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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
# Scope:
#   Perl script automating blocking on [[Meta:WikiProject on open proxies]].
#   Opens all pages with IP's to block so that the administrator is only
#   required to click the "block" button.
#   Simplifies work of administrators of non-English language projects
#   (can change links from en.wikibooks to de.wikibooks and so on).
# Usage:
#   1. Open [[Meta:WikiProject on open proxies/Reviewed]] in your browser and
#      select "View source" option.
#   2. Save HTML source to "blockinput.html" file in the directory where you
#      store this script (you save only part of the table,
#      this need not to be a valid HTML file). You may divide the list into parts,
#      save only one part and repeat the procedure, because your browser may
#      die if you choose too many IP's.
#   3. Set $out_domain here to project you want to block on (eg. "en.wiktionary.org")
#   4. Run this script ("./block-extract-pl" or "perl block-extract.pl")   
#   5. Open "openToBlockAll.html" file in your browser. It will open many windows
#      and autmatically click the "block" button. Page first opened in browser
#      will be closed.
# Note:
#   You will need JavaScript for the script to be able to run. If no windows/tabs
#   with block form are opened, try disabling pop-up blocker in your browser.
# Author:
#   [[User:Derbeth]]
# License:
#   2-clause BSD, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
# Version:
#   0.5

my $in_domain = "en.wikipedia.org";
my $out_domain = "pl.wikipedia.org";

open IN, "blockInput.html";
open OUT, ">openToBlockAll.html";

print OUT <<HTML;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
 <script type="text/javascript">
function openAllBlockPages() {
	var pages=new Array(

while (<IN>) {
	if( m|"(http://$in_domain/w/index.php\?title=Special:Blockip&wpBlockAddress=[^"]+)"| ) { #"{ 
		$_ = $1;
		s/wpAnonOnly=1/wpAnonOnly=0/; # do we really need sockpuppets creation from anon proxies?
		print OUT "'$_',\n";

print OUT <<HTML;
	for (x in pages) {
		if( pages[x] != '' ) window.open(pages[x]);
 <body onload="openAllBlockPages();">
