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This is not the English Wikipedia version of the press release. That version is . The Meta version of the press release is a less dynamic text, for use in translation. The text of this press release and all edits to it are released into the public domain. text-only version | press release logbook


圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达, 美国, 2005年3月18日

维基媒体基金会今天宣告:英文版维基百科已经创建500,000条目。维基百科计划是一个自由免费、多语言的在线百科全书。第500,000条目是"Involuntary settlements in the Soviet Union。" 维基百科作为一个全面的在线参考资源,由于它对于新闻事件和流行文化的详细阐述,它的可用性,以及它的贡献者社群而赢得了称赞和奖励。每天它都有数百万次的访问。

最近增加到英文版的还有数百首全长歌曲, 将近1GB的新图像,以及主题首页

丹尼尔·品克,作家和《连线》杂志的专栏作家,最近这样描述维基百科“自我组织,自我修复,超级上瘾的未来图书馆。” 英国广播公司(BBC)新闻称其是“在线或离线的最可靠的有用的信息来源之一”,万维网之父伯纳斯·李则称其为“所有知识的源泉”。

维基百科是维基媒体基金会第一个也是最广为人知的项目。 它产生了一些姐妹项目,包括字典,教科书,语录和新闻站点。这些项目都运行在开元软件MediaWiki平台上

维基百科可以免费并无广告地从其网站浏览,zh.wikipedia.org。感兴趣的贡献者可以访问http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:欢迎,新来者来学习如何为百科全书做贡献。英文出版了维基百科的DVD, 德国和法国也计划在今年的晚些时候出版DVD。


Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing. --Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder

Started in January 2001, Wikipedia is currently the world's fastest-growing, most current, and largest encyclopedia, with 1.5 million articles under active development in over 120 languages. It is created entirely by volunteers who contribute, update, and revise articles in a collaborative process. The English-language edition contains 10 million internal links, and incorporates 25,000 edits and 1,000 new articles each day.

Wikipedia's content is written for a general audience, and is continually being revised for clarity, readability, and accuracy. Original text, images and sounds contributed to Wikipedia are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation Licence (GFDL), which lets users copy and modify each other's work based on a principle known as "copyleft." The entire database is freely downloadable.


The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit corporation based in Florida, USA. It was founded in 2003 to maintain and develop free-content projects like Wikipedia, and to provide the full contents of those projects to the public free of charge.

The Foundation recently concluded a fund drive which raised over US$90,000 (£55,000 or €80,000), primarily through individual donations of US$50 or less. It has national chapters in Germany and France.


关于维基百科 | 维基百科统计 | 维基百科最佳的文章
关于MediaWiki | 维基媒体基金会 | 新闻稿



Jimmy Wales,维基媒体基金会理事会主席
电话: +1-310-474-3223
Email: jwales@wikia.com

Angela Beesley,维基媒体基金会理事会执行秘书
电话: (+44)-7796-305-786
Email: angela@wikimedia.org

en:Wikipedia:Press releases/March 2005