Translation requests/NL-1/Fi:
![]() Tervetuloa |
![]() Perustaja |
![]() Raportit |
![]() Projektit |
![]() Haastattelu |
![]() Lehdistö |
![]() Kansainvälisyys |
![]() Loppusanat |
[edit]![]() |
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Jimmy Wales, perustaja ![]()
Vastaava päätoimittaja
Kirjoittajat ![]() |
Tämä on Wikimedia-säätiön uutiskirje, joka sisältää tuoreimmat tiedot säätiön aloitteista, luottohenkilöiden ajatuksia ja kuulumisia ja säätiön perustaja Jimmy Walesin puheenvuoron. Kirjeestä löydät myös ajantasaiset raportit komiteoistamme ja kokuksistamme, yhteisömme jäsenten kommentteja ja tuoreimmat kuulumiset avoimen sisällön, tekijänoikeuden ja hajautetun tutkimuksen aloilta haastattelujen ja kolumnien muodossa. Tässä numerossa Ward Cunninghamia haastatellaan Wikipediasta ja wikin tulevaisuudesta (ks. sivu 5). Syyskuun merkkihetkiä ovat olleet Wikipedian miljoonas artikkeli, sitä seurannut lehdistötiedote ja Linzin kybertaidefestivaali Itävallassa, joka myönsi Wikipedialle toukokuussa digitaalisten yhteisöjen palkinnon ja apurahan. Lisäksi Wikipedia esiteltiin Yhdistyneille kansakunnille Genevessä. Tämä uutiskirje on saatavilla useissa muodoissa ja useilla kielillä; voit levittää sitä vapaasti. Se kertoo ennen kaikkea yhteisöstä ja säätiöstä, jotka sinä ja muut Wikimedian projektien käyttäjät olette luoneet. Lehti on jatkuvasti työn alla. Ole rohkea ehdotuksissasi ja kritiikissäsi: kerro meille mitä haluaisit nähdä näillä sivuilla tulevina kuukausina. Lyhyet kirjoitelmat Wikimedia-säätiöstä ja sen projekteista ovat tervetulleita julkaistavaksi seuraavassa uutiskirjeessä, samoin mahdolliset maininnat Wikimediasta tiedotusvälineissä. Näitä kaikkia voi lähettää osoitteeseen Kiitokset lukuisille tukijoille, kuten, jotka ovat tänä vuonna pitäneet säätiön varoissaan. Olemme erityisesti kiitollisia kaikille, jotka ovat avustaneet projekteja tai kokouksia esseiden, diagrammien, kuvien, musiikin, koodin tai lahjoituksien (?) muodossa. Ilman teidän omistautumistanne tässä uutiskirjessä ei olisi paljoa mainitsemisen arvoista. Lopuksi haluamme kiittää uutiskirjeen tekoon osallistuneita kirjoittajia, suunnittelijoita ja kääntäjiä. Suuri määrä osanottajia tekee työn helpoksi, ja tämän uutiskirjeen tekeminen oli mukava kokemus. Toivottavasti pidät sen lukemisesta yhtä paljon kuin me sen tekemisestä. <--Tämä lause pitää ottaa pois. Uutiskirjeen kääntäminen suomeksi on ollut ilmiselvästi vastenmielistä, sillä se on kestänyt näin kauan, eikä sitä ole tehty yhtäjaksoisesti.--> --Wikimedia Quarton toimittajat
Cover : Community (4)

Tehtävämme on antaa kooste maailman tiedosta jokaiselle ihmiselle heidän valitsemallaan kielellä ja vapaalla lisenssillä, että he voivat muokata, soveltaa, käyttää uudelleen ja levittää tietoa. Kun sanon jokaiselle ihmiselle, tarkoitan juuri sitä, joten meidän pitää muistaa, että suurin osa kohdeyleisöstämme ei vielä pääse Internetiin luotettavasti, jos ollenkaan. Olemme uskomattoman yleismaailmallinen projekti, joka jatkaa kasvuaan tyrmistyttävällä vauhdilla. Muutamia yhteisössä yleisesti tunnettuja tilastoja kannattaa toistaa: meille tulee 2000 uutta käyttäjää joka kuukausi; 2000 uutta artikkelia ja 40 000 artikkeleiden muokkausta joka päivä — melkein tuplasti, jos mukaan lasketaan keskustelut ja meta(?)-sivut — ja tämäkin vain Wikipediassa.
Kasvun jatkuessa joudumme sen aiheuttamien haasteiden eteen. Vanhat tavat, joilla asiat tehtiin, saattavat muuttua käyttökelvottomiksi, kun projektissa on aina vain enemmän osallistujia. Haluamme pitää yllä ja parantaa laatuamme, ja samalla pysyä avoimena ja ystävällisenä yhteisönä. Tähän haasteeseen vastaaminen tulee vaatimaan paljon tarkastelua(?) ja mietteliäisyyttä.
