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An ex-miraheze cvt.Japanese high school student.To visit my local userpage,see here.

ja-N この利用者は日本語母語としています。
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
@This user can be reached by email.
The time of this user now is: 2025-03-02 09:28 UTC+9

This user has a page on the English Wikipedia.

NetbookThis user contributes using a netbook.
</>This user can write HTML.
WikiThis user can write wikitext.
Flag of JapanThis user comes from Japan.

About me


I'm mirahezian who live in Hyogo,Japan.

public e-mail→buehl106☆tuta.io(☆→@)

Wikimail to me will be redirected above.

For more contact info,see miraheze.


  • Japanese - native level
  • English - basic level(writing) intermediate level(reading)