User:Daniel Mietchen/Schedule
[edit]This page contains the public elements of my schedule until early 2014, continued from Wikimedian in Residence on Open Science/Events. Italics: attendance planned but not confirmed yet. Bold: attendance confirmed. Others only followed from afar. I have since stopped using this page because it did not fit with my workflows any more. As of 2017, a better place to find information related to events of interest to me is on GitHub.
[edit]- de:Wissenschaftsjahr: "Digitale Gesellschaft"
[edit]- February/ March: OKF-DE Arbeitstreffen
- February 20-22: 3rd Citizen Cyberscience Summit, London
- February 22: Open Data Day
- February 26: FB3 kick-off, MfN
- February 28: Report on participation in 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
- March 3: Deadline for submissions to the Public Consultation on the review of the EU copyright rules - see help from
- March 3-4: SPARC 2014 Open Access Conference, Kansas City
- March 3-5: Co-Science book sprint, Hannover
- March 11: Presentation of books sprint at CeBit, Hannover
- March 13: Mozilla Science call, online (last shinding)
- March 14-16: Auswahlseminar Weimar II
- March 17: Deadline for full paper submissions for Archiving 2014
- March 17-19: Science Centre World Summit 2014, Mechelen
- March 17-21: pro-iBiosphere hackathon, Leiden
- attending 17-19
- March 23-24: EduWiki 2014, Belgrade
- March 25-27: Leibniz & Science 2.0 conference - Wikimedia workshop
- attending 25-26
- March 26-28: Research Data Alliance 3rd Plenary Meeting, Dublin
- March 29: Post for the Wikimedia blog, Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/PLOS Computational Biology's Topic Pages (2nd anniversary of 1st page)
- March 31: Deadline for Individual Engagement Grants and Wikimania submissions
- April 1-2: JATS-Con, Bethesda
- April 10-13: Wikimedia Conference 2014, Berlin
- April 20: Submission deadline for WikiSym - call
- May 1: Shuttleworth Foundation application deadline
- May 9-11: Zürich Hackathon 2014
- May 13-16: Archiving 2014, Berlin
- May 29-June 1: WikiDACH2014, Schwerin
- June 2-3: COASP 2014, Bangkok
- June 9-13: pro-iBiosphere Final Event, Bouchout Castle
- June 18-20: Museum Next, Newcastle
- June 27-29: EHSM, Hamburg
- July 11-15: ISMB 2014, Boston
- July 15-18: OKFestival 2014, Berlin
- August 6-11: Wikimania 2014, London
- August 27-29: WikiSym, Berlin
- September 7-10: ECCB 2014, Strasbourg
- September 8-12: DigitalSpecimen 2014, Berlin
- September 22-24: Research Data Aliiance 4th Plenary Meeting, Amsterdam
- October 24-26: Mozfest, London
- November 6-7: Zugang gestalten, Berlin
[edit]Bold: attended. Others: events whose planning and outcomes I was/ am following, or even contributing to.
[edit]- February 16-19: 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco
- January 15: EFF/WMF posts on OA -
- January 15: Signpost piece on NISO/OAMI - Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2014-01-15/Op-ed
[edit]- February 10-13: pro-iBiosphere Berlin Workshops
- January 31: Submission deadline for JATS-Con
- January 30-31: "Erfolgreiches Journal-Management: Qualität und Reputation" at Leibniz, Berlin - talk
- December 21: Submission deadline for Archiving 2014 - submissions
- December 19: Apply for travel support for ISMB 2014 - done (successful)
- December 19: Submit report D3.3.1 on semantic enrichment of biodiversity literature
- December 12-14: Open Access – Konsequenzen und Chancen für Museen und Sammlungen, Dessau
- December 12: Apply for travel support for Biophysical Society meeting - request
- December 11: Tech 4 Open mini-summit, London
- December 4: AGH-OA Anhörung
- November 29: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Jena
- November 28: Jahrestagung Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Berlin - talk
- November 28-29: Zugang gestalten, Berlin
- November 26-27: Annual Colloquium HGS MathComp, Speyer - talk
- November 22-24: WikiCon 2013
- November 21-22: OKF-DE retreat, Berlin
- November 21: OKFest meetup, Berlin
- November 19-20: Berlin 11 Open Access Conference, Berlin
- November 18: Student and Early Stage Researcher Satellite Conference to Berlin 11 Open Access Meeting, Berlin - workshop on Signalling OA-ness on Wikipedia
- November 14-17: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2013, Modra - talk (remotely)
- November 11-13: 6. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Karlsruhe
- November 8-9: Wikipedia symposium, ZEW, Mannheim - talk
- November 6-8: ICT 2013, Vilnius
- October 28-November 1: TDWG 2013, Florence
- October 29: Talk at TAU Medical School - remotely via Hangout
- October 21-27: Open Access Week 2013
- October 26-27: PLOS Computational Biology Editorial Board meeting
- October 23-27: Elevate Festival, Graz
- October 22: impromptu JATS user group meeting - talk
