Translation requests/Wikimania/Scholarships/zh-tw
[edit]Travel scholarships
你可以對參與 Wikimedia 申請有限的獎勵金. 特別歡迎來自美國, 加拿大和西歐以外的人士申請. 還提供旅行和簽證支援.
請於 6 月 26 日前聯絡
Wikimania 獎勵金申請表單
[edit]- 請於6月26日前填好後寄往
. - 標有"星" (*) 的區域是必須填寫的
- 請使用英文填寫; 即使你的英文不太好也沒有關係.(本中譯表格僅供填寫時參考之用)
個人資料 -------------------- (註︰除了法律上的原因以外,我們會保密您填的資料。) *1. 請提供下列基本資料: *名字 *姓氏 頭銜 [Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr/Prof/Msgnr] 性別 [男(M)/女(F)/NA] 連絡方式: 個人網站網址: *街道地址/郵政信箱 # *城市 *郵遞區號 *國家/地區 *電子郵件 傳真號碼(請加國碼) 電話號碼(請加國碼) *2. 請描述您自己及您的工作。發揮您的創造力,我們不在乎您10年後做些什麼, 但我們想知道什麼事情讓您笑、讓您哭及讓您跳起來。(字數在200字以內) *3a. 您有參與那些維基媒體的社群(如︰維基共享資源、維基百科、維基詞典等)? 您何時開始參與的?請簡述您其中一項的參與情形(字數在100字以內) 若從沒參與過則請直接跳至3b.題 *3b. (如果您未填3a.). 如果您沒有參與維基媒體的任一項社群,則請解釋為什麼 需要我們幫助您可出席維基媒體大會,請好好推銷自己。(字數在100字以內) *4. 下列何者可描述您?(可複選) [ ] 維基媒體社群成員 [ ] 學生 [ ] 研究者 [ ] 開發者 [ ] 其他(請詳述) CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION ------------------------ (註︰我們不需要更多演講者) 1. 您是否已報名本次會議?[是/否] 2. 您是否已經擔任維基媒體大會的演講者或簡報者?[是/否] 3. 您是否有興趣在本次會議做約5分鐘的簡報?[是/否]如果是的話,主題是什麼? 4a. 如果您來到維基媒體大會,您是否有興趣在8月1日至3日參與「駭客日」(hacking days)活動?[是/否] 4b. 如果是,您是否有任何程式設計的經驗?是否參與過MediaWiki的開發工作? 旅行計劃 ------------ *1. 出發地(城市,國家地區)︰ *2a. 計劃抵達波士頓的日期︰ *2b. 計劃抵達波士頓的日期︰ *3. 您是否需要取得美國簽證的協助? (詳閱︰visa) [是/否] *4. 如果是,請提供您的國籍︰ 獎助金資訊 -------- 1. 您需要下列哪一種資助?(可複選,費用資料請參考 ) [ ] 會議參加費 [ ] 住宿 [ ] 半額機票 [ ] 全額機票 2. 如果您申請全額或半額機票費用,請提供所需要的金額(美金)。請公平的估價,以利更多人可申請。 您要求的費用越少,申請到獎助金的機會就越大。 3. 假如您得到獎助金,您將會被要求撰寫會議心得,也會被要求做一些面談。您是否願意?[是/否] 若為否,請寫出原因。 4. 所有的獎助金接受者必需要擬出自己的行程計劃;抵達會場時將會收到退費。請提供合理的計劃, 以讓您獲得更好的補助費用,也讓更多人可以受益於獎助基金。 如果您『確實』無法擬出您自己的行程計劃,請提出原因,我們會納入整體考量之中。 COMMENTS -------- 請在此備註欄寫下要讓主辦者知道的訊息、狀況以及任何特殊需求。(字數在200字以內)
PERSONAL INFORMATION -------------------- (Note: None of this information will ever be disclosed for any reason unless required by law) *1. Please provide the following: *First name *Last name Title [Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr/Prof/Msgnr] Sex [M/F/NA] Affiliation: URL / link to personal site: *Street Address/P.O. Box # *City *Postal code *Country *Email Fax Phone *2. Please describe yourself and your work. Be creative, we don't care what you did 10 years ago, we want to know what makes you laugh, or cry, or jump. [< 200 words] *3a. What Wikimedia communities (e.g. Commons, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, etc.) are you involved in? When did you become involved with each? Describe your involvement in one of these communities, briefly. [< 100 words] *3b. (if 3a. doesn't apply). If you're not in any Wikimedia community, explain why we should help you come to Wikimania. Sell yourself well. [< 100 words] *4. Which of the following describe you? [ ] Wikimedia Community member [ ] Student [ ] Researcher [ ] Developer [ ] Other (please specify) CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION ------------------------ (Note: we do not need more speakers, so if you aren't one, that's more than ok. If you are one, that's ok too.) 1. Have you already registered for the conference? [Yes/No] 2. Have you been accepted as a speaker/presenter for Wikimania already? [Yes/No] 3. Are you interested in giving a [5 minute] lightning presentation at the conference? If yes, on which topic? 4a. If you came to Wikimania, would you be interested in attending hacking days (A developers' event, August 1-3)? [Yes/No] 4b. If yes, what experience if any do you have with programming, and with MediaWiki in particular? TRAVEL PLANS ------------ *1. Origin of travel (city, country) *2a. Planned date of arrival in Boston *2b. Planned date of departure from Boston *3. Do you need help obtaining a visa? [Yes/No] *4. If yes, please provide your nationality : STIPEND INFORMATION ------------------- 1. What kind of sponsorship do you require? Please tick one or more of the following choices (note: prices can be found on the registration page at [ ] conference pass [ ] accommodation [ ] partial airfare [ ] airfare 2. If you are applying for airfare or partial airfare, please provide the amount you require in US$. The fairer you are in your assessment of what you need, the more people can come. And the less you ask for, the more likely you are to get a scholarship. 3. If you receive a scholarship, you will be asked to write about your experience during the conference, and you may be asked to give interviews. Is that ok with you? [Yes/No] (if no: why?) 4. All scholarship recipients should make their own travel plans; reimbursements will be issued upon arrival at the conference. Making your own arrangements often results in better fares, and surer plans, and allows more people to benefit from the scholarship fund. If you *really* cannot make your own plans, please explain why. We will take this into consideration. COMMENTS -------- Please note anything else you want the organizers to know about your registration, circumstance or any special needs. (< 200 words.)