Mainitsen myös aina mielelläni toisen ainesosan, joka on ehdottoman olennainen: hyvä tahto. Akateemisissa piiressä ei ole kovin yleistä puhua yhteisön keskuudessa vallitsevasta rakkaudesta, mutta meille on, ja se on oltavakin — yleistä ja käsinkosketeltavaa. Yhteisömme jäsenten taustat vaihtelevat huomattavasti, ja ajan myötä tämä moninaisuus tulee vain lisääntymään. Ainoa tapa, jolla voimme koordinoida tavoitteitamme tehokkaasti on saavuttaa itsellemme asetetut tavoitteet, oman työnsä ja toisiemme rakastaminen, jopa silloinkin kun välillämme on erimielisyyksiä. Keskinäinen kunnioitus ja järkevä erimielisyyden kohtaaminen ovat välttämättömiä — näitä piirteitä edistetään, kun luotamme toisiimme. Olemmehan yhdessä vapaaehtoisina tässä uskomattoman hullunhauskassa projektissa muuttaaksemme maailmaa.
Kukaan meistä ei ole täydellinen näissä aiheissa — ihminen on semmoinen. Mutta jokainen meistä voi yrittää joka päivä päästä korkeammalle tasolle kuin mihin internet yleensä kehoittaa, muokkauksissamme, postituslistoillamme, irkkikeskusteluissamme ja yksityisissä sähköposteissamme — järkevän luottamuksen ja rakkauden tasolle. Olemme jo päässeet pitkälle. Jotta oikeasti saavutamme päämäärämme, meidän täytyy pysyä asiassa ja säilyttää hyvä tahto.

Tämä uutiskirje syntyi tarpeesta jakaa toimintaamme ja mielipiteitämme laajemmalle yleisölle; se on osoitettu Wikimedian projektien kymmenilletuhansille avustajille ja monille muille toimintaamme kannattaville.
Wikimedia-säätiö syntyi Wikipedian, Wikisanakirjan, Wikikirjojen, Wikisitaatin ja Wikitekstin kehityksen myötä. Näiden projektien eksponentiaalinen kasvu on vaatinut uusien rakenteiden ja toimintamuotojen luontia. Nämä rakenteet sisältävät kapasiteetin lahjoitusten vastaanottamiseen lain puitteissa; järjestelmien luomista vastikkeille, määrärahojen hakemiselle, verkkotunnusten ja palvelimien hallinnointiin ja sisällönjulkaisuun paperilla, CD ja DVD:llä ja uusien viestintäkanavien koordinoimiseen eri projektien välillä.
Tästä kehityksestä huolimatta kirjoittajat tulevat silti olemaan Wikimedian projektien suurin voimavara ja elinvoiman lähde, ja näistä uusista rakenteista tullaan päättämään demokraattisesti tulevaisuudessakin. Wikimedian johtokunnan roolina on järjestää aiheeseen liittyviä väittelyitä, päätöksentekoja parhaimpien mahdollisten olojen varmistamikseksi kehitykselle, kunnossapidolle ja ilmaisen sisällön laajan levitykselle. Toimiamme säätelee halu suojella Wikimedian perustamishenkeä, joka perustuu avoimuudelle (jokainen voi muokata), luottamuksulle (kenelläkään ei tarvitse olla erillistä pätevyyttä), yhteistyö (wikin välityksellä), kunnioitus toisia kohtaan (osallistuessa muiden panokseen), ja lahjoituskulttuuri (vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuva).
Viimeisten kolmen kuukauden aikana olemme rakentaneet kestävän pohjan Wikimedian tulevaisuudelle. Olemme vieneet säätiön kohti jäsenyysjärjestelmää, luoneet lukemattomia kontakteja ihmisten kanssa ja organisoineet säännöllisiä varojenkeräyksiä varmistaaksemme Wikimedialle vakaan taloudellisen tulevaisuuden. Viralliset asemat ovat jaettu Daniel Mayerille ja Tim Starlingille, varmistaaksemme riippumattoman Wikimedian raha-asioiden julkaisemisen ja lisätäksemme kanssakäymistä kehittäjiemme kanssa.
Yhteistyössä saksalaisten ja ranskalaisten paikallisosastojen kanssa olemme saaneet yhteyksiä julkaisijoihin, jotka levittävät Wikipedian sisältöä CD- ja DVD-levyillä. Sillä välin maailmanlaajuista lehdistötiedotetta levitettiin wikipedian miljoonannen artikkelin kunniaksi. Muodostamme yhä enemmän yhteyksiä lehdistöön ja aiomme lisätä projektin näkyvyyttä monikielisyyskomitean? avulla.
Lopuksi, olemme perustamassa uutta virallista säätiölle tarkoitettua www-sivua. Sivulla tulee olemaan tietoa säätiöstä ja sen tehtävästä, monista projekteistamme, ja niiden alullepanoista, ja tulevaisuuden suunnitelmia. Sivulla tulee olemaan myös tietoa rahallisesta tilanteestamme (kuten nykyiselläkin sivulla) ja mahdollisuus rekisteröityä verkossa?. Tarkkaila -sivua tulevina kuukausina.
Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä tai palautetta, lähetä ne meille. Meihin saa yhteyttä meidän keskustelusivuillamme (katso [1]), tai sähköpostilla board
Hallinto Mistä voin löytää tietoja Wikimedia-säätiöstä? Ajantasaista tietoa säätiöstä löytyy tästä uutiskirjeestä, postituslistalta [2], Wikimedian meta-wikistä [3] ja säätiön kotisivuilta [4] (työn alla). Kuinka monta ihmisitä on Wikimedian johtokunnassa? Viisi jäsentä, mukaanlukien Jimmy Wales, Wikimedian perustaja ja johtokunnan puheenjohtaja. Angela Beesley, sihteeri, ja Florence Devouard, varapuheenjohtaja, ovat vaaleilla valittuja edustajia. Michael Davis on johtokunnan rahastonhoitaja ja hoitaa Wikimedian taloudellisia asioita (ks. talous). Viides jäsen on Tim Shell, joka on mukana aktiivisesti englanninkielisen Wikipedian teossa ja jonka usein tapaa #wikimedia-IRC-kanavalta. How does the Board communicate among its members? Board activities are recorded on the Wikimedia Meta-wiki [5], and will in the future be on the Wikimedia Foundation's site [6]. Communication takes place via email, as well as, through the foundation-l mailing list, which is open to the public and publicly archived. Members of the board also frequent the #Wikimedia IRC channel on freenode [7], where they can be reached for a quick response. While three Board members -- the quorum required for a proper Board meeting -- are frequently present on IRC at the same time, such times are not generally official meetings. There have been a few active meetings of board members over the summer. On July 4, 2004, Jimmy, Angela and Anthère met in Paris (summary: [8]). Later that month, there was a meeting to discuss the creation of an official foundation website at; many took part in the discussion, including Angela, Anthère, Mav and Tim Starling (summary and results: [9]). There was also a quick ad-hoc meeting on September 5 about the creation of a database for a tentative Wikispecies project, to let its enthusiasts discuss what they want it to become. All but one of the board members convened for around 20 minutes to discuss this (summary: [10]). Do Jimbo, Tim and Michael dominate Board decisions? ![]() To date, Tim and Michael have played a minimal part in board discussion and decisions, and there is no plan to change this. In order to ensure that the community voice is real, Jimbo has pledged, as a matter of convention, never to vote against Angela and Anthere, unless he feels that it is an issue of an absolutely fundamental change of direction for the project -- which is not likely to happen, since Angela, Anthere and Jimbo share the essential values of the community and the project. So as a practical matter, power is in the hands of the two democratically elected board members on most issues, and Jimbo defers to that. How many board decisions are made by vote? We prefer to discuss things, find proposals that we can all agree on, make compromises to accommodate each other, where necessary, and reach agreement. All informal votes taken, so far, have been unanimous. Does the Board record or publish their activities anywhere? Most of the time, we discuss things on #Wikimedia IRC channel on freenode. On this channel, everyone is free to not only follow board deliberation, but also to participate to the discussions and help us to make decisions. Logs of planned IRC meetings, such as the one regarding the Foundation website, are published on Meta and the Foundation wiki, along with summaries of other meetings. However we also meet on private channels and exchange private mails, as well. It's important for us to be able to speak freely, to think out loud, so to speak, without people taking our speculative comments and thoughts as being new policy or set-in-stone decisions. We hope that our activities are sufficiently visible through this newsletter, board meeting minutes, official announcements on the mailing lists and the Wikimedia website. What are the official positions and committees? Mav is responsible for finances, with the oversight of the Board treasurer, Michael Davis. Mav is, in particular, in charge of establishing our budget [11], and balancing out books [12]. Tim Starling is the liaison between the Board and our group of developers. Developer activity falls into two main areas: server maintenance and development of the MediaWiki software (also used for many non-Wikimedia applications). Tim Starling is setting up a Developer Committee [13]. This committee will be made up of the most active developers and, among other things, will help formalize a method for reaching development decisions, such as, the direction of future development, definition of necessary purchases, and processing of certain requests. There are no other official committees, but there are important groups that are much like committees, which form naturally, particularly relating to grants and public relations. For example, Danny Wool has been coordinating a number of grant applications. For other potential committees, see [14]. How can I become a member of the Foundation? Everyone who is an active participant in one of the Wikimedia projects is automatically a volunteer member of the Foundation. Volunteer members and other project supporters will be encouraged to become contributing members this fall; this will entail paying membership dues. Discussions in July regarding membership dues led to the following proposal:
There will be no obligation to pay dues; adding to and benefiting from projects will always be free. Contributing money is nothing more than an additional way of helping the project. The full membership proposal may be found on Meta at [15]; other questions about membership are answered in the Membership FAQ. See also [16]. Is Wikipedia planning to have ads? Wikimedia does not plan to allow advertising on Wikipedia or any of its sister projects in the foreseeable future. We believe that suitable grants and donations from the public will provide for a secure future, without the need for advertisements. There are others ways, as well, to gather money, such a grants, prizes, gifts from our mirrors, donations of hardware etc... Running ads would likely raise money, but it would possibly lower other sources of revenues, in particular, donations, as well as, possibly upset some editors. I hear developers are being paid now. Is it true? In July 2004, the Wikimedia developers were polled about the feasibility of a bounty system for development tasks. The motivation for this was to improve the guidance of development in certain directions (for instance, by offering payment for developing certain software features). The results of the poll can be found at [17]. Working closely with the Developer Committee, we will be trying out a system of payment and other rewards for developers who choose to work on particular tasks. This will be a four-month trial run, after which we will step back and evaluate whether it was successful. The proposed system allows for anyone to request new features, and for any developer to propose their own terms for filling a feature request. The developer committee will advise the Board about the feasibility and usefulness of requests and offers, and the Board will make the final decisions to accept or refuse offers for requested work. Details of the trial run are available at [18]. All Wikimedia contributors will be encouraged to evaluate it when it is over. Collaboration Discussions with potential collaborators have heated up this year. External projects interested in working with Wikimedia projects include Project Gutenberg (Wikisource), OpenTextBook and Free High School Science Texts (Wikibooks), and Open-Media (the newly-started Wikimedia Commons). On July 1, some German Wikipedians met with the Brockhaus new media group to get to know one another. At the end of August, Jimmy and Angela met with people from the BBC new media division at to talk about Wikipedia, opening possibilities of collaboration with them. Some collaborations have already been realized, starting in May of this year, when Yahoo! invited Wikipedia to become part of its content acquisition program. A data feed of the list of new pages was provided to them to ensure up to date search results of Wikipedia's content; in June, statistics from Yahoo! suggest this provided over 2 million visits, a quarter of our total, with slightly less traffic since then. Other collaborations with individual content distributors have yielded the most physical results: two major CD and DVD distribution efforts are being realized this fall. |