- October 21: Kick-off event for Open Access Week 2013 at the World Bank
- October 13-19: 10th Solanaceae Conference, Beijing
- October 11-13: ScienceOnline: Oceans, Miami
- October 10-12: Article-level Metrics workshop, San Francisco
- October 8-11: Pro-iBiosphere meeting, Berlin
- October 9: BRAGI, Potsdam - talk
- October 6: Wikipedia:Workshop Köln
- October 5-6: WikiConference Yerevan 2013
- October 1-2: Open-Access-Tage, Hamburg
- September 26-29: Tagung Verband Botanischer Gärten 2013, Frankfurt (Main)
- September 22-27: XVIth European Carabidologists meeting, Prague
- September 24-26: Second BiodiversityKnowledge Conference, Berlin - remotely
- September 18-20: COASP 2013, Riga
- September 17-18: OKCon 2013, Geneva - remotely
- September 16-18: Second Plenary of the Research Data Alliance, Washington
- September 14-15: OER-Konferenz 2013, Berlin - talk
- September 9-13: 43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Potsdam - talk on data publishing on Sep 11
- September 12: Université d'été du GFII, Nancy
- September 8-10: Seventh International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, Chicago
- September 7-8: Jugend hackt
- September 4-6: I know 2013
- September 3-6: European Biodiversity Informatics Conference 2013, Rome
- September: ISMTE/EASE 2013
- August 31: Long Night of Museums, Berlin
- September 28: Wikimedia workshop at the German National Library of Economics, Hamburg
- August 21-24: Creative Commons Global Summit, Buenos Aires
- August 12: Visit to the Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen - talk
- August 7-11: Wikimania 2013, Hong Kong - my session proposals
- August 5-7: WikiSym/OpenSym, Hong Kong - two talks
- August 1-4: Treffen der Redaktion Biologie, Kašperské Hory
- July 29-August 4: 18th European Congress of Lepidopterology, Blagoevgrad
- July 22-23: Science in Public 2013, Nottingham
- July 19-23: ISMB/ECCB 2013, Berlin
- July 12-14: NightScience, Paris
- July 6-7: BMJ Hackday, London
- July 6: Hack4ac, London - GitHub thread
- July 5: Visit to CrossRef, Oxford
- June 27: User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/Zoologisches Kolloquium JenaTalk at Zoological Colloquium, Jena
- June 24: Open Data Day, Berlin
- June 21-23: Die Römer kommen!, Braunschweig
- June 19-21: OAI8, Geneva - breakout session
- June 20: Editathon at the Chemical Heritage Foundation
- June 20: Wikimedia workshop at EPFL, Lausanne
- June 17-20: NoWNANO Summer Conference, Manchester
- June 12: Publishing, evolution, disruption & the future, Edinburgh, via Webcast #pubconf
- June 12: Science 2.0 meeting, ZEW, Mannheim - talk
- June 10: ScholarLib meeting at GESIS, Köln
- June 8-9: Ada Camp San Francisco
- June 8: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin - incl. Science Tweetup
- June 8: Edit-a-thon 1864, Copenhagen (remotely)
- June 7-9: WikiConference UK 2013, Lincoln
- June 6-8: European Network of Science Centres and Museums, Gothenburg, Sweden
- June 6-7: „Keine Angst vor Wissenschaft!“, Rostock
- June 6: PLOS Tech and OKFN-SF meetups, San Francisco - remotely
- June 6: Defiant Requiem performance, Prague
- June 5: Journée d’étude « Wikipédia et la science », Paris
- June 1-2: SciCamp, Berlin - remotely
- May 27-31: Science Festival, Ljubljana
- May 30: Editathon at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda (remotely)
- May 27-29: Global Research Council meeting, Berlin
- May 28: Editathon at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda (remotely)

- May 26: Offener Sonntag bei Wikimedia Deutschland, Berlin
- May 24-26: Amsterdam Hackathon 2013, Amsterdam
- May 25: Zedler-Preis 2013, Berlin
- May 24: Meeting with "MS Wissenschaft" team in Berlin
- May 21-24: Journées Internationales sur la Communication, l’Éducation et la Culture Scientifiques, Techniques et Industrielles, Chamonix
- May 23: Brainstorming for a history project, via Skype
- May 21-23: Pro-iBiosphere meeting 3, Berlin
- May 22: Now and Future of Data Publishing 2013, Oxford
- May 21: Knowledge Exchange meeting on Open Knowledge, Utrecht
- May 20: Visiting "MS Wissenschaft" in Magdeburg
- May 15-16: Effizienter Staat, Berlin
- May 13-14: MuseumNext 2013, Amsterdam
- May 9-12: Treffen der Redaktion Chemie, Mainz
- May 6-8: re:publica 2013, Berlin
- May 4-5: Rankinglisten als Steuerungsmedium von Hochschulpolitik, Bielefeld - talk on Open Science, via Skype
- May 3-5: Wikimedia Polska Konferencja 2013, Kraków
- May 3: GLAMout on authority control, via G+
- April 29: Meeting at Phyletisches Museum, Jena

- April 18-21: Wikimedia Conference 2013, Milan
- April 16: Helmholtz online meeting, Jülich - talk
- April 15-18: ALTER-Net Conference 2013: Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, Ghent
- April 12-14: GLAM:WIKI UK, London - talk
- April 3-5: Mental Health Throughout Life, Hannover - conference report
