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Translation requests/WMF/Answers/September 2011/it

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Settembre 2011


Fondazione: Cosa fa la Wikimedia Foundation?


Qual é lo scopo di Wikimedia Foundation? Come supporta i progetti Wikimedia?

Fondata nel Giugno 2003, la Wikimedia Foundation si è dedicata fin dall'inizio all'incoraggiamento della crescita, dello sviluppo e della distribuzione di contenuti liberi e multilingue, e di fornire liberamente al pubblico l'intero contenuto di questi progetti basati sul wiki. Coordina con un Consiglio di Amministrazione lo sviluppo di strategie per progredire nella missione educativa dei progetti: Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons,Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikiversity, Wikiquote, e Wikispecies. Gestisce diverse centinaia di server in tre località per mantenere in buon funzionamento i siti web per più di 500 milioni di persone che visitano i progetti ogni mese. In associazione con 38 Wikimedia Chapters locali e indipendenti, coordina la raccolta di fondi pubblici e privati per sostenere i progetti, e, in coordinamento con un grande corpo di volontari, aiuta a sviluppare e a mantenere il software MediaWiki usato da tutti i progetti.

Una delle aree in cui la Wikimedia Foundation si concentra per promuovere i suoi obiettivi è la sensibilizzazione. Le opportunità di sensibilizzazione includono l'aiuto di assunzione di nuovi utenti (come, ad esempio, nelle istituzioni educative) e nell'espansione dei mercati (come ad esempio nei dispositivi mobili e in modalità offline -non in linea-). Analizzando le tendenze e gli sviluppi, è costantemente alla ricerca di nuovi modi per sostenere e nutrire i progetti, ad esempio con la fornitura di video di formazione o di nuovi strumenti per utenti esperti e nuovi. --Maggie Dennis 17:29, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Fondazione: Quanti impiegati ha Wikimedia e quali compiti svolgono?

Quante persone lavorano per la Wikimedia Foundation, e che tipo di lavoro fanno?

A questa domanda esiste una risposta breve e una lunga. La risposta breve è la più facile:

La Wikimedia Foundation ha un personale composto da 302 persone e un numero di imprenditori indipendenti. Tre reparti distinti tengono la maggior parte del personale: comunità, sviluppo globale e tecnologia. Il reparto tecnologia è di gran lunga il più grande. Il personale che non rientra in questi reparti lavora nei settori di gestione, finanza, e amministrazione, che includono la protezione legale del nostro lavoro.
Tra le responsabilità del dipartimento di tecnologia ci sono operazioni web e sviluppo software. Il reparto comunità si concentra su cose come i rapporti lettore, programmi di comunità e raccolta fondi. Il reparto sviluppo globale sostiene tra le altre cose il progetto globale di educazione, il programma portante, e aiuta a far crescere Wikimedia in tutto il mondo.

Questo è, naturalmente, un quadro molto incompleto. C'è una risposta molto più lunga nella tabella sottostante ma è anch'essa incompleta. Le funzioni dei membri del personale della Wikimedia Foundation sono flessibili, in costante cambiamento per raggiungere gli obiettivi della fondazione, che fa ogni sforzo per rispondere brevemente a questa domanda. Infatti, alcuni nomi dei mestieri lavorativi sono intenzionalmente vaghi, per far riflettere che le responsabilità possono differire un po' con la richiesta.

This long answer was composed with kind assistance of staff members Philippe Beaudette, Guillaume Paumier and Jessie Wild. None of them are responsible for any errors I might have made.

The staff page offers listings of many staff members organized by department. It's a good idea to keep an eye on that page if you're interested in who is doing what at the Wikimedia Foundation. Job openings will keep you up to date on emerging roles, and Category:Job Descriptions includes more in-depth descriptions of some of the jobs already filled. --Maggie Dennis 17:29, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Finanze: Da dove vengono i soldi, e come vengono utilizzati?

Da dove prende il denaro la Wikimedia Foundation? Come li spende?
Un grafico a torta rappresentante le spese pianificate per l'anno fiscale 2011-2012

The Wikimedia Foundation gets its money from people like you. A non-profit organization, it is sustained largely by donations from hundreds of thousands of individuals as well as through grants and gifts of servers and hosting. It does not accept advertising and is not considering advertising as a source of revenue. It makes occasional formal requests for donations through the projects it helps sustain (read about last year's donation drive at the Fundraising 2010/Report), but also receives donations spontaneously and generously offered throughout the year.

