Bulan Diplomasi Kebudayaan Ukraine 2024/Malaysia
Bulan Diplomasi Kebudayaan Ukraine 2024 di Malaysia
[Media sosial: #UCDMonth] • [Pautan di sini: ucdm.wikimedia.org.ua]

Selamat datang ke cabaran penulisan untuk menambah baik liputan budaya Ukraine di Wikipedia!
- What: This is a Wikipedia editing training and edit-a-thon, which sets aim to create and improve articles about the culture and people of Ukraine in Malay language edition of Wikipedia and local languages. The list of articles to focus on has been provided by the organizers of the challenge in Ukraine. This training is part of the main global campaign.
- When: The editing training is held on Friday, 09:00, 8 March 2024 (UTC+8) until 13:00, 8 March 2024 (UTC+8).
- How: Register first to participate in the training. After the training session, participants will start editing as many Ukrainian culture articles from the list to work on. Participants will get prizes for your contribution!
- Who: Any Wikipedian with a created account on any wiki can help to collaborate on writing and/or translating the articles related to Ukrainian culture in the Malay language or any local language. To participate you need to sign up on the Participants section.
- Why: The training is organised by Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia and the Embassy of Ukraine in Malaysia. The global campaign is organised by Wikimedia Ukraine in cooperation with Ukrainian Institute and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Wikipedia is missing articles about all kinds of topics, and through this contest we hope to improve articles about cultural phenomena significant to Ukrainian people. Improving Wikipedia's articles and coverage around Ukrainian culture is important to ensure that our readers find high-quality information.