User:ইব্রাহিম হাসান
“দিতে পার একশ' ফানুস এনে
আজন্ম সলজ্জ সাধ,
একদিন আকাশে কিছু ফানুস উড়াই।”
― Humayun Ahmed, শঙ্খনীল কারাগার -
ইব্রাহিম হাসান
a freelance writer who loves to talk all day about tech, cricket and comic heroes recently
About me
I am a day dreamer who hardly has any idea what to do about life, so strangle around to find the right balance for myself and everyone around whom I love most
My work
I usually work as an advisor in the Wikimedia Movement locally. I've so little contributions but I'm always very much interested in the outreach of knowledge and skills that matter to create a better world for tomorrow.
Contact me
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