User:Amgine/BrowserOsDetect 0.2 alpha/Source
[edit]- tried sticking this in the script... MediaWiki extensions FAQ#How do I disable caching for pages using my extension.3F, and it seems to make a difference in disabling some caching, but it does not seem to solve the problem entirely
the script
[edit]<?php /** * BrowserOsDetect.php * *** * Purpose: to detect the operating system as reported by the browser via the * service. * *** * Notes: To use this extension, add the following two lines to your * 'Localsettings.php' file: # Basic browser detection extension include ("$IP/includes/browserdetect.php"); * * BrowserOsDetect is largely based on PHPSniffer by Roger Raymond, available * at It is a small part of the Wikimedia * plugin project * ( * BrowserOsDetect is released under the GFDL as an extension for Mediawiki * * @package Mediawiki extensions * @version $Alpha 0.2.1$ * @author Amgine * *** */ /** * Get_ua * *** * Purpose: retrieve a user agent string from the server * *** * @return string $ua User agent string or FALSE * *** */ function get_ua() { if(isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $ua = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { // try to use the getenv function as a last resort $ua = getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); } if (!$ua) $ua = FALSE; return $ua; } /** * Get_os * *** * Purpose: to retrieve the Operating system from the user agent string provided * by the server. * *** * @param string $ua User Agent string from the server. * @return array $$browseros ['platform'], ['os'] * *** */ function get_os ( $ua ) { // Initialize $browseros $browseros['platform'] = ''; $browseros['os'] = ''; // regexes to use $regex_windows = '/([^dar]win[dows]*)[\s]?([0-9a-z]*)[\w\s]?([a-z0-9.]*)/i'; $regex_mac = '/(68[k0]{1,3})|(ppc mac os x)|([p\S]{1,5}pc)|(darwin)/i'; $regex_os2 = '/os\/2|ibm-webexplorer/i'; $regex_sunos = '/(sun|i86)[os\s]*([0-9]*)/i'; $regex_irix = '/(irix)[\s]*([0-9]*)/i'; $regex_hpux = '/(hp-ux)[\s]*([0-9]*)/i'; $regex_aix = '/aix([0-9]*)/i'; $regex_dec = '/dec|osfl|alphaserver|ultrix|alphastation/i'; $regex_vms = '/vax|openvms/i'; $regex_sco = '/sco|unix_sv/i'; $regex_linux = '/x11|inux/i'; $regex_bsd = '/(free)?(bsd)/i'; $regex_amiga = '/amiga[os]?/i'; $regex_txtbrwsr = '/(lynx|dillo)?/i'; // look for Windows Box if(preg_match_all($regex_windows, $ua, $match)) { //$match[1][count($match[0])-1]; $v = $match[2][count($match[0])-1]; $v2 = $match[3][count($match[0])-1]; // Establish NT 5.1 as Windows XP if(stristr($v,'NT') && $v2 == 5.1) $v = 'xp'; // Establish NT 5.0 and Windows 2000 as win2k elseif($v == '2000') $v = '2k'; elseif(stristr($v,'NT') && $v2 == 5.0) $v = '2k'; // Establish 9x 4.90 as Windows 98 elseif(stristr($v,'9x') && $v2 == 4.9) $v = '98'; // See if we're running windows 3.1 elseif($v.$v2 == '16bit') $v = '31'; // otherwise display as is (31,95,98,NT,ME,XP) else $v .= $v2; // update browser info container array if(empty($v)) $v = 'win'; $browseros['os'] = strtolower($v); $browseros['platform'] = 'win'; } // look for amiga OS elseif(preg_match($regex_amiga, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = 'amiga'; if(stristr($ua, 'morphos')) { // checking for MorphOS $browseros['os'] = 'morphos'; } elseif(stristr($ua, 'mc680x0')) { // checking for MC680x0 $browseros['os'] = 'mc680x0'; } elseif(stristr($ua, 'ppc')) { // checking for PPC $browseros['os'] = 'ppc'; } elseif(preg_match('/(AmigaOS [\.1-9]?)/i', $ua, $match)) { // checking for AmigaOS version string $browseros['os'] = $match[1]; } } // look for OS2 elseif( preg_match($regex_os2, $ua)) { $browseros['os'] = 'os2'; $browseros['platform'] = 'os2'; } // look for *nix boxes // sunos sets: platform = *nix ; os = sun|sun4|sun5|suni86 elseif(preg_match($regex_sunos, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; if(!stristr('sun',$match[1])) $match[1] = 'sun'.