- March 23: Naturkundemuseum & Wikimedia - meeting about collaboration for an exhibition, Berlin
- March 22, Missa Charles Darwin, Naturkundemuseum Berlin
- March 19-20: Wissensorganisation’13, Potsdam
- March 19-20: Beyond the PDF 2, Amsterdam
- March 18-19: Perspektiven auf Natur: Praktiken, Orte, Repräsentationen, Berlin
- March 16: Long Night of Museums, Berlin
- March 16: Wikidata trifft Archäologie 2013, Berlin
- March 15: Meeting in Naturkundemuseum Berlin - talk
- March 8-10: de.GLAMwiki 2013
- March 7-9: OKF-DE retreat
- March 4-6: "InetBib 2013", Berlin - talk
- March 2: Wikimedia meets School of Open, Berlin
- March 2: Wikimedia Italy member meeting, Milano
- February 26-27: EMEA Regional Council Meeting, Strasbourg
- February 26: Wikimedia Research Newsletter
- February 22-25: Wiki Academy Kosovo - two talks, GLAM panel, mentor, jury member for photo competition
- February 23: Open Data Day, worldwide
- February 18-22: BioSyst.EU 2013 conference, Vienna
- February 14-15: Kick-off meeting for
- February 11-15: EU BON kick-off meeting, Berlin
- February 6-8: NZ AU Open Research
- January 31-February 2: Science Online North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- January 29-30: Academic Publishing in Europe - "The Funding of Publishing. Changes and Consequences for Science and Society", Berlin
- January 18: Wikipedia day at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala - talk
- January 8: Wikimedia workshop at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
[edit]- December 27-30: Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg - talk
- December 7-16: 10th Creative Commons celebrate 10th birthday, global - planning
- December 12-14: Downscaling Science, Hannover - conference report
- December 8: Creative Commons Meetup in Berlin
- December 7: eLife Open house, Jena
- December 1: Mitgliederversammlung 2012.2 des Hackspace Jena
- November 28-30: Evolution of FORM: Constraints - Adaptation, Paris
- November 26-28: Wissenswerte 2012, Bremen
- November 22-23: The 7th Munin Conference on Scientific Publishing 2012 - New Trends, Tromsø

- November 22: Talk at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena
- November 15-16: Summit of New Thinking - Open Strategies, Berlin
- November 11-12: Science Online London - session proposals
- November 10-11: Шестая Вики-конференция, Moscow
- November 10: FIfF 2012, Fulda - Workshop on Social Web Pathologies
- November 7-10: 32nd Annual Charleston Conference Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, SC
- November 8: Public hearing on OER, Berlin
- November 6-8: Berlin 10 Conference, Stellenbosch
- November 6-7: APA 2012, Friscati
- November 4-7: 2012 Virtual Paleontology session, Geological Society of America meeting, Charlotte, NC
- November 1: Meeting at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena
- October 31: Meetup Hacks/Hackers Berlin #4, Berlin
- October 28-31: 23rd CODATA InternationalConference, Taipei
- October 25-26: Berlin Colloquium for Internet and Society, Berlin
- October 22-28: Open Access Week 2012
- October 22-26: TDWG 2012 Annual Conference, Beijing
- October 22-23: Zugang gestalten, Berlin
- October 22-23: International Society of Managing and Technical Editors, Fifth Annual European Conference, Oxford - talk
- October 19-20: Open Science Summit at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View
- October 19: Wikipedia Workshop on Women in Science at the Royal Society, London
- October 18-21: Educamp 2012, Ilmenau
- October 17: ORCID Outreach Meeting, Berlin
- October 17: Science Online New York City, New York
- October 17-20: Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) 2012, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
- October 16: Switching to OA - facilitating an offline discussion on how subscription journals can switch to Open Access
- October 15: DINI-/Helmholtz-Workshop on author identification/ ORCID, Berlin
- October 13-14: Datenspuren 2012, Dresden
- October 10-14: Fête de la Science, Paris
- October 10-14: Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt/ Main
- October 10-12: Occupy Impact, Montreal
- October 8, 2012: Workshop Analyzing and Improving Collaborative eScience with Social Networks (eSoN 12), Chicago
- October 3-8: Creative Commons meeting on Open Policy Institute and School of Open, Mountain View
- September 30: Submission deadline for Summit of New Thinking - Open Strategies, Berlin
- September 30: Early registration deadline for Berlin 10
- September 28: Tschiltan in concert, Leipzig
- September 27-October 1: Limeskongress 2012, Hesselbach
- September 24-29: Jubiläumstagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
- September 26-28: The Memory of the World in the Digital age: Digitization and Preservation, Vancouver
- September 24-28: Social Media Week, Berlin & al.
