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欢迎来到第二期的维基媒体季刊。在本期刊物中,您将阅读到有关维基媒体最近的动向与未来的计划,有关最新维基媒体计划的报导,以及理事会和维基媒体创办人吉米·威尔士先生的想法与活动。您也将阅读和欣赏到来自各计划的最新汇报与优秀作品。您也将通过我们了解到还有拉里·莱斯格(Larry Lessig)的想法。 今年秋天维基媒体计划的知名度明显提高,这要主要是由于服务器数量的翻倍和带宽的增加、“100万篇文章”新闻稿的成功发布,以及慈善界对维基百科的关注。 活跃计划的数目最近又有增加,您可以在季刊中阅读到有关公共维基、维基物种和维基新闻三个项目的新闻。在未来的几个月中我们将继续为8月在德国法兰克福召开的重要会议做筹备工作,有关国际维基媒体会议的详情请参见第六页。 最后,非常感谢有如此众多的作者、设计者、画家和翻译者的参与,使我们的这期通讯可以出版。 --通讯编辑组

例如,對開發者的需求變得很大,因此我們需要召募並留住新的開發者,而這要比招募新的作者要困難,因為新的開發者在達到最佳工作效率之前會需要學習很多知識。在舉一個例子,我們知道維基百科中存在著"系統偏見"(systemic biases),因此我們需要發展更多對不同領域都很感興趣的作者,而不能僅侷限於目前的成員。

2004年的特点是英语版本以外其他语言版本的高速成长。正是在这一年,非英语版本的文章篇数超过了英语版本。经过了两年多的讨论,多语言入口终于在 域名上实现,这也进一步反映了这种国际化。
然而,不同社群之间的交流在一些时候还是很困难,当然这并不让人惊奇,因为维基人所使用的语言是如此多样化。今年我们做出了很大的努力试图促进各社群间更广泛的交流,包括试图建立一个面向所有社群的meta网站 、试图翻译meta以及其他网站上主要的页面,以及试图接纳所有的意见。
简而言之:大约三年前,我加入了一个小型的英语计划,这个位于 的工程是由一位不知名的美国企业家所拥有。很不错的计划,但是其面向一种语言的方式令人气馁。今天,我们已经发展成为一个复杂的全球性计划,由一个非赢利组织所支持。

- --Anthere / Florence Devouard
我在哪里可以找到有关基金会的资讯? 在本期的时事通讯,专门的邮件列表([2]),维基媒体的元维基上([3]),以及基金会网站上([4])都可以找到关于我们近期的消息。基金会网站在早期失败的情况下现在表现出了很好的发展:大多数基本的页面都已经设置好,而且这些页面很多都已经被翻译成了10种语言。基金会网站目前已经有38名注册编辑,他们都能够说多种语言。但是网站目前还是处在一个相当沉寂的阶段。
一般的地址是board(at),用来处理任何请求。但是请注意,这个邮件地址已经不再是一个私人的。所有的邮件都被转寄到备忘系统OTRS ([8]),并且由理事会成员或者几个值得信任的编辑回答。OTRS也是德国地方分会的主机地址,作为地址请求应该列出英语和德语的信息。 最后,Jimbo, Angela,以及Anthere,这些勇敢的探索者全都开始了blogs。Angela’s的blog是关于维基百科信息最丰富的一个([9])。如果你想了解维基百科最近的重要信息或者任何与wikisearch有关的内容可以读一读它;Jimbo ([10])利用这个机会讨论自由软件(也是英语);而Anthere([11]在法国)决定用她的blog来表达自由的观点,并且设法在法语世界扩大维基媒体计划的影响力(特别希望能够对说法语的非洲世界产生影响)。
理事会也在实际上见过几次面:11月在鹿特丹,在维基人聚会之后;还有在纽约,在OSI会议之前。讨论了几个主题,包括筹备即将召开的会议,维基媒体基金会是否应该介入政治主张,如何让地方分会更多地介入WMF的活动,并且自由讨论了理事会的发展前景。 所有这些主题的讨论都是在一个青年学生宿舍的休息室进行的,这比通过irc或mail讨论要轻松的多。
Jimbo和Angela在BBC度过了2个星期 (参看这期的特别报道)。Anthere搬了新家,有许多房间和一个大花园,但是有几个星期没有电话线,也不能上网。Anthere通过工作地点的网络连接仍然能够保持联系,并且随意拜访了当地大学的计算机实验室, 但是没有真正满足她真正的维基百科兴趣或者访问IRC。
关于会员资格有几个决定([14])。在同编辑者讨论和思考之后,理事会改变了对会员资格的看法。 Additionaly, further discussions with Jamesday and Kate changed the volunteer membership status from being automatic for editors, to being an opt-in procedure. 一个会员系统的技术开发工作将由Tim Starling在以后几周监督实施。
2004年7月,维基媒体的开发者为了更好地开展任务,对设立奖励体制的可行性进行了投票,理事会的领导对选择处理特别任务的开发者尝试建立一个支付体系和其他的奖励制度。我们建议先进行4个月的试运行,再做出进一步的评估。 在过去3个月理事会提出了一项任务,对会员资格系统的开发(这是一个与理事会自身有主要关系的任务,因此不太会引起争议)。在提案超过2个月以后,Tim Starling提出一个条件,在11月下旬被接受。功能将在2004年底或者2005年初依靠一定数量的资金来开发。 还没有其它的提议被理事会认可;开发者的一个提议已经被放弃。 这个建议与其每个任务都是有偿的,但是不要太过强烈刺激我们的开发小组。试运行的详细资料可以浏览[15]。 在它结束的时候,所有的维基媒体参与者都将被鼓励对它进行评估。 关于这个问题更多的信息请参看创始人的来信。
Bomis的Jason列出了目前已经被基金会注册的全部域名的列表([16])。一些域名在别的国家中被其他人所拥有;例如GerardM管理着几个.nl的域名。法国的域名www.wikipedia.fr在2004年秋天被一个网络蟑螂接管了。法国的维基人决定暂时不做任何事情,而让网络蟑螂逐渐改变了域名到wikipedia本身的域名。但是俄国的域名www.wikipedia.ru不幸被网络蟑螂用来获利。 在下三个月,将决定哪些域名可以获得。大多数的编辑希望所有计划的域名可以从他们的国家中购买;但是购买如此众多的域名费用太高而难以承受。我们希望商标的注册可以帮助缓和这个问题。 维基媒体项目的隐私问题 根据几名编辑的请求,隐私声明现在还正在讨论当中,而且应该在2005年头3个月定稿并翻译出来。请您不要犹豫,参与讨论([17])。
Anthere参与了法国分会(Wikimédia France)的创建(见相关的特别报道),并且成为了分会理事会的成员。这样现在已经有了两个地方分会,每个分会都有各自不同的规章,强调的是选择的多样性。法国分会是维基媒体基金会在法国的合法代表。法国和德国分会都是根据各自国家的法律创建的,这胜于根据语言来区分(然而,两个分会都希望把他们的活动扩展到他们各自的国家之外的区域)。 在过去几个月,其他几个计划也讨论了本地分会的创立,最显著的是荷兰和意大利的维基人。还有一些编辑则认为根据语言创设分会要优于根据国家创设,有人甚至提出创立欧洲分会。
在秋季的时候,理事会讨论了本地分会与理事会之间的关系以及维基媒体理事会自己的未来。为了尊重本地分会, 理事会对当地分会的成员开放任何讨论和建议。请注意这个问题。 关于理事会自身,Anthere, Angela和Jimbo承认目前的情况已经几乎不能承受。理事会的活动基本上都是他们三个人在处理,这意味着需要更多的其他维基人来管理。他们建议理事会的规模,或者活跃会员的最少人数都应该增加It。
Angela和Jimbo在BBC 2004年11月,Angela和在伦敦为BBC工作了两个星期。每个人的表现都很出色,他们还被邀请将来某一天在回来。在此期间,BBC的一些员工还参加了伦敦的聚会。 在通讯的其他地方Angela详细描述了这次不一样的经验。 (参看结束语,pg. 8)
维基媒体已经在法国安装好了3个常设的缓存服务器,这是由法国的一个网站主机提供商Lost Oasis提供的免费主机。
我们由Mandrakesoft发行的法语和英语的双语维基百科快照的大量数字光盘,由于将随Mandrake Linux版本的更新,将会延期。 标记图像和为这些出版物准备目录都是工作量很大的工作,这已经牵扯到对维基百科计划质量的改进。请帮助这个努力[18]。
![]() 已落幕的维基人会议
Wikimania 2005: 第一届国际维基媒体会议 ([21])经过全体维基媒体计划的用户协商讨论后已经计划好(2005年8月4日 - 8月8日)。参看世界各地了解更多的信息。