![]() Directmedia CD By the end of September, the German company Directmedia Publishing [DMP] [19] will put out a CD-ROM of the German Wikipedia. It will contain a partly cleaned up snapshot from September 1, and will contain an ISO-image and the SQL-dump. 30,000 CD-ROMs will be sent by DMP to registered customers, for free. Another 10,000 CD-ROMs will be given to book shops as freebies, or to sell for not more than 5€. Directmedia Publishing have published some 180 electronic books in the last 10 years focusing on social sciences, lexicons, and image collections. Mandrakesoft DVD Mandrakesoft (producer of their own flavor of Linux) will release a DVD containing a bilingual snapshot of the French and English Wikipedia, with an upcoming version of Mandrake Linux. Mandrakesoft has produced one of the most popular and user-friendly Linux distributions for many years. The intensive work to tag images and lists in preparation for these publications, long overdue, has provided quality improvement to the Wikipedia projects involved. The image-tagging effort on the English encyclopedia, which involves classifying 50,000 untagged images, is ongoing; please help this effort at [20]. Other Offers and Invitations Wikimedia has standing offers of free hosting from a webhost in France, where three new squids have recently been set up. There were other offers of free hosting as well, particularly while making contingency plans for the first Florida hurricane, in late August. Finance Donations 1180 individual PayPal donations have been made to the Foundation between the start of the year and 31 August, yielding US$46,600 (non-U.S. Currencies converted using current exchange rates), a daily average of $190. Over half that amount ($29,800) was collected in July and August mostly during an unofficial donation drive only on the English Wikipedia. Awards In May, the Prix Ars Electronica awarded Wikipedia their Golden Nica for Digital Communities, an award which came with a 10,000 Euro grant with no strings attached [21]. Grants Many grants were considered for application during the summer of 2004, and many hours were devoted to an NEH grant for projects in the humanities which looked promising. Histories of Wikimedia were summarized, a detailed description and budget were written for the proposed humanities project, and biographies of contributors interested in staffing the project were gathered. The application was not sent in, in the end, for lack of sufficient time. However, the text about Wikimedia which was produced, and the experience gained in writing about specific projects, will be useful in future applications this fall. Purchases Donations from July and August plus money raised in late December (during and immediately following a major server crash and downtime) was used to purchase over $60,000 worth of new hardware (see [22] and [23]). Technical Development It has been an exciting year so far on the technical side. We started with two servers in California and an Alexa rank of 900 [24]. In February the site moved to Florida and nine new servers. Three more servers from a May order entered service in early June and a fourth, the fast and sexy database server Ariel, followed at the end of the month. After each upgrade, the number of people using the site rose to fill the available capacity of the new servers. As of the start of September, eight more web servers from an August order are in service, and search and file servers are awaiting installation. As of September, routinely ranks consistently in the top 500 English language sites in Alexa's rankings [25], and is steadily increasing its reach. In June we saw almost a million edits. So far we have managed to avoid the really slow performance we saw at the end of 2003; thanks to those whose donations have made it possible to keep up. May saw the introduction of version 1.3 of the MediaWiki software, with improved templates, categories, a new site skin and improved language support. Edit conflict handling improved significantly. Version 1.4, due in a few months, will include better database load balancing, assorted speed improvements, preliminary support for PostgreSQL as a database engine and tools to help with article reviewing. Entering service soon will be the first hardware outside the United States, a three server Squid cache set in Paris, serving pages to those in parts of Europe, so many viewers there will not need to wait for most pages to come from Florida. Once we have that cache working well, we expect to do the same in other places, as offers of hosting allow. The new developer committee illustrates the international nature of the technical team, with members from six countries, and will be working to keep up with the continued growth of the projects. Projects ![]()
There are a few other projects either newly-created or waiting for further development:
Community Summer meetings of Wikipedians On the occasion of Jimmy Wales's trip to Europe, many meetings took place, notably in London, Berlin, Paris, and Genova. More details are available at [26]. Other events There were some great photo opportunities at the Prix Ars Electronica awards ceremony in Manhattan in May, when Danny received the Golden Nica award for Digital Communities, on behalf of everyone. At the end of the summer, in the first week of September, there was the big Ars Electronica Festival, which many European Wikipedians attended; Jimmy showed up for that and gave a presentation there. On September 1, Angela and Jimmy visited the BBC in London. They met during the day with a group including some H2G2 staff, to present Wikipedia to them and discuss wikis in general. Later that evening, Angela gave a presentation to a group of people at a pub called Oyster. Public Relations There was a major press release issued this spring, commemorating the 500,000th Wikipedia article (counting all languages together), which was picked up by many local and online news publications. Another is being released this month, commemorating the one millionth article [27]. In May and June, following our winning of the community awards from both the Prix Ars Electronica and the Webby Awards, there were a number of interviews with Jimmy and articles about Wikipedia, most famously his interview on Slashdot [28]. For quotes from articles about us, see "In the Press", pg. 6. |
[edit]Out of the Projects
The Tree of Life wikiproject, focusing on all organisms on the planet, continues to be the largest of all Wikipedia projects. It has contributors and content in many languages, and many thousands of articles to its name. The board met online in September to discuss Wikispecies [29], a proposed biological project, related to the Tree of Life, that aims to provide data on every species. This resource will feed into Wikipedias of all languages. The project, which was created later that month, will work closely with the Tree of Life Wikiproject, and similar projects across the Wikipedias. Two single-topic reference texts, called 'WikiReaders' were produced in german from Wikipedia content, on the topics of Sweden and the Internet [30]. These were developed by a group of contributors led by Thomas Karcher, converted to PDF, and printed in a small print run for 6USD a copy, following a few simple guidelines [31]. They were distributed at meetups in Germany and Austria, and via an online store [32]. Similar reader projects have been started on the English Wikipedia centered around the topics of cryptography and World War II [33]. |
Wikimedia Commons was launched in September 2004, with the goal of providing a central repository for free images, music and, possibly, texts and spoken texts, to be used by all Wikimedia projects. Still in the planning stage, the project will, in future, allow images to be reused across projects.
