Universal kodeks ponašanja/Smernice za sprovođenje/Informacije za birače
Glasanje za ratifikaciju Smernica za sprovođenje Univerzalnog kodeksa ponašanja (UCoC) zakazano je za period od 7. marta 2022. do 21. marta 2022. putem sistema SecurePoll. Svi birači koji imaju pravo glasa unutar zajednice Wikimedia imaće priliku da podrže ili se suprotstave usvajanju Smernica za sprovođenje i podele razloge svoje odluke. Ratifikacija Smernica za sprovođenje je neophodna kako bi se uspostavili putevi i procesi sprovođenja UCoC-a.
Volonteri mogu pomoći u promovisanju glasanja za ratifikaciju u svojoj zajednici.
Tražimo članove zajednice koji će biti volonteri za informisanje birača. Pomoć je potrebna u sledećim oblastima:
- Prevođenje Smernica za sprovođenje, stranica za glasanje i informacije za birače
- Najave tekućeg procesa ratifikacije na kanalima zajednice
- Opciono: Praćenje kanala zajednice za komentare i pitanja zajednice.
Volonteri treba da:
- Održavaju politiku prijateljskog prostora tokom razgovora i za vreme događaja.
- Na neutralan način zajednici predstave smernice i informacije o glasanju.
Da li želite da budete volonter za informisanje birača i da osigurate da vaša zajednica bude zastupljena na glasanju? Prijavite se na Meta-viki da biste primali ažuriranja. Na stranici za razgovor možete postaviti pitanja u vezi sa prevođenjem ili nas možete kontaktirati putem e-pošte: ucocprojectwikimedia.org
Stranice koje treba prevesti
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Revision discussions/Announcement
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Revision discussions
- Universal Code of Conduct/Policy text/Revision discussions
- Template:Universal Code of Conduct/Header
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Report/Announcement
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Report
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Results/Announcement
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/UCoC Phase 2 Ratification Results Announcement
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Results
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines
- This page
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Stats
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Stats/Extended
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voter information
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Vote
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Vote/Closing message
- Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Translations (ballot)
Prijavite se da bismo vas kontaktirali u vezi sa novim stranicama za prevođenje.
- daSupremo
21:57, 17 February 2022 (UTC) Translations to Hausa
- Thank you daSupremo
for your consistent help with translation to Hausa, we really appreciate it! We have new pages(added to the list above from 7-9) that we would again need your translation support on. Please let us know if you have any questions/need clarification and feel free to also forward to your community when you are done. Thank you so much in advance. --AJones (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 23 March 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you, daSupremo, for your translation to Hausa. We truly appreciate your work to make the content available to more volunteers. If you have not already done so, please add a link to the appropriate noticeboards on the Hausa Wikimedia projects (like Wikipedia.) Also feel free to share a link to the translated version in other places as might be appropriate. Let me know if you have any questions. SPoore (WMF) Senior Strategist, Trust & Safety (talk) 20:08, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you daSupremo
- --justinianus | talk 13:30, 21 February 2022 (UTC) Translations to Turkish
- Thank you justinianus | talk for your consistent help with translation to Turkish, we really appreciate it! We have new pages(added to the list above from 7-9) that we would again need your translation support on. Please let us know if you have any questions/need clarification and feel free to also forward to your community when you are done. Thank you so much in advance.--AJones (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 23 March 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you, -justinianus, for your translation to Turkish. We truly appreciate your work to make the content available to more volunteers. If you have not already done so, you can add a link to the appropriate noticeboards on the Turkish Wikimedia projects (like Wikipedia.) Also feel free to share a link to the translated version in other places as might be appropriate. Let me know if you have any questions. SPoore (WMF) Senior Strategist, Trust & Safety (talk) 20:14, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
- Iwuala Lucy Translate to Igbo
- Thank you Iwuala Lucyfor your consistent help with translation to Igbo, we really appreciate it! We have new pages(added to the list above from 7-9) that we would again need your translation support on. Please let us know if you have any questions/need clarification and feel free to also forward to your community when you are done. Thank you so much in advance.--AJones (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 23 March 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you, Iwuala Lucy, I'm grateful for your translation to Igbo. SPoore (WMF) Senior Strategist, Trust & Safety (talk) 21:25, 6 March 2022 (UTC)
- M Bash Ne (talk) 14:42, 2 March 2022 (UTC) Translations to Hausa
- Thank you M Bash Ne (talk) for your consistent help with translation to Hausa, we really appreciate it! We have new pages(added to the list above from 7-9) that we would again need your translation support on. Please let us know if you have any questions/need clarification and feel free to also forward to your community when you are done. Thank you so much in advance.--AJones (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 23 March 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you, M Bash Ne, I'm grateful for the translation to Hausa. SPoore (WMF) Senior Strategist, Trust & Safety (talk) 21:20, 6 March 2022 (UTC)
- Victor Trevor (talk) 12:09, 5 March 2022 (UTC) Translations to Turkish
- Thank you Victor Trevor (talk)for your consistent help with translation to Turkish, we really appreciate it! We have new pages(added to the list above from 7-9) that we would again need your translation support on. Please let us know if you have any questions/need clarification and feel free to also forward to your community when you are done. Thank you so much in advance.--AJones (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 23 March 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you, Victor Trevor, I'm grateful for the translation to Turkish. SPoore (WMF) Senior Strategist, Trust & Safety (talk) 21:22, 6 March 2022 (UTC)
- Bello Na'im (talk) 22:49, 16 March 2022 (UTC) Translation to Hausa
- Thank you Bello Na'im (talk) for your consistent help with translation to Hausa, we really appreciate it! We have new pages(added to the list above from 7-9) that we would again need your translation support on. Please let us know if you have any questions/need clarification and feel free to also forward to your community when you are done. Thank you so much in advance.--AJones (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 23 March 2022 (UTC)