Daniel Mayer是首席财务官。他负责财务,以督察Michael Davis的工作。尤其是,他管理我们的预算和账单。 募捐活动 2004年9月份为期两周的募捐活动筹集了60,000美元,超过了5万美元的目标。这些捐款中有大约10%都来自德国分会。这些捐款使我们的计划得以维持。 从1月到8月平均每天收到捐款200美元。 按照目前在机器和带宽费用上的支出速度,只能够继续维持站点4个月的时间。下一次的募捐活动计划在2005年2月进行。在这之前(2005年1月底)一个公开的会议讨论了如何保持我们的计划能够长期的发展。 第四季度的预算已经核算完毕(本季度的总开支略小于$50k,非常感谢那些慷慨的捐赠者),可以参看这里:[22]. 下一次正是的预算汇报,由于一些捐款细目的损坏,在1月才可以见到。 链接 ![]() 今年秋天获得了一笔意想不到的资助,Beck基金会提出对Wikijunior计划很感兴趣。 他们愿意资助维基媒体10,000美元,用于创作一套小百科全书风格的,有明确主题的儿童读物。目前的计划是创作一套共48页出版物,内容包括地理、动物和天文学。 请参看Wikijunior以及相关的维基教科书计划上进一步的资料,在这期通讯的项目部分也有专门的介绍。 2005年1月,我们得到了Lounsbery基金会$40,000的资助。我们申请的这笔经费被指定用于下列用途:1) 报告我们每天的工作, 2)授权我们运行一个新的维基物种项目,3)继续改进我们现有的项目。 非常感谢两个基金会对我们的信赖。 12月份在纽约开放社会研究所信息计划(Open Society Institute Information Project)有一个重要的会议。 他们邀请了维基媒体理事会参加他们的理事会年会,他们对帮助维基百科在重要语言上的发展以及向发展中国家推广很感兴趣。 细节还没有决定,但是也对具体项目有一些想法,想让阿拉伯语的内容得到更好的发展,或者吸引更多非洲国家的贡献者。
![]() 下面报告的大部分都是James Day写的;巴黎设备的部分则大部分是David Monniaux所写。 在法国安装Squid caches[edit]![]() 我们的三个服务器位于中间: (从上到下依次是:bleuenn, chloe, ennael。)
机器配备有Squid caching软件。他们将进行技术测试,增加Web caches以减少用户的等待时间。有代表性的是,在法国一个使用DSL互联网接入的用户只需要30 ms的等待时间就可以连接上这些机器,如果他们直接连接到位于佛罗里达的维基媒体主机群则需要大约140 ms。我们的想法是来自欧洲部分的用户将使用法国的Squid caches,这将缩短1/10秒,而所有用户访问多媒体内容和匿名用户访问页面内容将延时。Logged-in users will not profit as much, since pages are generated specifically for them and, thus, are not cached across users. 如果一个页面不在Squid cache,or a page is for a logged-in user, the Apache web服务器必须有1/5到1/3或更长的秒数再加上数据库的时间来获得页面。一般来说数据库时间大约为1/20秒,但是对于类别可能需要更多的时间,甚至对于一个非常巨大的监视列表可能需要100秒的时间。 ![]() Squid caches在2005年1月将被启动,接着是一个测试时间。到1月31日为止,机器已经为比利时、法国、卢森堡、瑞士以及英国cache了英文,法文和多媒体内容。系统还需要进行一些测试,并且希望能够对caching的执行做一些调整。我们也会考虑在其他国家安装类似的caching机群。 在佛罗里达安装更多的服务器[edit]在十月中旬(英文),两台配有双Opteron处理器、6个硬盘组成Raid0和4GB内存的从数据库服务器和5个3GHz/1GB内存的Apache服务器被订购了。由于制造商需要解决兼容性问题,递送使据库服务器被延误了。这导致网站缺少数据库力量;直到十二月早些时候,有时搜索功能得被迫关闭。 In mid-October, two more dual Opteron database slave servers, with 6 drives in RAID 0 and 4GB of RAM, plus five 3GHz/1GB RAM Apache servers were ordered. Delays, due to compatibility problems, which the vendor had to resolve before shipping the database servers, left the site short of database power; until early December, the search function had to be turned off, at times. In November 2004, five Web servers, four with high RAM (working memory) capacity used for Memcached or Squid caching, experienced failures. This resulted in very slow Wikis, sometimes. Five 3GHz/3GB RAM servers were ordered in early December. Four of the December machines will provide Squid and Memcached service as improved replacements for the failing machines, until they are repaired. One machine with SATA drives in RAID 0 will be used as a testbed to see how much load such less costly database servers might be able to handle, as well as, providing another option for a backup-only database slave also running Apache. These machines are equipped with a new option for a remote power and server health monitoring board at $60 extra cost. This option was taken for this order, to allow a comparison of the effectiveness of this monitoring board with a remote power strip and more limited monitoring tools. Remote power and health reporting helps to reduce the need for colocation facility labor, which can sometimes involve costs and/or delays. A further order of one master database server, to permit a split of the database servers into two sets of a master and a pair of slaves, with each set holding about half of the project activity, as well as, five more Apaches is planned for the end of the last quarter of 2004 or the first days of the first quarter of 2005. This order will use the remainder of the US$50,000 from the last fundraising drive. The database server split will allow the halving of the amount of disk writing each set must do, leaving more capacity for the disk reads needed to serve user requests. This split is intended to happen in about three months, after the new master has proved its reliability during several months of service as a database slave. 流量及联结量的增加[edit]流量由2004年第三季期间开始的每秒大约400-500个请求至季尾的每秒大约800个。在2004年第四季的季头,已进一步不断上升,流量超过每秒900个请求,以每日最高峰流量时段达到每秒1,000至1,100个请求的范围,接著,在大约900位置稳定下来,之后再次上升到之前高峰的位置,或者发生反应时间低于理想速度,或两者同时发生。([23])。[24] 带宽增长迅速,从2004年4季度初的每秒32兆,到季度末达到每秒43兆。一般情况下每天的高峰时间带宽高达每秒65到75兆比特,甚至有时达到瞬间100兆的单机以太网出口限值。为了处理此种流量,我们暂时采用了双管道100兆连接, 并在佛罗里达的共管中心安排了一根 千兆比特 光纤 连接,并订购了 所需部件。