Wikipeople: This will be both a memorial wiki, incorporating the include 911wiki as a portal along with other less specific memorial pages, and a family tree wiki, including genealogical details about people of every era. It hopes to find a way to incorporate the 9/11 memorial wiki. Wikiversity: This is currently a wikibooks portal to material specifically for (self-)instruction. Interest in Wikiversity is growing rapidly, including outreach to university and highschool teachers, who regularly come to Wikipedia with their classes. There is an effort afoot to convert existing wikibooks to be used in courses, and another to attract support for a more elaborate wikiversity initiative. |
de : [ Qualitätsoffensive]: every 2 weeks a topic is chosen, and related articles are improved. Started in April; 11 topics covered so far. Banner image See also nl. en : Featured images : in parallel with the featured articles review process, high-quality images are categorized as featured images; a parallel 'Image of the Day' project features one image each day via a fixed template. fr : A general drive for improving the quality of the project took place this summer: controversial articles were greatly reduced, all images were tagged with license information, and numerous stubs were expanded. ja : On September 9, Japanese Wikipedia won the Special Prize of the Web Creation Award from the Japanese Advertisers Association, for its excellence among Japanese-language websites. ![]() nl : Schrijfwedstrijd: An article-writing contest proves so popular that de: starts their own in September. zh : every 2 weeks a high-level article is choosen, and related articles are reviewed and updated. |
Chapter Reports
[edit]Efforts to found the first two Wikimedia chapters, based in Germany and France, began this year. Draft bylaws were drawn up, and interested parties were selected to help organize and promote each chapter, particularly among the regulars on the de: and fr: Wikipedias. Both chapter initiatives have produced extensive documentation, much of it stored on the Wikimedia Meta-wiki, and have started to hold regular meetings.
As planned, the German Wikipedia reached two milestones on June 12, 2004: That evening, Wikipedians had a party during the Wizards of OS conference to celebrate the 100,000th article, and on the following day, 34 Wikipedians and friends met to found the German chapter of Wikimedia, Wikimedia Deutschland. The German chapter began work immediately. On July 1, five members met with the Brockhaus Corporation, the most renowned German encyclopedia publisher, and exchanged experiences. A collaboration was begun with the Digital Library in Berlin to produce a Wikipedia CD-summary, which should conclude at the end of September with the production of 40,000 CDs. In a well-attended member meeting on IRC, people discussed further strategies and projects. The Berlin Media and Computation Professor, Deborah Weber-Wulff, undertook the coordination of academic efforts on Wikipedia. Presentations on Wikipedia at festivals and conferences are already planned, particularly, at the Linuxday fairs in Lörrach and the Berlinux conference in Berlin.
The French chapter-to-be is still in its formative stages. A pilot committee (comité de pilotage) has been set up, and draft chapter bylaws and structures have been proposed. The current status of the association (found on [34]) seems to be acceptable to members of the pilot committee; no one currently objects much to any specific point in the proposed structure. The organisation's name, which was finally settled on, is Wikimedia France. Due to the summer holidays, everything was at a standstill in August. This has been changing with the end of the holidays. However, there are not yet many volunteers for the board. According to the planning timeline (found on ([35]), the next milestone is in October, when a meeting is planned to validate status, after which November will see the official birth of the association. Some of the issues for the new chapter to deal with are: setting up potential Wikimedia mirrors and squids in France, and acquiring wikimedia-related domain names (as the budget allows). ... |
Toimittajamme tapasi Wardin ennen aamiaista eräänä aamuna Oregonissa, kun hän oli toipumassa Illinoisissa pidetystä Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) -konferenssista. Moxie-tölkkien välillä kyselimme häneltä wikin kehityksestä, tekijänoikeuksista, sekä Wikipedia-yhteisöstä. Myöhemmin hän vieraili hetken
-kanavalla IRCissä, jossa häntä asianmukaisesti ylistettiin.
