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Translation requests/Wikimania/Organisation of translations/Speakers/pl

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Wikimania jest konferencją wielojęzyczną i interdyscyplinarną. Zaproszeni zostali prelegenci z wielu różnych dziedzin, między innymi reference work publishers, bibliotekarze i archiwiści, museum curators, developerzy, free culture activists, online community leaders, prawnicy, dziennikarze, naukowcy i biznesmeni.

Prelegenci sesji plenarnych

Jimmy Wales will be a keynote speaker
Jimmy Wales will be a keynote speaker
Jimmy Wales, założyciel Wikipedii
Ross Mayfield, dyr. generalny Socialtext
So will Ward Cunningham
So will Ward Cunningham
Ward Cunningham, wynalazł technologię wiki
Richard Stallman, założyciel projektu GNU i Free Software Foundation

Sesje panelowe


Global Voices : Wikis and information diversity


Uczestnicy: Hossein Derakhshan, Isaac Mao, Milton Aineruhanga and Kasper Souren.

Wiki i polityka


Uczestnicy: Jimmy Wales, Isaac Mao, Ascander Suarez, Jean-Baptiste Soufron.

Szkolenia i warsztaty


Tutorial leader: Andre Engels

Tutorial leader: Brion Vibber

Tutorial leaders: Jean-Baptiste Soufron and Enrique Chaparro

Tutorial leaders: Jakob Voss and Erik Zachte

Prowadzący warszaty: Frank Antwerpes

Prowadzący warsztaty: Gerard Meijssen

Prowadzący warszaty: Thomas Thaler



O prelegencie: Ross Mayfield jest dyr. generalnym Socialtext, jednego z wiodących przedsiębiorstw wprowadzających wiki do firm.

Ward Cunningham: Wiki wtedy i teraz


Abstrakt: Refleksje nad rozwojem wiki w ciągu ostatniej dekady.

O prelegencie: Ward Cunningham is the programmer who designed and named the first wiki. Since then, he has invented and written two best-selling books about Extreme Programming. He currently works in Microsoft's "Prescriptive Architecture Guidance" group.


O prelegencie: Richard Stallman is the founder of the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation.

O prelegencie: Achal Prabhala works on improving access to technology and information in South Africa.

O prelegencie: Florence Devouard is an elected member of the Wikimedia Board of Trustees.

O prelegencie: Brion Vibber is Wikimedia's Chief Technical Officer and its second employee. He lives in Los Angeles, where he slaves for Wikimedia by day and Wikipedia by night.

O prelegencie: Erik Moeller is a journalist and open source advocate, whose first book, Die heimliche Medienrevolution - Wie Weblogs, Wikis und freie Software die Welt verändern, was published last year.

Stefan Magdalinski: Wikiproxy and other magic


O prelegencie: Stefan Magdalinski really knows where his towel is.

O prelegencie: Domas Mituzas is a member of the core team of Wikimedia developers and server maintainers. His speciality is handling WikiDowns and WikiUps.

O prelegencie: Sunir Shah was the founder of MeatballWiki, one of the oldest icons in the wikisphere.

Inne prezentacje


...and 50 additional speakers and presenters from Australia, Brazil, California, Canada, Chile, China (Shanghai and Hong Kong), France, Germany, Iceland, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mali, the Netherlands, Poland, Senegal, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK, the US, and Venezuela.
