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Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group

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(Redirected from UniStu Love Wiki User Group)
Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group

Country codeTZ
Official language(s)Swahili , English

USW Community from Morogoro Region
User:Caliben leading an edit-a-thon in Dodoma region USW Community
USW Iringa Region Community group photo
USW group photo during the Wikidata10 celebrations
During one of the USW edit-a-thon events in 2022
A group photo during the USW Training of Trainers (ToT) in June 2022
Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group (TUSWUG) is a user group of Wikimedia editors dedicated to promoting Wikimedia projects by involving mostly Secondary, College, and University Students in Tanzania. We also help, encourage and educate Swahili-speaking users and communities on the importance of open source, knowledge sharing, and other educational initiatives through our training and events, which the group organizes. The group is open to membership by interested individuals with shared interests.


  • To promote Wikimedia projects
  • To promote editing of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects both in Swahili and other languages.
  • To engage and encourage more students to become contributors to the Wikimedia projects.
  • To organize in-person events for local community Wikipedians/Wikimedians by providing them with resources needed to enhance both their skills and ability for the development of the Wikimedia projects.


  • To conduct Wikipedia weekly and monthly meetups and grow a community of students from Tanzania
  • To establish Wikipedia clubs in different educational institutions.
  • Organizing Wikipedia edit-a-thons for students in Tanzania


The founding of University Students Wikimedians was initially brought up by Wikipedia enthusiasts Magoiga Mtatiro while participating in an edit-a-thon under Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania in Dar es Salaam. The idea was then shared with some of the members of Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania including the co-founder Antoni Mtavangu and all approved the idea to be a good initiative.

In 2019, the program was initiated as an experimental project in the Alfagems Secondary School in Morogoro: where the main aim was to learn and understand what would be the main interests of students and they would love the program to lead. The experimental program was driven from 2019 to May 2022 when the project was moved officially from experimental into full operations where the target was moved from secondary students to Colleges and Universities.

Events and Projects


We are moving this section to a subpage


Completed Events


University Students Wikimedians has conducted and participated successfully in the following events:

Current Events

  1. JoT in Wikimedia
  2. Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom.
  3. Drop-in Edit-athon

Upcoming Events

  1. Tanzania: A Wiki Travel Diary.
  2. Photowalk
  3. Concert
  4. Wiki Student Summit 2025.

Grants Proposals

Find all Grants Proposals under this section.
  1. We have applied for a conference fund to the Wikimedia Foundation. to fund the upcoming Wiki Student Summit 2025Feel free to comment and endorse via the discussion page of the grant proposal.


  1. Jack james
  2. Awadhi Awampo
  3. Sylivester Johnbosco
  4. Roja26
  5. Felix sakalani
  6. Mtu Mbad
  9. GoodluckCJ
  10. ChrimaRoma
  11. MosesKimwaga
  12. GregMian
  13. Joh Matts
  14. Pabbie
  15. Zabron'sPedia
  16. Lyan'ganga
  17. MR MANAGER123
  18. KisokaOG
  19. Sonkomike
  20. Magoiga Mtatiro
  21. Mussa29
  22. Ewodiusz Carlos
  23. Angrybird20
  24. The hitandrun
  25. DeadSquad
  26. SalmiaSam
  27. QueenRos
  28. HappyDeLuckiest
  29. James Moore200 (talk) 13:03, 16 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  30. Hussein Issa
  31. Jacob Gijjah

Our Team

Our Team 2022/2023
SN Name Position Affiliate Contact
01 Magoiga Mtatiro Program Coordinator TUSW pc@uswiki.africa
02 Naemi Ng'anunga Assistant Program Coordinator TUSW apc@uswiki.africa
03 Wahida Omary Clubs Coordinator TUSW - Dodoma womary@uswiki.africa
04 Sylvester Johnbosco Accountant TUSW - Morogoro sjohnbosco@uswiki.africa
05 Emanuel Akyoo Branding and Content Manager TUSW - CIVE aemanuel@uswiki.africa
06 Rashid Issa Club Leader TUSW - Iringa rissa@uswiki.africa
07 Awadhi Mpogole Club Leader TUSW - Morogoro ampogole@uswiki.africa
08 Miriam Kikoroma Club Leader TUSW - CHSS mkikoroma@uswiki.africa
09 Deborah Ngira Club Leader TUSW - CBE dngira@uswiki.africa

Community Contact information


Phone & WhatsApp: +25568 526 1018

Email: hello@openspacetanzania.org

Website: www.openspacetanzania.org

Interested in participating


All members interested in joining our community are all welcomed.

Activities Reports
