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User:Chlod (OCTG)

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Chlod Alejandro
Chlod Alejandro, Tagalog Translator
Chlod Alejandro
Tagalog Translator, WMF Translators Group

About me

Hello! I am Chlod (/ˈklɑːd/), a native Tagalog speaker living in the Philippines. I'm a Filipino raised in a bilingual environment, so I'm able to speak both English and Tagalog with native fluency.

I've been a Wikipedia volunteer for around 5 years, editing under the username "Chlod". I'm a student, software developer, and volunteer by heart. I make tools and gadgets for Wikipedia editors, and also write articles in my free time.

My work

I provide paid translation support for the Wikimedia Foundation's Wikimedia Foundation organization communications translators group. I am paid by the Foundation for translations made under this account.

I value the separation of my work as a volunteer and as a Foundation contractor, so I made this account to separate the two. I may also make translations made on my own time without compensation, you'll find those under my main account.

Disclaimer: I am not a Wikimedia Foundation employee, although I work with the WMF as a contractor. The Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.

Contact me

You can contact me through the following:

User language
tl-N Katutubo ng Tagalog ang tagagamit na ito.
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
Users by language