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Trademark policy/Section 4

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Section 4 Special uses that require permission

All uses that are not allowed under Section 3 of this policy require a trademark license. This section discusses only the most common uses that require a license.

When you use our marks under a trademark license, you need to comply with its terms as well as with this trademark policy. If some term in your license is inconsistent with this policy, you should follow the license terms. Movement organizations will only need a separate license when the use is not already authorized by their organizational agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation or this policy.

4.1 Wikilicense for special community uses A Wikilicense is a quick trademark license for common community uses, like Wiki Loves Monuments and GLAM-Wiki initiatives. It is available on Meta-Wiki. You can start using the marks as stated in the Wikilicense as soon as you email a filled-in Wikilicense to trademarks@wikimedia.org. There is no need to wait for approval.

4.1.1 Photo contests Photo contests allow people to submit freely licensed original photographs to Wikimedia Commons to compete for the best image. You can get a quick Wikilicense for flyers, posters, slide presentations, websites, and social media for a photo contest. If you are a movement organization, you may already have an agreement that covers photo contests.

4.1.2 GLAM-Wiki initiatives You may use the marks in a collaboration with someone outside of the Wikimedia movement with a quick Wikilicense. This license applies to collaborations with parks, museums, libraries, and other cultural institutions to share their information with the world through the Wikimedia sites. If you are a movement organization, you may already have an agreement that covers photo contests.

Some GLAM initiatives include Wikipedians in Residence, which are Wikipedia contributors who work with a specific GLAM to develop the organization's relationship with Wikipedia. Please use a quick Wikilicense in order to represent yourself as a Wikipedian in Residence on online professional profiles, your personal blog, and on social media, as long as your work is consistent with the mission.

4.2 Domain names You need permission to register or use a domain name that contains a Wikimedia mark in it. Please don't register a domain that looks or sounds similar to a Wikimedia mark or includes a misspelled Wikimedia mark as that can confuse Wikimedia users.

4.3 Events and conferences You need a trademark license if you plan to host a public event or a conference that uses a Wikimedia mark.

You should include the following information when requesting a license to use our marks in an event. What is the proposed title of the event? Who is hosting, sponsoring, or coordinating the event? Include contact information (and Wikimedia username if relevant) for the person organizing the event. Is the event organized for community members? What is the topic of the event? The location, date, and duration of the event. Include handouts, examples, mockups, or other descriptions of the proposed use. When you get a trademark license, it will only apply to the specific event in your request. You will need to apply for a new license if you want to host another event.

4.4 Publications You need a trademark license if you want to use a Wikimedia mark in a publication in a way that is not fair or nominative use under U.S. trademark law or other applicable foreign laws.

You should include the following information when requesting a license to use our marks in a publication. What is the proposed title of the publication? Contact information (and Wikimedia username if relevant) for the applicant. Who is the author, editor, and publisher of the publication? For fiction, what is the storyline? How do you want to use and discuss the mark? Include screenshots of the pages in your publication that includes or discusses the mark. (For a book, where in the book will the mark appear?) If your publication will display a screenshot of a Wikimedia site, please include that as well. Will the publication be in hard copy, an e-book, or some other type of medium? What is the print run and distribution area for the publication? How many editions will it have? When you get a trademark license, it will only apply to the specific publication in your request. You will need to apply for a new license if you want to make another publication.

4.5 Movies & TV shows You need a trademark license if you want to use the Wikipedia logo in a movie, TV show episode, or online production.

You should include the following information when requesting a license to use our marks in a movie or TV show. What is the proposed title of the movie or TV show? Contact information (and Wikimedia username if relevant) for the applicant. The names of the screenwriter, director, producer, distributor, actors, and any interviewees (for documentaries). How will the Wikimedia mark be displayed or discussed? Include a screenshot of any Wikimedia site that you want to show. Include a script and any footage that has already been created. Unless discussed in the script, specify the location of the film and whether it will advertise a product in conjunction with using the Wikimedia marks. Where, when, and how will the movie be distributed? How will it be advertised? Do you intend to display the Wikimedia marks on the advertisement? When you get a trademark license, it will only apply to the specific film, TV show episode, or online production in your request. You will need to apply for a new license if you want to shoot another film or TV show episode.

4.6 Commercial merchandise You may also make merchandise with the Wikimedia trademarks for commercial use, if:

You get a trademark license from the Wikimedia Foundation; You follow our Visual Identity Guidelines; and You truthfully advertise to customers how much of the selling price, if any, will be donated to Wikimedia sites.