY |
Wikimedia Danmark | DK | Wikimedia Nederland | NL | Wikimedia Venezuela | VE |
Wikimedia Eesti | EE | Wikimedia Norge | NO | Wikimedia South Africa | ZA |
Wikimedia España | ES | Wikimedia Philippines | PH | Add a new entity here | ?? |
[edit]You may number or name your different sites or program locations for which you implement a particular program in this field if necessary. It is suggested you keep this label short and use the Description box for additional information you may need to note.
[edit]DDMonYY ...where DD is the numeric day of the month, Mon is the first three alpha letters of the month, and YY is the numeric for the year’s last two digits. If the exact day does not matter (for example with WLMs)
NOTE: You may want to only use the MonYY in your cohort name.
[edit]Wikimetrics is not yet able to process the same cohort through different projects. Thus, you would need to upload the same cohort, but select a different project for each file name.
The easiest way to label the project is to use the two-letter language identifier (i.e. "en" for the English Wikipedia), followed by "wiki." So:
- enwiki = English Wikipedia
- dewiki = German Wikipedia
- jawiki = Japanese Wikiepedia
For Commons, "Wikicommons" is used.
Invalid Users
[edit]Usernames can be tricky with Wikimetrics. Sometimes they work fine, other times they do not. There is a range of reasons why usernames might not work. This section will help you identify what may be the problem with your usernames.
The most common problems include:
- Incorrect spelling
- User deleted or changed their username
- Capitalization
- Spaces versus underscores
- Symbol was not recognized by Wikimetrics
- Trailing spaces after usernames are present
- Hidden formatting is present
User deleted or changed their username
[edit]- Solution: Search for “user:[username]” in the project’s search box to check for correct spelling and/or whether the user changed or deleted their username. If you happen to have their email address, try to confirm the user's information.
Spaces versus underscores
[edit]- Solution: Try both spaces and underscores. If you have MS Word, you can use the "Find > Replace" function to replace spaces with underscores, and vice versa.
Example 1 -> Example_1
Symbol was not recognized by Wikimetrics
[edit]- Solution: Email the Wikimetrics mailing list and let them know which symbol is the problem.
Trailing spaces and/or hidden formatting
[edit]- Solution: Copy/paste your cohort into a word processor and select the option to "reveal formatting" so you can see what kind of hidden formatting exists. If you continue to have issues with hidden formatting, contact the Wikimetrics mailing list.