![]() 目前有9个正在运行中的项目:
纪念维基目前只是9/11纪念网站,拥有大约200个页面。它并不是一个正式的项目。 新项目政策 由于新项目的扩张和因维基物种的成立所引起的一些争议,成立新项目的程序已经在新项目政策中被详悉罗列。维基新闻是第一个根据这个政策所成立的项目。新政策要求一个工程在成立之前先要提交一份详悉的说明(以及多种语言的翻译本)、全体社群的投票以及维基媒体基金会的最终许可。
![]() 这这一年秋天有几个主要的新闻事件:“100万条目”新闻稿在全球超过10种语言发布;在德国发行德语Directmedia CD的新闻稿发布;以及维基新闻的运行被许多语言的记者和bloggers报道(请参看第7页的新闻报道)。 在这三个月期间,几个较大的维基百科被大家所注视,除英文之外,也被大量的媒体所报道。例如法语维基百科提交了几篇非常好的文章。其中之一是Liberation ([25])的文章,还有一个强烈批评的文章在Charlie Hebdo ([26])。2004年12月27日,Anthere接受了radio BFM的电台采访 (请参看[27])。另外一次在2005年1月的电台采访是以Yann为主:[28]。 来自文章中关于维基百科和其他计划的引言请参看第6页的“新闻报道”。 ![]() Angela也接受了BBC Radio4的采访。这是她的报告: “11月17日,我为维基百科做了我有史以来第一次的电台采访。它是BBC Radio 4's You and Yours节目。我没有想到在我的生命中我会同意做这种事情,但是他并没有我想象得那么可怕。它是在Ipswich的BBC Suffolk演播室录制的,recorded at the BBC Suffolk studio in , since the BBC Essex studios, which are closer to me, were fully booked at that time. 当我到达的时候,我被邀请在“演员休息室”等候,他并没有听起来那样让人感到深刻;它只是一间有几个沙发,饮用水和关于BBC Radio Suffolkit新闻剪报的房间。录制不久之前就开始了,我被带到一个小演播室并且给了我一些耳机,我可以听到节目和在曼彻斯特的编辑对我的谈论。在录制的时候我被单独留在演播室。” Bamber Gascoigne started by giving a potted history of the encyclopedia, and, then, a recording was played of a family searching for facts in a traditional encyclopedia, compared to one using the web. Michael Schmidt, an English professor at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, then talked about how his students nowadays were more likely to use computers than books for their research. The presenter, Liz Barclay, asked me to distill how Wikipedia works, and I explained how the site is editable by any visitor, and how vandalism is quickly discovered and reverted. Bamber was at a studio in London, and talked about his HistoryWorld site. Bamber and Michael both felt that Wikipedia articles should be "arrested" at some point to prevent editing. But, I suggested that instead of locking articles permanently, a version of an article could be marked as stable and could be given to users who wanted that, whilst still allowing other users to edit the live article. This section of the programme lasted just under 20 minutes and concluded with Bamber saying "the idea that encyclopedias [which are printed] are reliable is nonsense". 收听节目。 |
在它創建時,英文版維基百科定位在 (最初是。其他語言則基於ISO 693語言代碼分配子域名。英文版維基百科在2005年8月中於移動到了屬於他自己語言代碼的域名, 但之前的網域依然被用來將到訪的人重導至正確的網址。
作為一個遲到已久及多語言特性計劃的真正指標,這個入口的移動的建立獲得其他語言的維基人廣泛和讚譽的支持。但是,這個改變讓一些人感到驚訝,且讓一些不喜歡這個新編排的英文版維基百科的使用者感到沮喪。更多相關資訊請參閱Michael Snow的報告here.
维基新闻([29])的英语版和德语版于2004年12月正式开始运作。这是第一个经过了广泛讨论、跨语言社群投票已经最终经理事会批准成立的维基媒体计划。埃里克·穆勒(Erik Moeller,网名Eloquence)撰写了一份提案书,为维基新闻设计了基本的网站结构和工作流程。虽然计划刚开始时只是一个实验,blogger、slashdot.org和主流媒体都注意到了它的诞生。 现在最大的问题可能就是维基百科的成功能否复制到新闻网站上。很多资深的维基人担心,作为新闻,维基新闻的内容需要在更短的周期内正式地发布,这可能将影响到新闻的公正中立性。对这些疑问的最终解答还没有被找到,虽然我们看到计划获得了显著的成长。 维基新闻现在进入到了“beta”阶段。它还只是处于萌芽,但它作为维基媒体基金会的一个正式项目的地位已经被基本接受。埃里克为维基新闻的历史与未来写了一篇文章,其中讨论到修改目前的正式审查机制,使其便得更简单。在简化编辑手续,以符合wiki的“任何人可进行任何编辑”的精神,和实施质量保证机制之间存在着矛盾。是否可在首页上提供访问那些为被审查或不完整的新闻报导,也是目前讨论的焦点之一。一些活跃的用户,如IlyaHaykinson、TalkHard和Lyellin对相关讨论发表了许多看法。 考虑到大约一半的新贡献是有关政治与冲突的新闻,对于中立性与准确性的担忧就不无道理了。一些人认为我们的工作重点应该是像时事周刊所做的那样,对新闻进行深入全面的报导,而不应将精力放在突发事件的快速报导上,这样就可以花更多的时间提高新闻报道的质量了。Calrosar是维基新闻众多积极参与者与意见发表者的一员,他注意到在采取了新的方针之后维基新闻的质量正在迅速提高,成果显著。但是计划依然面临很大的挑战。很多人认为创造一个真正自由、开放与中立的新闻来源要比建立一个自由的百科全书更加困难。我们欢迎所有参与其他维基媒体项目的人士造访维基新闻、参与讨论、撰写报导,并帮助建立起一个已经初具规模的社群。 链接: 维基新闻内部人士的观点 媒体与slashdot
数据: ![]() Started by Danny at the end of October as little less than a challenge, after the success encountered with the translation of Gangnihessou into various languages, the Translation of the week, a project designed to translate an article across the different language wikipedias has picked up very well, and counts 10 translations to this day. The idea behind the translation of the week is to choose an article in one of the wikipedias and present it as cadidate for a cross-wiki translation. Articles that reach a majority of supporters are then put up as Translation of the week and set to be translated in as many languages as possible. After 10 weeks, the project counts 64 declared participants, and surely that many more across the different wikipedias. Although the record established by Gangnihessou, translated into 39 languages, has yet to be matched, no article has been translated into less than 16 languages. |
