Translation requests/WQ/3/En/5
Page 5
[edit]![]() Welcome |
![]() Founder |
![]() Reports |
![]() Projects |
![]() Chapters |
![]() Press |
![]() International |
![]() Endnotes |
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Wikimedia Deutschland[edit]By Elian
Wikimedia Deutschland actively promoted Wikimedia projects this quarter, organizing presences at the world's biggest computer fair, Cebit, in Hannover, and at the book fair in Leipzig. These two events, one sponsored by Linux New Media AG, and the other by Directmedia Publishing (the producer of the Wikipedia DVD), were successful. The people manning the booths, including Southpark, Mathias Schindler, Nina, Arne Klempert and Elian, had no need to explain to visitors what Wikipedia was - this was already widely known. However, they answered many questions about how Wikipedia actually works. On the invitation of Axel Schäfer, a member of the German parliament, Mathias Schindler, Kurt Jansson and Elian spent a week in Berlin, taking initial steps in the political arena. They spoke with several politicians, explaining the workings of Wikipedia and its special problems with copyright law as it stands. On a sadder note: Achim Raschka, beloved organizer of the international and German writing contests, left the board for personal reasons. As of the end of March, there were around 150 members of the German Verein. A brief breakdown of contributions since the founding of the Verein:
The only considerable expenditures in 2005 were 2,714 EUR for legal advice. Everything else (a fax number, Wikimedia stamps, &c.) cost under 100 EUR in all.
Wikimedia France[edit]
Wikimédia France, the association representing the French chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation, held its first regular Assemblée générale (general meeting of members) to elect the new Conseil d'administration (board) and to discuss many things. The newly elected board can be seen here, and a short summary about the association should soon be displayed. The règlement intérieur (a complement to the initial bylaws) was voted on and officially adopted. The association Treasurer can finally open a bank account after a formal vote from the board. And many new people joined the association. In the coming weeks, the board is expected to organize teams to work on different matter; in particular, to find money and partnerships for the Wikimedia projects. The association purchased the
![]() By Tillea
![]() By Urban |