Wikin Tavoista[edit]Wikit perustuvat sille, että sisällön muokkaus on helppoa. Mitä esteitä muokkaukselle vielä on? Miten haluaisitte nähdä wikien kehittyvän? WC: Jos puhumme nyt siitä, miksi julkaiseminen wikillä on vaikeaa, johtuu se WYSIWYG-muokkausmahdollisuuden puutteesta. Jonkun mielestä tämän ongelman ylitsepääseminen olisi yksi niistä syistä, miksi wiki toimii. Mutta jos mietitte asiaa, kaikkien noiden sivujen kirjoittaminen pienessä tekstilaatikossa on brutaalia. En tosin olisi tyytyväinen, jos se [muokkaaminen](editori?) ei kävisi kaikille. "The Wiki Way":ssa painotitte täydellisen joustavuuden merkitystä muokkauksessa ja sisällön suunnittelussa. Pitäisikö vanhojen tuotosten säilyttämiselle ja vain uusien ja parempien yhteenvetojen lisäämiselle olla myös tilaa? WC: Omassa wikissäni vein asiat äärimmäisyyksiin. Tein mahdollisimman monesta asiasta muokattavan,
enkä pitänyt arkistoa — joten poista-toiminto todellakin toimi ja sen käyttöä joutui todella miettimään.
Olen tyytyväinen, että ihmiset hyväksyivat haasteen ja keksivät mitä he voivat sillä tehdä. Koska
he ovat kokeneet sen, voivat he kertoa mitä hyvää ja huonoa missäkin äärimmäisyydessä on. Wikin äärimmäisten lähtökohtien muokkaaminen ei haittaa minua. Jokainen uusi sääntö kuitenkin vaikeuttaa uusien vapaaehtoisten
Mitä ajattelette erillisistä keskustelu- ja sisältösivuista? WC: Rakastan konseptia. Se on mahtava asia. Mielestäni Wikipedia on arvokas niille, jotka eivät pidä
itseään kirjailijana eivätkä ole kiinnostuneita artikkelikeskustelusta. Luulen, ettei Wikipedia
olisi mahdollinen ilman niitä. Entä monien kielien sisällyttämisestä yhteen wikiin? WC: Sehän on aivan upea idea. Mahdollisuus lukea sivua ja huomata siellä vivahteellinen virhe...
wiki on hyvä tärkeiden vivahteiden kanssa. Kun mukana on ihmisiä, jotka ovat osaksi yhtä kielellistä
kulttuuria ja osaksi toista, voidaan hyvinkin hienostuneita vivahteita kommunikoida niiden välillä, kuinka maailma todella toimii. Joten... Onko Wikipedia wiki? WC: Ehdottomasti. Saan osakseni aina hieman tunnustusta Wikipediasta. Muistutan aina nopeasti ihmisiä kuitenkin siitä, ettei wikini ole Wikipedia. Siellä on paljon kekseliäisyyttä ja tuottavuutta. Olen ylpeä siitä, mitä Wikipedia-yhteisö on saanut aikaan, mielestäni se on todella upeaa.
Microsoftista[edit]Eräät henkilöt haluaisivat tietää miltä sinusta tuntuu kun nyt työskentelet Microsoftilla. WC: Kuten kirjoitin omaan wikiini, "Olen lähdössä Microsoftille, mutta olen silti sama vanha Ward." Ja minusta Microsoft on silti sama vanha Microsoft. Moni toivoo teidän vaikuttavan heihin. WC: No, luulen että he ehdottomasti haluavat minun vaikuttavan heihin. |
Ajattomuudesta ja tekijänoikeuksista[edit]Kun ette käytä wikejä yhteistyöhön, mitä muuta käytätte? WC: Käytän noin tusinaa eri wikiä. Käytän ainoastaan sähköpostia yhtä usein... se vaatii välitöntä huomiota. Jos minulla on jotain pikaista sanottavaa, käytän sähköpostia. Ja jos haluan kirjoittaa jostain ajattomasta, kirjoitan wikiin ja lähetän heille linkin. (Ymmärrämme. Se on myös meidän suosikkimme.) WC: Eräs asia, mistä olen todella kiinnostunut ja johon olen tyytyväinen, on se, että Wikipedia on julkisen lisenssin alainen. Kuka tietää mikä on sadan vuoden kuluttua se "oikea" tietosanakirja? Jos voi valita viidestäkymmenestä, se voi olla tarkoituksenmukaista. Mielestäni sen mahdollistaminen on hienoa. Tämä matka on vasta alussa. Kuvitelkaa millaista tämä on, kun meillä on muutaman sukupolven verran kokemusta [maailmanlaajuisesta yhteistyöstä].
On Wikipedia[edit]Have you edited Wikipedia recently? What do you think of it? WC: I read Wikipedia, just out of a need to know something, probably every week. But I haven't edited a lot. If someone were to ask me to point to a modern encyclopedia, I would choose Wikipedia. Wikipedia defines encyclopedia now.... Actually, we are totally against that; one of our basic rules is "no original research". WC: That's because this is the grounding that keeps it from spiraling off into argument? I always wanted people to talk about things that actually happened to them; their own experience was that grounding. A community has to be grounded in something, or else you end up in a spiral of mutual delusion. In the early days of wiki, did you think that one might some day be used to build an encyclopedia? WC: I actually thought of it as a glossary for new words that a community would use. The thought that a community needs a dictionary, helped inspire the first wiki. But Wikipedia's scope is so much larger than the scope of my wiki. At the time, I was aware that there were 'divisive' topics. I discouraged people from writing about them, because I thought the forum was vulnerable in that if people didn't seek consensus, they wouldn't find it.