![]() The project was initially greeted with a bit of distaste on the Foundation mailing list, and was called dubbed as being another Wikispecies, a project created by the Board with little outside input. But once development started on Meta, the project has become more structured in its focus, and gained unanimous support and encouragement from every Wikimedia contributor that has discovered it. Once completed, our books will be available worldwide, either for free, or at a cost affordable to local children, rather than just their parents. Glossy and full colour, these magazine-style booklets will be colourful and richly illustrated, to help encourage literacy and curiousity. The project is currently being developed as part of Wikibooks. Once we've created our first booklet, the information will be transferred to a non-editable site for our readers. All of the content will be reviewed and verified by qualified educators. One of our greatest challenges so far is adapting our writing styles and content for kids. Contributors walk a fine line between too fluffy and too nerdy. Eventually, as we venture into other topics, we'll also have to decide between censorship and tastefulness. The first topics are safe from any such issues; Big Cats, the Solar System, and South America are the first books the community decided to put into development. There's also been some interesting experiments in how to layout multiple levels of content at once. The South American issue seems to be developing the quickest, thanks to the help of Wikimedians from the continent. We've already had translation offers for Danish, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Our eventual goal is for these projects to develop content independently of the English project. Additional grants will be need to create print editions of all other languages. I encourage everyone to come and see what Wikijunior's shaping up to be. Contribute some info, list yourself as an eligible translator, debate over the project's name. Wikijunior will hopefully lend more creditablity to the Wikimedia name, as one of our first projects to have truely noticable results in the real world. ![]() Right now, the Spanish Wikiversity is growing quite faster than "Wikilibros" (Spanish Wikibooks). It seems that the foundations of this project are getting stronger as we already have Schools with active members in Chemistry, Physics, Computing Science, Philosophy and Linguistics. Especially active at the moment are the School of Computing Science (Escuela de Ingeniería Informática), with 7 members, 8 departments and 1 university course outlined; the Physics Department and the Chemistry Department have also very active members and the Department of Linguistics have a recently created Area of Synology. In the "Claustro" we discuss how the organization of the Wikiversity should be. One of the topics being discussed is if we should propose to Wikimedia community that the Wikiversity should be an independent project from Wikibooks, with or without another domain name (for example Actually, eventhough Wikiversity may/should use Wikibooks to create didactic material, different departments may be involved in other Wikimedia projects. For example, the "Area de Sinología" is going to begin the Chinese-Spanish and Spanish-Chinese section of the Wiktionary and also the article "Literatura de China" from the Wikipedia. So, the vision of the Wikiversity is quite wider than Wikibooks. It involves and tends to get profit and participate in all the projects from Wikimedia. I encourage you to have a look and to participate :P. What? don't you have a Wikiversity in your language, and what are you waiting for creating it ;-)? |