- September 27: Webcast: Connecting the Dots between Open Access and Open Educational Resources
Tram line 14 to CERN at Bel Air in Geneva - September 26-27: Open Access Tage 2012, Vienna
- September 24-26: DigitalFossil 2012, Berlin - 1 talk and 2 workshops
- September 24-25: Leipzig Semantic Web Day 2012
- September 17-22: Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki, will attend part of it remotely, e.g. a panel on science communication on Wednesday 19
- September 19-21: COASP 2012, Budapest - talk
- September 15-16: GLAM-WIKI 2012, London
- September 15: Abstract submission deadline for Evolution of FORM: Constraints - Adaptation, Paris
- September 14-18: 127. Versammlung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e. V. (GDNÄ), Göttingen
- September 14-16: OER Camp, Bremen - will attend part of it remotely, with a talk based on the one from the OER Congress
- September 9-12: European Conference on Computational Biology, Basel - Tutorial: Editing Wikipedia for Scientists, with Alex Bateman
- September 7-8: Infocamp 2012, Chur
- September 2-7: Subterranean Biology Conference, Košice
- September 5-6: EduWiki Conference, Leicester
- September 5: Talk at CERN, Geneva
- August 31-Sep 2: WikiCon 2012, Dornbirn - contributions
- August 28-Sep 1: 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology, Glasgow

- August 26-30: 9th Solanaceae Conference, Neuchâtel - Wikipedia tutorial
- August 27-29: WikiSym, Linz
- August 25: Lange Nacht der Museen in Berlin
- August 23-24: General Assembly of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, Berlin
- August 22-24: 3rd VIVO conference, Miami
- August 11-12: SciCamp, Essen
- August 1-3: Conference on Science and the Internet, Düsseldorf - talk
- July 12-15: Wikimania 2012, Washington DC; involved with: Science GLAM (presenter); Open Access Media Importer (presenter); Wikipedia & Research: A love-hate relationship (panel participant); Wiki Journal (presenter at unconference)
- July 11: National Center for Biotechnology Information - talk
- July 11: Smithsonian Institution - talk
- July 12: GLAM Night Out at the Newseum - talk
GLAM Night Out. That slide. - July 14: Mycoflora in North America workshop, Yale - talk (remotely)
- July 11-15: Euroscience Open Forum 2012, Dublin
- July 9-13: Open Repositories Conference 2012, Edinburgh
- July 6: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden
- July 3: Skype chat with Arne Upmeier of the German Library Association on GLAM, Wikipedia Loves Libraries and German policy initiatives pertaining to Open Access, Open research and Open Educational Resources
- June 20 - July 3: Open content licensing for educators 2012.06, online at WikiEducator
- July 1: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Halle
- June 29-July 1: Wikipedia Academy, Berlin
- June 29: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Leipzig
- June 23-27: Cyto 2012, Leipzig
- June 25: Annual conference of the German Sustainability Council, Berlin
- June 23-24: Open Access Hackday, online
- June 20-22: World Open Educational Resources Congress, Paris - talk
- June 19: Open Access Week Kick-off Webcast, online
- June 15: Application deadline for To Think, To Write, To Publish
- June 14: Webinar "referencing in the wiki age"
- June 14: Virtual visitors - talk by Melissa Terras at British Museum (via live stream)
- June 5-6: Hack4Europe, Berlin
- June 1-3: Wikimedia Germany developers' meeting, Berlin
- June 2: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin, Potsdam and Wildau
- May 25: European Open Data Conference, Nantes - talk
- May 23-24: Museum Next conference, Barcelona
- May 22: Science communication meeting, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig
- May 17-20: Wikipedia:Redaktion Biologie/Alternatives Treffen 2012, Jena
