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User:BZPN/Global ArbCom

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The Global Arbitration Committee (Arbitration Committee) is proposed to serve as the final appellate body for disputes within Wikimedia projects. It aims to address global disputes, appeals from local Arbitration Committees, and issues in projects lacking such committees.


  • The committee will consist of 14 members, elected for 12-month terms.
  • Candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Elections will be held annually, and all users meeting the criteria can vote.





Members will have access to the following permissions:

  • Viewing details of abuse log entries (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Viewing deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
  • Viewing deleted revisions without associated text (deletedhistory)
  • Viewing private abuse filters (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Searching deleted pages (browsearchive)
  • Viewing private abuse filter log entries (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Enabling two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)



Case submission and acceptance



  • The committee will conduct a thorough review, gathering evidence and statements from involved parties.
  • Cases will proceed through the following phases:
    1. Parties submit the case with relevant details.
    2. Arbitrators review the submissions and decide on case acceptance.
    3. Collection and examination of evidence.
    4. Arbitrators discuss and vote on the case.
    5. A decision is published, which includes the rationale and any imposed remedies.


  • Parties dissatisfied with a decision may file an appeal for reconsideration within 30 days.
  • Appeals are accepted if new evidence or significant procedural errors are identified.
  • A new panel of arbitrators will review the appeal to ensure impartiality.


  • Sensitive cases may be handled privately, with public disclosure limited to necessary details.
  • The committee communicates on-wiki or through a dedicated email list.