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User language
ru-N Русскийродной язык этого участника.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
fr-3 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances avancées en français.
pl-3 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie zaawansowanym.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
ia-2 Iste usator ha cognoscentias medie de interlingua.
cs-1 Tento uživatel má základní znalosti češtiny.
eo-1 Ĉi tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
es-1 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
la-1 Hic usor simplici lingua Latina conferre potest.
Users by language
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
Russian to English.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
Polish to English.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
Russian to Bulgarian.
This user is a member of the Small Wiki Monitoring Team.