Translation requests/WMF/Answers/August 2011/en
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August 2011
[edit]Communication: What is "Answers"?
[edit]Answers is a potential new system of the Wikimedia Foundation to put Wikimedia volunteer communities in touch with staff. It is intended to provide a central point where community members who need assistance from the Wikimedia Foundation or who have questions about the Foundation or its activities can reach out and find answers. This system is being unrolled on a trial basis to test its efficiency and usefulness to communities.
You can help determine the usefulness of the system by using it!
In brief, if you have questions for or about the Wikimedia Foundation, you can address them to answers
. Many of the questions we receive are expected to be answered on this page, as most questions will be of general interest. These Answers will form a growing bank of easily accessible information. By submitting a question, you agree to release your submission into the public domain and therefore allow us to use, transfer, and post your submission freely and without further permission. Questions generally will not be attributed; they may be published here in whole or in part and will often likely be combined with other questions on the same subject. If you request, we will try not to reveal your username and contact information on this Answers page.
Please note, however, that we treat Answers as a Foundation hosted email list and therefore cannot guarantee privacy under the Privacy policy. For example, some letters will be sent directly to staff. If the questions are more appropriately handled by volunteers, you will either be referred to the appropriate point of contact or your letter will be forwarded to the volunteer response team. Accordingly, your correspondence may be seen by staff as well as select volunteers and third parties, including independent contractors of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please review Answers/Process for specific terms and more information.
We look forward to hearing from you! --August 2011