Ar: A lot of effort is put into improving the existing articles, with some new additions everyday. No special projects are currently going on. En : In light of the size of Wikipedia, it's increasingly difficult for people to keep track of significant happenings in the community. Michael Snow has made a new effort to collect this information by actually writing about it and has started a newspaper called The Wikipedia Signpost. The paper is planned to be published on the weekly basis. Read it at: Wikipedia Signpost. Es: A very successful project called País de la Semana (Country of the Week) encourages contributors to enhance the article of the country chosen for that week. Countries with little to no information are prioritized. Ja: Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MLIT) clarified that their aerial photos are available under GFDL. This is a big good news for us, because fair-use images are not accepted for legal reasons on Japanese Wikipedia. Our big thanks go to the effort of User:っ and the magnanimity of MLIT. e-Goat. (PDF source)
In Japan, traffic has grown 635% over the past year, the biggest spike on the japanese web by a wide margin. Wikipedia is currently 7% as popular there as the country's most popular site, Zh: The long-requested feature - Traditional/Simplified Chinese automated conversion - are coming with MediaWiki 1.4, which will attract more traditional Chinese users to Mediawiki projects and reshape the community. We owe Zhengzhu a lot for this wonderful work. It : One Christmas tradition is sending Christmas and New Year cards, and the text on an Italian card would be “Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo”, on an English card “Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!”. Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo! is the leading page for this effort. What we want is the translation for as many languages as possible but certainly one for all each language that has a Wikimedia project AND a sound file with the pronunciation on Commons. ![]() One way in which you can extend this project is by writing about the way Christmas is celebrated in your area, tradition or country. Many Christians do celebrate Christmas in January for instance and not in December. Not everyone knows about a “Christmas pudding” for instance and snow should go with Christmas but not in Australia. Buon Natale is a page where you can find many resources about Christmas""" See also |
![]() Groups of Italian, Dutch and Romanian wikimedians expressed interest in forming their own chapters this fall, and held a few meetings, online and in person, to discuss the details. The Romanians in particular already drafted some bylaws ([38]). A common sticking point for all of these chapters, both formed and proposed, is whether to create a chapter for a particular country, or one for a particular language, or neither (for instance, there is interest in forming a European chapter, which would have a changeable regional affiliation and no language affiliation at all). Interim reports on the Italian and Dutch deliberations can be found here and here, respectively. |
Wikimedia Deutschland ([39]) has been busy with a lot of administrative tasks. The German chapter has succeeded in gaining official status as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. To resolve some repeatedly asked questions about the impact of copyright laws and the GNU FDL on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Deutschland has ordered a legal FAQ for the German Wikipedia from a German lawyer who specializes in Open Source and Open Content license issues. At the end of September, Wikimedia Deutschland, together with the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS) and Prof. Deborah