$match[1]; $browseros['os'] = $match[1].$match[2]; } // look for mac // sets: platform = mac ; os = 68k or ppc elseif( preg_match($regex_mac, $ua, $match) ) { $browseros['platform'] = 'mac'; $browseros['os'] = !empty($match[1]) ? '68k' : ''; $browseros['os'] = !empty($match[2]) ? 'osx' : $browseros['os']; $browseros['os'] = !empty($match[3]) ? 'ppc' : $browseros['os']; $browseros['os'] = !empty($match[4]) ? 'osx' : $browseros['os']; } // irix sets: platform = *nix ; os = irix|irix5|irix6|... elseif(preg_match($regex_irix, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = $match[1].$match[2]; } // hp-ux sets: platform = *nix ; os = hpux9|hpux10|... elseif(preg_match($regex_hpux, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $match[1] = str_replace('-','',$match[1]); $match[2] = (int) $match[2]; $browseros['os'] = $match[1].$match[2]; } // aix sets: platform = *nix ; os = aix|aix1|aix2|aix3|... elseif(preg_match($regex_aix, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'aix'.$match[1]; } // dec sets: platform = *nix ; os = dec elseif(preg_match($regex_dec, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'dec'; } // vms sets: platform = *nix ; os = vms elseif(preg_match($regex_vms, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'vms'; } // sco sets: platform = *nix ; os = sco elseif(preg_match($regex_sco, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'sco'; } // unixware sets: platform = *nix ; os = unixware elseif(stristr($ua, 'unix_system_v')) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'unixware'; } // mpras sets: platform = *nix ; os = mpras elseif(stristr($ua, 'ncr')) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'mpras'; } // reliant sets: platform = *nix ; os = reliant elseif(stristr($ua, 'reliantunix')) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'reliant'; } // sinix sets: platform = *nix ; os = sinix elseif(stristr($ua, 'sinix')) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'sinix'; } // bsd sets: platform = *nix ; os = bsd|freebsd elseif(preg_match($regex_bsd, $ua, $match)){ $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = $match[1].$match[2]; } // last one to look for // linux sets: platform = *nix ; os = linux elseif(preg_match($regex_linux, $ua, $match)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = 'linux'; } // adding lynx browser as *nix, + dillo elseif(preg_match($regex_txtbrwsr, $ua)) { $browseros['platform'] = '*nix'; $browseros['os'] = '*nix'; } else { // nothing found $browseros['platform'] = 'other'; $browseros['os'] = 'unknown'; } return $browseros; } function wfBrowserOsDetect() { global $wgParser, $wgMessageCache; $wgMessageCache->addMessages( array( 'browserosdetect' => 'Error' ) ); $wgParser->setHook( "BrowserOsDetect", "BrowserOsDetect" ); } function BrowserOsDetect () { // disable cache global $wgTitle; $dbw =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->update( 'cur', array( 'cur_touched' => $dbw->timestamp( time() + 120 ) ), array( 'cur_namespace' => $wgTitle->getNamespace(), 'cur_title' => $wgTitle->getDBkey() ), 'BrowserOsDetect' ); // Get the user agent string $ua = get_ua(); // Get the OS from the user agent string $brwseros = get_os( $ua ); // Create and populate table $output = '<div style="border: 1px solid gray;"> <table> <tr><td style="text-align: right;">Your platform:</td><td>'.$brwseros['platform'].'</td></tr> <tr><td style="text-align: right;">Your OS:</td><td>'.$brwseros['os'].'</td></tr> </table> '.$ua."<br />\n"; return $output; } $wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfBrowserOsDetect"; ?>