Did you expect wikis would grow as large as they have today? WC: I thought there would be failure modes, but I wasn't surprised that communities found ways around them. I thought it was important that when the organization proved to be wrong, people could reorganize on their own, that organization could emerge. Why aren't there other huge wiki projects, like a book-review or journal project? WC: Maybe this can ony happen once every few years. Maybe the body of people who
realize how the social process works, and the value in it, can only grow so fast;
then somebody has to have the energy to form the community that will sustain it.
And maybe people do create these communities, and say "well, this is gonna be
so good, let me pull a little profit out of it," and are a little disingenuous. Do you think that's why we have so many Wikipedia-related communities? WC: The fact that Wikimedia encourages that kind of splintering and that you've done some yourself, is in a sense an even grander goal than finishing the encyclopedia. To turn the process over to more communities. Thank you for talking with us. Do you have any parting thoughts? WC: I hope you will write about, not just the page count of Wikipedia, but how the ideas [of Wikipedia] are progressing in the world. And I hope you will use the newsletter and the Foundation to monitor and promote these ideas, and to promote culturally idealistic endeavours. --[WQ]

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing. --Jimmy Wales in a Slashdot interview, July 28 2004.
If you still have any old Britannicas clogging your bookshelves, it is time finally to haul them off to Oxfam. Wikipedia... is a scholarly, thorough work of reference that costs nothing to consult... Best of all, entries are endlessly updated to keep them relevant, errors are gladly corrected within minutes, and - unlike its stuffier predecessors - it respects the specialist knowledge of you, its user. -- The Times (London), July 20, 2004.
Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of the 21st century, is free as beer, open to all, and free as speech. It's a modest and titanic project with growing success. -- SVM, September, pp 76-77 (a full-color two-page spread)
It's called Wikipedia and, like Google, it is one of the wonders of the world. -- John Naughton in The Observer, Sep 12 2004.
A quick timeline of Wikipedia's maturation through the lens of the press:
- - Jul 21, 2003 : ", for example, lets the public collaborate to build a surprisingly accurate encyclopedia." -- David Weinberger, NPR
- - Oct 17, 2003 : "[one of] our top 10 reference sites" -- the UK's Daily Mirror
- - Jan 29 : "One of the most fascinating developments of the Digital Age... extraordinary..." -- Dan Gillmor, San José Mercury News
- - Feb 25: 'To achieve the quality of established encyclopedias, much remains to be done' -- Tagesthemen, the late edition of a major german news program, concluding a 3-min segment on Wikipedia
- - Mar 1 : "One of the 30 web sites that everyone must know about" -- PC Computer, a spanish tech 'zine, referring to
- - Apr 1 : "Impressive...covering every topic imaginable...informative and authoritative" -- UK's The Guardian
- - Apr 23 : "One of the most reliably useful sources of information around, on or off-line" -- BBC News
- - Jun 1 : "The web's most stunning and exciting site" -- icWales, the national website of Wales
- - Jun 29 : "Astonishingly... not a bunch of graffitti and spam [a la] web fora or guestbooks. Quite the opposite: Many entries in the online-reference compare favorably with a commercial reference" -- Mario Sixtus, Frankfurter Rundschau
- - Jul 20 : "Fortunately, the same community (i.e., humans) that ruined the Web is revolutionizing the encyclopedia" -- The Chicago Sun-Times
- - Aug 11 : "It used to be if you were a kid in a village in India or a village in northern Canada in the winter, maybe you could get to a place where they have a few books once in a while. Now, if you have a telephone, you can get a free encyclopedia. You have access to the world's knowledge" -- Howard Rheingold, in an MSNBC interview
- - Aug 14 : "the Brockhaus of Trivia" -- Andreas M. Bock, Suddeutscher Zeitung
- - Sep 10 : "Sharp competition for Brockhaus and Encarta: The free on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia will appear in a few weeks on CD-ROM" -- PC-Welt
Wikipedia has been used as a source in academic papers, legal briefings, business plans, and even weather reports:
- "[Hurricane] Ivan was in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday... It likely will hit the Alabama coast early Thursday, according to" -- Sept 15, 2004, Dre Jackson, Peoria Journal Star Online

Of course, not everyone is a fan. Other encyclopedias regularly point out Wikipedia's limitations when asked about it. "[People] at Microsoft point out that free online sites don't offer the same consistency and reliability, and attention to user's needs, as Encarta does. At the same time, Encarta provides a safer environment than the Web does for student research" [ Seattle P-I Reporter, 7/12].
The UK's Register has also started regularly criticising Wikipedia: "It's hard to imagine anyone other than a Wikipedian arguing [for] the wider availability of high quality information collections," one reporter claims, calling Wikipedia "an occasionally useful online resource that needs to be taken with a huge sackful of salt," and "the world's most useless online text" [The Register, 9/15, 9/7, 7/14]. A few responses from enthusiastic Register readers resulted in another snide column about the insular nature of the Wikipedia community.