Weber-Wulff from the University of Applied Sciences (FHTW) in Berlin, began working to participate in a well capitalized research project developed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), called "New Media in Education [40]." Two applications have finally been submitted; the selection process will continue until the end of the year. In early October, Wikimedia Deutschland established contacts with the OSCE, which organised the "OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting [41]" in Warsaw, where Jimbo Wales gave a speech about Wikipedia at the panel "Guaranteeing Media Freedom on the Internet." Later that month, a team from the German chapter represented Wikipedia at a booth and gave a speech at Berlinux, a Linux congress in Berlin from the 22nd to the 23rd of October, 2004. Rumours exist that John "maddog" Hall was seen wearing a Wikipedia T-Shirt there. Contacts with the Brockhaus publishing house were strengthened at several meetings, as well as contacts with Directmedia, a company from Berlin, which produced the CD version of Wikipedia. The Wikipedia CD release received several favorable reviews in the German media and was distributed on the cover of the computer magazine Chip. Directmedia currently plans a DVD version of Wikipedia for spring and invited us to share their booth at the Leipzig book fair, which is in the immediate neighbourhood of Brockhaus'. In December, Wikimedia Deutschland attended the 21C3, the annual Congress of the Chaos Computer Club. Jimbo Wales gave a presentation about Wikipedia. And, Wikimedia Deutschland invited two of the main developers of the MediaWiki software, Brion Vibber and Tim Starling, to meet for a Mediawiki conference there. In the last three months, there have been numerous mentions of Wikipedia in the German-language press. For example, Tageszeitung featured an article on Wikipedia, and Bild-Zeitung, Germany's biggest tabloid, published an article with a "how-to" on Wikipedia. The start of the new Wikinews-Service has been very well received by German journalists, although de:Wikinews is still at its very beginnings. |
Wikimédia France ([42]), a French non-profit association, was officially founded on October 23, 2004 in Paris, with 20 founding members. Among the founding members], were the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation. At this meeting, the final bylaws were adopted. The goal of Wikimédia France is to promote all Wikimedia projects, with a focus on French language projects. Wikimédia France will also act as a representative of the Wikimedia Foundation in France and other countries, where its help is required. It will not exercise any editorial influence on the French-language Wikipédia, and may intervene only statutorily in the case of legal matters. The founding members and other interested users are working to establish a set of internal policies for Wikimédia France, in order to further define its goals and methods. We have had a few occasions to present Wikimedia (more particulary Wikipedia) in different meetings. Please see [43] for more details. |
- - 9月1日:“没有人是全知全能的,但每个人都知道点什么。” --SVM
- - 9月20日:“我们喜欢它的原因是它帮我们节省时间,而且它也提到了我们。”--The Inquirer
- - 9月23日:“你不想做一回圣人,在他们举行筹款活动时扔几块铜板给他们吗?” --《村声》
- - 9月25日:“令人震惊的是:世界从混沌走向有序了。” --莱比锡人民报
- - 9月30日:“所有知识的源泉。”--蒂姆·伯纳斯-李在MIT技术会议上的讲话
- - 10月7日:“数字时代的奇迹之一。”--《卫报》
- - 11月1日:“虽然没有一个控制结构……它在收录范围与质量上可与商业百科全书竞争。”--《法律事务》
- - 11月5日:“这是团队合作的最终表现,其成果壮观。”--《今日美国》
- - 11月8日:“一个展现了因特网脑力的全球计划。”--《圣彼得堡时报》
- - 1月5日:“感觉象是有一个志愿者组成的大军来帮助你,全靠热心,没有胡萝卜也没有大棒。”--CaptainDoc
- - 9月15日:“它对‘中立观点’而非文章脉络的执着是导致其失败的根源。”--科学观察家
- - 11月15日:“事实上,与所以为的相反的是,文章的水准经过修改已经变得平庸。”--科技中心站
- - 11月 : “快餐”之后是“快速科技” - Charlie Hebdo.
- - 11月10日:"你怎么能仅凭区区850个单词来评价Weird Al(注:一位著名的搞怪歌手)的生平呢?" --The Onion
Special coverage : Coverage has included the million article milestone, comparison tests against other encyclopedias, and the hot and heavy editing that preceded the US elections.