- May 8-10: Informare, Berlin
- May 2-4: re:publica - ACT!ON, social media festival, Berlin
- April 28/29: Lange Nacht der Museen in Hamburg - Tschiltan in concert
- April 28: Lange Nacht der Museen in Düsseldorf
- April 26: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Rostock
- April 22-27: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna
- April 21: Lange Nacht der Museen in Frankfurt and Offenbach
- Lange Nacht der Museen in Heidelberg and Mannheim
- April 20-21: Turkic Wikimedia Conference 2012, Almaty - talk
- April 16-18: Open CourseWare Consortium Global Conference 2012, Cambridge, UK
- April 13-14: Third International Conference on Open Access in Poland, Bydgoszcz - talk
- April 9: Lange Nacht der Museen in Stuttgart
- Mar 30- April 1: Wikimedia Conference 2012, Berlin
- March 27: 76th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Berlin - talk
- Mar 20-25: Eurodoc 2012, Kraków
- Mar 15-18: Leipziger Buchmesse 2012
- Mar 11-13: SPARC Open Access Conference, Kansas City. Keynote by John Wilbanks
- March 5-10: Open Education Week
- Feb 14: Budapest Open Access Initiative 10th Anniversary, Budapest
- Jan 28: Lange Nacht der Museen in Berlin
- Jan 24-25: Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2012), Berlin - talk Transforming the way we publish research (traffic stats)
[edit]- June 1: Deadline for session proposals at OKFestival. Recycle some of the ESOF 2012 ideas?
- June 1: Lange Nacht der Museen in Jena
- Dec 14-15: DataONE Workshop on Data Governance, Washington, DC - Notes
- Dec 5-7: 7th International Digital Curation Conference, Bristol, UK
- Dec 2-4: 2nd GLAMcamp, Netherlands
- Nov 29-30: National Digital Forum, Wellington (remotely)
- Nov 17-19: World Science Forum 2011, Budapest - session on Open Science
- Nov 15: Open Access Week 2011 wrap up
- Nov 9-10: OERu Anchor Partner Meeting, remotely
- Nov 8-9: APA 2011, London
- Nov 8-10: Berlin 9 Open Access Conference, Washington, DC
- Oct 29-30: SciBarCamp Vienna, running session on Open Access and Open Science on Oct 29, remotely via Skype and Etherpad
- Oct 25-28: 1st Berlin Symposium on Internet and Society
- Oct 22-23: Open Science Summit 2011, remotely - talk: Wikimedia and Open Science (traffic stats, video)
- Oct 11, 12.30pm ET (4:30pm UTC): Almost Wikipedia: What Eight Collaborative Encyclopedia Projects Reveal About Mechanisms of Collective Action - a talk by Benjamin Mako Hill, via webcast
- Oct 4-5: Open-Access-Tage 2011, Regensburg - two talks: Biodiversity Data Publishing and keynote on A wiki approach to Open Access and Open Science
- Sep 26-28: PKP 2011, Berlin - talk on 27: A Wiki Approach to Open Access
- Sep 21-23: COASP 2011, Tallinn
- Sep 19: Talk at Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw - "Collaborative platforms for doing science in the open"
- Sep 16-18 Creative Commons Global Summit 2011, Warsaw
- Sep 17: Wikimedia and Open Access
- Sep 15: Open GLAM workshop, Warsaw
- Sep 9-11: WikiConvention 2011, Nuremberg - workshop: Wikimedia und Open Access (traffic stats)
- Sep 2-3, Science Online London 2011 - talk: Integrating wikis with scholarly workflows
- Aug 4-7: Wikimania 2011, Haifa - two talks:
- Aug 6: An open-access and open-data policy for projects of the Wikimedia Foundation (video; traffic stats)
- Aug 5: Barriers and opportunities for expert participation in Wikipedia: Results from a survey (video; traffic stats)
The following two talks were given shortly before the start of the Wikimedian in Residence on Open Science project and are closely related to it.
- Jul 1, Bloomsbury Conference on e-publishing 2011, London - talk: Wikis as a tool for publishing scholarly workflows
- Jun 30, OKCon 2011, Berlin - talk: Citing versioned sources