Wikimedia is quite transparent about where its money goes. It publishes an annual plan as well as regular financial reports. While the 2010-2011 annual report is not yet published, this is a report of fiscal years 2009 and 2010 and here is a half-year report from July 2010-December 2010. You can review the 2011-2012 PDF version (400 KB) of the annual plan or view the questions and answers about it.

To put it briefly, your money pays for staff salaries, technology (servers, bandwidth and Internet hosting), the legal defense of the Foundation, and program activities around the world. For the 2011-2012 fiscal year, the Wikimedia Foundation expects to spend $28,281,000. The pie chart to the right shows planned expenditures for that year, based on pages 34 and 35 of the annual plan pdf. (The math and all work are my own, as are any errors.) Of course, in the real world (where prices vary and unexpected situations may arise), plans don't always pan out. On that same page range, you can see the difference between last year's plans and the final, actual expenditures. For one example, the biggest variance was in the project staff salaries, which were 20% less than anticipated. Rather than push to meet the plan, the Wikimedia Foundation decided to slow hiring in order to ensure that the staff members added were right for their roles. --Maggie Dennis 20:03, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Finanze: È la Wikimedia Foundation finanziariamente sostenibile?


The community of donors (both individual and organizational) have been incredibly generous in helping to support the Wikimedia Foundation's work over the years. In the 2009-2010 fiscal year, donors contributed nearly $14.5 million in unrestricted donations (see pg. 3). In the 2010-2011 fiscal year, that number rose to over $17.5 million in the first six months alone (pg. 1). The Wikimedia Foundation does not, however, immediately spend all it gets. To be financially sustainable, a nonprofit organization must retain enough working capital to meet its program goals over the long term.

Responsible nonprofit organizations must weigh current program demands against the need to maintain enough capital to deal with unexpected future financial difficulties - whether from unanticipated expenses or reduced donations. The Wikimedia Foundation maintains a healthy cash reserve, enough as of September 2011 to sustain planned spending for seven months. (The balance of cash reserve maintained by nonprofits varies widely, with young or small nonprofits often having no more than a few months, while some large organizations may maintain several years. The Wikimedia Foundation feels the amount it holds in reserve is healthy and sustainable given its size and age.) It earns interest income on some of its cash balances, although it adopts an investment philosophy that favors preservation of capital and liquidity over higher yields, which come with more risks. For instance, in 2009-2010, cash reserves were invested in money market accounts, U.S. Treasury bills and certificates of deposit, all low-risk investment options.

It's important to recognize (and the Wikimedia Foundation does) that sustainability is a state: it is something to be maintained, not something to be achieved. Just as it is poor practice to "borrow from tomorrow to pay for today" - which happens when a nonprofit pushes all of its revenue into current program activities and fails to achieve long-term goals - it is irresponsible stewardship to reserve too much. The Wikimedia Foundation regularly assesses its financial health, ensuring that it puts appropriate funds into meeting healthy and realistic short-term goals to drive forward its mission while reserving an appropriate amount for future costs. --Maggie Dennis 12:31, 23 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Fondazione: To what extent is the Wikimedia Foundation an advocacy organization?


To what extent is the Wikimedia Foundation an advocacy organization like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)?

The Wikimedia Foundation is not an advocacy organization. Such organizations have as at least a part of their core mission the impetus to influence legislation. As a global organization, with a global mission, the Wikimedia Foundation cannot invest substantial resources in advocacy in any one jurisdiction, not even the one in which it is based. To do so would be to take resources away from its primary goal of empowering a global volunteer community to collect and develop the world's knowledge and to make it available to everyone for free, for any purpose.

The Wikimedia Foundation does recognize that it has a powerful potential to influence social movements and legal causes related to its mission, primarily by supporting organizations that share its values and local chapters, which are better positioned to work with local laws. For one example, in June 2011, the Wikimedia Foundation's attorney joined the EFF in filing an Amicus brief in a United States case that may restore to public domain works rendered nonfree by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (see the announcement).

In 2009, the Foundation assembled a task force to consider its approach to advocacy, including exploring the issues that impact the WMF's mission and its position on those issues, defining what organizations hold similar or opposing values, and determining the best means of supporting those values. The task force reported its findings and recommendations in a series of documents on the strategic planning wiki. You can read the full reports there (Advocacy 1, Advocacy 2, Advocacy 3, Advocacy 4 and Advocacy 5), but in a nutshell they recommended that the Wikimedia Foundation only sparingly engage in advocacy and only on matters related to its survival or the success of its projects. The issues they found to be of concern were network neutrality, censorship, copyright, the digital divide, environmentalism and (to a lesser degree) privacy. --Maggie Dennis 13:31, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]