- - 9月23日: "ha conseguido reunir 1.000.000 de artículos y se ha convertido en uno de los principales lugares de referencia de la Internet toda" --世界报
- - 10月14日: "Nur im naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich muss die Wikipedia ihre Spitzenposition teilen" --时代周报
- - 10月14日: "布什和克里制造了比性和宗教信仰条目数量更多的争论。" --红鲱鱼
Other projects besides Wikipedia are getting mentioned too:
- - 10月25日: "Personally, I still rely on the OED most of the time, but I also look forward to a day when Wiktionary beats it hands down." --The Statesman
- - 12月4日: "Wikinews, the latest attempt to rethink traditional media and publishing" --网络教育新闻
As evidence that the press also struggles to get its facts right, Wikipedia was founded by:
- Howard Rheingold, according to the International Herald Tribune, Sep 11.
- Lyndon LaRouche(?!?!), according to the (Ohio State University) Lantern, Oct 4.
- 象“google”这个词一样作为动词来使用:
- - 11月25日: "你能以开源的形式将它们Wikipedia到网上去。" --联线杂志
- 隐喻网上生活:
- - 12月2日: "越来越多的技术狂热分子,他们的生命就是一个巨大的Wikipedia" --连线新闻
Wikimania 2005: The First International Wikimedia Conference ([44]) is a planned conference for all users of Wikimedia projects (4 August 2005 to 8 August 2005). The event will include speakers from within Wikipedia and from outside Wikipedia as well. One of the purposes of the conference will be to have people meet and learn about other language projects. Frankfurt was chosen as location for the first Wikimedia conference in Summer 2005. In mid-November, Jimbo Wales, Arne Klempert, Mathias Schindler and Elian inspected the place for the meetup, the Haus der Jugend, and talked to possible sponsors. The Haus der Jugend turned out to be great, a mixture of ancient and new buildings, set around a beautiful courty yard. We booked nearly the entire building for the time from 4th to 8th August, a big conference hall for 400 people, several smaller halls and about 300 beds. As next steps we will work on setting up the reservation system for participants and issuing a Call for papers. There are three days of activity and two days of conference planned for the first annual Wikimania event. There will be technical, academic, and business presentations about wikis and the wikimedia projects. Both housing for the event and conference space will be provided by the main youth hostel / social center in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, a frequent venue for non-profit organizations. You can register your interest in attending, and find out more about the schedule and location, at the Meta page on the subject ([45]).
Italian Wikipedians held a meeting in Bolzano on the same day of the presentation of Wikipedia at the LinuxDay conference (nov 27th). One of the main topics was the formation of the Italian local chapter; some German Wikipedians have also participated, and their experience with their own local chapter formation was valuable. Some important points have been accepted: a draft of the Bylaws for the Association is to be created and discussed by chapter and the Association can be a "onlus" or any other non-profit type. The status of administrators is currently under discussion with various polls on the Italian Wikipedia. In the meantime it has been decided that those who are not active, have to appear separately in the list, in order to avoid that users can contact them and complain about receiving no feedback. In the end, there was a point about usage of categories in substitution of the lists, where the list still presents missing articles, they can be transferred in the editable part of the category.
![]() 台北維基人聚會於2004年12月4日的午後,在風雨不交加的情況下在台北車站前面的雲門cafe順利的揭開了序幕。4名維基人和一名聯合報的記者参加了這次聚會。 MediaWiki 1.4中新增加的中文繁/簡體自動轉換功能成為了最初的討論話題,這個功能的實現將會吸引更多的台灣人參與這個計劃。台北維基人還談論了中文版中維基人的不同風格,這是一個非常有意思的話題。大家還介绍了Yahoo!奇摩創建的一個新的網路社群 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+,以及中國大陸Sina.com開始的一個類似的計劃 – 愛問。認為應該將這些問答形式的内容重新組織起來,在這兩個社區裡,每個人都可以提出或回答問題,所有的内容都被以問題的形式組織起來。Yahoo!奇摩知識+與維基百科的差異也被提出來討論,所有的與會者皆認為,維基百科中文版應該學習Yahoo!奇摩知識+與愛問引進一些獎勵制度 -- 雖然在中文維基人已知英文維基百科的WikiMoney和Barnstars激勵制度.最後這個社群談到了招募剛上網的新手,到底應該有某些特殊的宣傳或是只是任這個社群隨意自發的成長呢?這真是個好問題讓大家思考一下.