Meanwhile a tech column in the Syracuse Post-Standard attracted attention from the blogosphere in August, after publishing an article warning readers not to trust Wikipedia as a source. Many sites picked up a Techdirt article, whose author had contacted the Post-Standard reporter and had been insulted for his efforts.
The article revolved around a quote from a high-school librarian who seemed altogether opposed to Wikipedia. When some Wikipedians told her about the fuss her comments had raised, she was quick to respond with a polite letter (and to give us permission to quote her in turn):
- I just re-read what I originally sent to Al Fasoldt in the recent Post-Standard column. I'm afraid I do have egg all over my face... The message was NOT... that Wikipedia is not an authoritative source. The message was that the best thing about the web (the sharing of information and ideas) can also make it harder for the average high school student to make a judgement call when checking the authority of a source used for research.
- I'm sorry if this generated controversy over the authority of the site, this is NOT what was intended. It just illustrates the problem.
We couldn't agree more.
[edit]Wikipedia reached a combined total of 1 million articles in September. The previous month saw a number of smaller milestones in many languages. The English Wikipedia reached a third of a millon articles. The French Wikipedia celebrated their 50,000th article with a stub about the Medlar fruit. Danish hit the 20,000 mark the day before Russian reached 5,000 and the Arabic and Icelandic Wikipedias each reached 1,000 articles. The Hebrew Wikipedia just passed the 10,000-article milestone, and three more languages (Bulgarian, Finnish, and Norwegian) will soon do the same.
The growth of smaller Wikipedias is often due to the efforts of one or two very enthusiastic editors to give them a kick-start. For example, عصام بايزيدي and أبو سليمان on the Arabic Wikipedia, or Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason on Icelandic. The Asturian and Slovak Wikipedias grew significantly in the last month, thanks largely to the efforts of Bar and Liso. Also of note is the Luxembourgish Wikipedia, which began only at the end of July yet already has over 600 articles.
Wiktionary, Wikiquote and Wikibooks were recently split into subdomains, allowing their interfaces to be translated and leading to hundreds of new potential projects. Wikiquote is already available in over five languages; Wikibooks and Wiktionary in over 15 languages each.
Meanwhile, new Wikipedias continue to be founded, in Cherokee, Muscogee and Laotian among others; Choctaw seems to be the next one up and is available now for creation. A multilingual Swiss portal was also recently set up, and linked to from
From Sept 2-7, 2004, Wikipedia was present at the Ars Electronica Cyberarts Festival in Linz, Austria. Wikipedia had won a Golden Nica in the category digital communities of the Prix Ars Electronica and Jimbo Wales was invited to speak at the presentation of the prize winning projects. In the Brucknerhaus where the conference talks took place, all the prize winners were given the opportunity to present their projects. from the german wikipedia organized the Wikipedia booth at the so called electro lobby where Mike, , and explained Wikipedia and its concepts to the visitors. We had a very nice neighbourship: The people from were there, filling everyone up with "Open Source Water" under a Creative Commons License. ![]() The glorious gala on friday which was transmitted on Austrian and German TV was a little bit disappointing, however. After lots of lengthy speeches of local politicians and sponsors the awards were handed out. Instead of a live part in the ceremony, they played a brief video film about Wikipedia which included footage from the London meetup. So we have this nice photo of London Wikipedians as displayed at the Gala. Sunday evening Jimbo had dinner with and , two big fans of Wikipedia who were on the Jury of the Award committee. Later we went to a party with Ito and some others, among them Jane Metcalfe from Wired magazine and from the german online magazine Telepolis. On Monday payed a short visit to Linz, speaking on a panel and Jimbo and he talked about the future of the GFDL. Martin Wattenberg, a researcher from IBM who had worked on a Wikipedia visualization project [36] demonstrated his Java program at the Wikipedia booth - really, really great stuff. On the last festival day Jimbo held his presentation about Wikipedia on the Digital communities panel, where the jury members Rheingold and Ito explained their decisions for the awards. Since Ito, sitting on the panel, played around with his notebook, Jimbo decided to do the same and went chatting on IRC during the speeches. In an experiment, Jimbo asked the folk on #wikipedia to write an article about Ito for the English wikipedia which resulted in some funny conversations and - in the end - an article while Ito was blogging it. We finished the conference celebrating together with the people from Creative Commons the launch of Creative Commons Austria. |
![]() Calendar[edit]see Calendar for more
Future Events[edit]
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Tulevaisuus edessä
Säätiön jäsenet saavat tämän uutislehden painettuna ennen talven alkua. Tarkkaile uutislehtisivua päivitysten varalta, tai tilaa päivitykset sähköpostiisi. Voit odottaa seuraavaa uutislehden numeroa uuden vuoden aikoihin, sitä odotellessamme pitäkäämme lippu korkealla ja palaute virtaamassa.
Kun tarve vaatii, muista wikittäjän motto:
teesi, antiteesi, synteesi!
Jos tulee tarve NPOVille,
teesi, antiteesi, synteesi!
Joten istuta tiedonjyvä,
tee työ päivän hyvä
Yhdessä yhteisymmärrys hae,
todellisen Wikipediaanin tittelin tae.
Teesi, antiteesi, synteesi!
-dpbsmith (toim. suom.)
de:Armin Medosch en:Lawrence Lessig ja:ファイル:ウェブクリエーションアウォード2004年トロフィー.jpg