Toolhub/Progress reports/2021-09-03
Report on activities in the Toolhub project for the week ending 2021-09-03.
First deployment into 'staging' cluster
[edit]w00t! Toolhub passed another milestone on the way to a full production deployment today when Bryan was able to make the initial deployment of the application into the Foundation's "staging" Kubernetes cluster.
The deployment was made possible by help from Kunal Mehta and Effie Mouzeli of the Foundation's Service Operations team. Kunal has been helping move this deployment forward since the week of 2021-08-13 by performing setup and configuration tasks which require root privileges. Effie began helping with memcache integration last week by giving advice on configuring mcrouter. Both Kunal and Effie kindly gave code review and answered questions during this week which moved things forward. Kunal was also able to figure out the missing configuration that caused T290283 which was the last Helm related blocker to an actual deployment.
Wrap up
[edit]Last week's report gave a punch list of known remaining tasks. After this week's progress, that list now looks like:
- Select content license and document in Toolhub UI at all data entry locations
Done Add support for mcrouter to the Helm chart for Toolhub and per-deployment configuration via helmfile settings
Done Load test API to establish initial container sizing limits for CPU and RAM
Done Add production OAuth secrets to generated configuration
Done Deploy into "staging" Kubernetes cluster
- Create initial database tables and seed data
- Create initial Elasticsearch schema and index
- Test crawler process from inside Kubernetes staging cluster to validate HTTP proxy configuration
There will not be a weekly report published on 2021-09-10. Expect our next report on 2021-09-17, and join Bryan in hoping that the update provided then will include either a soft production launch or a concrete timeline for the official product launch.