![]() The 21st Chaos Communication Congress (21C3) was held in Berlin at the end of December, 2004, and provided a chance for many Wikimedians and MediaWiki developers to meet up. For many of the developers, it was their first chance to have face to face discussions about the future direction of the software. The conference included the themes of hacking, science, community, society, and culture, and included two Wikimedia related talks and two workshops. Tim Starling and Brion Vibber made a presentation entitled "Edit This Page Scaling the Wiki Beyond 1 million" as well as moderating the MediaWiki Developer Workshop which discussed both the current software, and ideas for future features of MediaWiki. Their presentation discussed both hardware and the software issues, with information on the implementation of compression algorithms. Jimmy Wales spoke about "Wikipedia Sociographics: What the wikipedia community doesn't know about itself" where he explained different roles within the community, and explained how Wikipedia is not created by a million people adding one line, but by a community of users who trusted each other working together. Elisabeth Bauer, Angela Beesley, and Jimmy Wales moderated a Wikimedia Collaboration Workshop. Topics discussed included the role of the Foundation, International cooperation, and the Wikimania conference. The Wikipedia area on the ground floor, with sofas and a mattress, was a meeting point for Wikipedians and gave the opportunity to sell Wikireaders and Wikipedia CDs and to promote Wikipedia to other conference attendees. The time in Berlin was also used for a meeting about the Wikimania
event, and plans for speakers and other aspects of the event were able
to be discussed offline.
A thesis on Wikipedia has been written by an Italian Wikipedian, Valentina Paruzzi. The thesis, written in Italian, may be found on Wikisource (the English version is here). The work of this thesis focuses on the issue, often debated, of the “collective production” of knowledge, which for more than 40 years has been taking shape in contemporary media, characterized by the centrality of computers as a tool of “knowledge sharing” and as a “relational instrument”. In particular, the thesis discusses the collective production of knowledge in its online dimension, and specifically, inside the Wikipedia project, as an emblematic work in the treatment of this argument. Beside in-depth empirical research inside the Wikipedia community (“virtual ethnography” combined with “participative observation” in meetings, and offline interviews combined with interviews directly on the net), we trace a complex route from the first steps in the phase of social construction of the PC, to critical analysis of the production model and social ensemble, which comes closer to that observable within Wikipedia: that is to say, open-source, analyzing in particular the thoughts of its two main theoreticians: Richard Stallman and Eric Raymond. Then we look at the interventions that best seem to contribute to clarifying the socio-structural form sustaining the cooperative production of knowledge on the net: that is, with the structural theory of networks and emerging systems, as formalized by Albert Làszlò Barabàsi, and with the theories of complexity and emerging systems, at least as revealed in the field of human sciences. Starting from this theoretical frame, we came to an original result in the research sphere, recognizing in the Italian edition of Wikipedia a hybrid model, on one side recalling the dynamics of emergence and of complex systems, on the other presenting more typically communitarian aspects, such as have been described in the vast literature on virtual communities. |
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下面介绍Angela Beesley和Jimmy Wales在2004年8月被BBC聘请,在11月份他们被邀请到伦敦的Bush House的BBC办公室度过了两周。这两周他们向BBC多个部门的员工竭尽介绍了维基百科和其他的维基媒体计划,还有运行这些计划的MediaWiki软件,以及自由内容和开放社群的原则。 他们和大约150个人进行了交流,这只是BBC27,000名员工中很小的一部分。他们根据不同的情况进行了介绍,这些部门是否可以从使用维基百科的内容中受益,或是是否应该在BBC网站上创建他们自己的内容创作社群。 在是否使用维基百科的链接方面,Jimmy和搜索部门以及社论政策部门讨论了制作者的政策,看起来BBC有理由不在他们的搜索引擎中推荐维基百科页面。在搜索部门过时的页面中建议对wiki用“三点击原则”进行预防,但是很多新的指导方针认为这根本不是一个问题。 之后向在线新闻部门介绍维基媒体计划,大多的问题都集中在最近运行的维基新闻计划,许多问题都是关于这个计划应该如何有效的控制和信赖。他们解释这个计划目前集中在对现有的新闻来源进行汇总报告,而不是原始新闻。 在对广播和音乐部门的演示中, 有一个是示范维基百科的内容将如何呈现在网站上, 并且与BBC现在从Muze授权的内容完全不一样。 最后,讨论了关于h2g2和维基百科社群之间的差异,以及BBC所采用的自上而下的流程应该如何被削减。 在BBC的第一周,Paula LeDieu来讨论了 创造性档案。这个档案包括了全部BBC的电视和广播节目的存档,并且在创作共用协议下发布。这个协议是非商业性的,而且只有英国用户可以使用。因为BBC不是大部分内容的版权持有人,很难让受益人同意释放到自有协议下的困难,是选择非商业性使用条款的原因。 体育部对于使用维基百科内容表现得最热心,而且也形成了一个她们自己的社群。她们准备给每个体育类单项增加更多细化的内容, 并且对体育爱好者们就如何通过在wiki上增加内容来使这一工作更有效率展现出非常浓厚的兴趣。 People's War 这个网站即将关闭编辑的功能。我们已经就在项目结束时他们准备如何处理这个网站和他们进行了讨论。虽然该网站的贡献者们同意BBC的使用条款, 允许BBC对内容的授权转移, 但是在GFDL协议下发布以及其他不恰当的使用仍然让人感觉不可能接受。有一个备选方案是保持现有的故事不动, 但允许社区继续在他们的基础上扩展更多的相关资料和信息。 |
详细资料请参看日历 希望总是那么激动人心。最令人期待的事情是即将召开的Wikimania-第一届国际维基媒体会议,它的重要之处在于,这将是第一次数百名维基媒体人的学术探讨和社交聚会活动。将会发生什么事情呢?气氛将会多热烈呢?谁也不知道。 你在2005年8月的第一个周末会作什么呢?
