User:Commander Keane/Wishlist report/wish
import pywikibot, os, datetime, re
import mwparserfromhell as mwp
site = pywikibot.Site('meta', 'meta')
category_name = 'Category:Community Wishlist/Wishes'
cat = pywikibot.Category(site, category_name)
#Take the list and make the wikicode ready for saving to wiki
def genWikicode(list, big_total, req_number):
preamble_text = """
Discovered from the [[:Category:Community Wishlist/Wishes|Community Wishlist/Wishes]] category. \n
Support votes are extracted from support templates used on the talk page of wishes. \n
This report is English-centric.
"![*]" before the title indicates that a wish hasn't been translated into English. Can be a false positive if baselang isn't en but wish is written in en.
master_text = str(req_number) + ' wishes found! ' + preamble_text
master_text = master_text + '\nGenerated ' + str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) + '\n'
master_text = master_text + '{| class=\'wikitable sortable\'\n|-\n!Title\n!Talk page (# edits)\n!Status\n!Focus area\n!Order created\n![[File:Symbol support vote.svg|15px]]\n'
column_names = ['title', 'talk', 'status', 'area', 'order', 'votes']
for line in range(len(list)):
master_text = master_text + '|-\n'
for name in column_names:
master_text = master_text + '| ' + str(list[line][1][name]) + '\n'
master_text = master_text + '|}'
master_text = master_text + ' ' #Put page categories here
return master_text
#Returns string of translated title
def translatedTitle(page_object):
text = page_object.text
wikicode = mwp.parse(text)
templates = wikicode.filter_templates()
if not templates:
return 'error'
main_template = templates[0]
en_title = main_template.get("title").value.strip()
return en_title
def count_page_supports(text):
def filter_content(text):
text = strip_tag(text, "[Ss]")
text = strip_tag(text, "[Nn]owiki")
text = strip_tag(text, "[Ss]trike")
text = strip_tag(text, "[Dd]el")
text = re.sub(r"(?s)<!--.*?-->", "", text)
return text
def strip_tag(text, tag):
return re.sub(r"(?s)<%s>.*?</%s>" % (tag, tag), "", text)
cleaned_text = filter_content(text)
support_regex = re.compile(
r"{{\s*(?:%s)(\|.*)?\s*}}" % "|".join(support_templates), re.MULTILINE
num_votes = len(re.findall(support_regex, cleaned_text))
# List of valid templates
# They are taken from the page Commons:Polling_templates and some common redirects
support_templates = (
"[Kk]yllä", # First support + redirects
"[Ww]eak support",
"[Ww]eak [Ss]",
"[Aa] favore?",
"[Ss]trong support",
# Start main work
support_total = 0
number_of_wishes = 0
table = {}
list_new = [page for page in cat.newest_pages(total=None)] #total = 5 for testing, = None for full list
#list_new = [page for page in cat.articles(recurse=False, total=5)] #total=5 for testing
index = 1
for page in list_new:
supports = 0
focus_area = '' #seems to be an optional template parameter
orig_text = page.text
wikicode = mwp.parse(orig_text)
if "{{Community Wishlist/Wish" in wikicode:
templates = wikicode.filter_templates()
main_template = templates[0] #Assumes {{Community Wishlist/Wish}} comes first
title = main_template.get("title").value.strip() #Not currently used, we use Page Title instead
status = main_template.get("status").value.strip()
baselang = main_template.get("baselang").value.strip()
focus_area = main_template.get("area").value.strip()
except Exception:
print('No focus area found') #NOT ACTUALLY PRINTING ANYTHING
link_title = str(page.title())
#print('Origninal title: ' + link_title)
en_title = link_title + r'/en' #possible page to visit if orig was LOTE
disp_title = link_title[link_title.rfind('/') + 1:] #Default
en_title_obj = pywikibot.Page(site, title=en_title, ns=0)
en_ver_exists = en_title_obj.exists()
if en_ver_exists:
link_title = en_title
disp_title = translatedTitle(en_title_obj)
en_translation_needed = False
elif baselang != 'en':
en_translation_needed = True
en_translation_needed = False
talk_page = page.toggleTalkPage()
talk_page_exists = talk_page.exists()
talk_title = str(talk_page.title())
if talk_page_exists:
talk_revs = talk_page.revision_count() #includes bots
supports = count_page_supports(talk_page.text)
support_total = support_total + supports
talk_revs = 0
wikilinked_title = '[[' + link_title + '|' + disp_title + ']]'
wikilinked_talk_page_title = '[[' + talk_title + '|' + 'Discuss' + ']] (' + str(talk_revs) + ')'
if en_translation_needed:
wikilinked_title = '![*] ' + wikilinked_title
table[index] = {'title': wikilinked_title,
'talk': wikilinked_talk_page_title,
'status': status,
'area' : focus_area,
'votes': supports,
'order': index}
index += 1
except Exception:
print('Error in a wish found:' + str(page))
print("Page skipped, no template found")
list_table = list(table.items())
sorted_by_order = sorted(list_table, key = lambda x: x[1].get('order'), reverse=True)
sorted_by_votes = sorted(sorted_by_order, key = lambda x: x[1].get('votes'), reverse=True)
number_of_wishes = len(sorted_by_votes)
final_wikitext = genWikicode(sorted_by_votes, support_total, number_of_wishes)
file_name = 'wish_report.txt'
with open(file_name, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.writelines(final_wikitext)"File " + file_name + ' saved in: ' + os.getcwd()) str(number_of_wishes) + ' wishes were found')'From ' + str(number_of_wishes) + ' wishes with talk pages the grand total of support votes is: ' + str(support_total))'Generated ' + str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))