User:Abbad (WMF)/Culture of Documentation
Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement Improve User Experience Provide for Safety and Inclusion Ensure Equity in Decision-making Coordinate Across Stakeholders Invest in Skills and Leadership Development Manage Internal Knowledge Identify Topics for Impact Innovate in Free Knowledge Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt
Culture of Documentation
Facilitate a culture of documentation to become integral to Wikimedia’s work and evaluation and as an outcome in itself, by resourcing its creation in key areas, such as capacity building, advocacy, partnerships, and technology.
Please add your name to the table below with:
- A brief description of your interest and/or related work.
- Any areas you are open to collaborate on with other Wikimedians.
Interested Wikimedians
- Knowledge Manager in the Movement strategy and Governance Team (WMF). I worked on the Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Lessons Learned and other documentation. I'm interested to collaborate in developing documentation policies --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 13:55, 18 July 2022 (UTC).
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Latest updates

- Read the summary of the Hubs Global Conversations: See the highlights and results of the Hubs Global Conversations, in which about 80 Wikimedians participated on 12 March 2022.
- Read the findings summary of the Hubs Dialogue: After a series of conversations with Wikimedians who are planning potential future hub, the findings summary is now available. The summary will be discussed at the 12 March Global Conversations.
- Results of the hubs workshop for the Spanish-speaking community: On January 29th, several volunteers and affiliate members met to discuss hubs in the Spanish-speaking communities context, and to document the lessons learned from the Iberocoop group. The resulting report is available in both Spanish and English.