
thesswiki estas VikiUrba projekto kiu emas ciferecigi la historio kaj kulturo de la urbo Tesaloniko pere de civitanoj mem uzante la plej prominenta reta enciklopedio en la mondo, Vikipedio, samptempe ke gxi interkonektas ciferaj artikoloj en la urbana pejzagxo. thesswiki estas digitala-fizika ago, kiu emas krei rezultojn en kulturo, edukado, tourismo kaj reta-registaro. thesswiki projekto estas sperta edukada kaj kultura agado kiu integras libera kaj facila eniro al scio en la cxiutaga vivo de civitanoj kaj la uzo de vikioj en la publika spaco kaj kulturo. Specifaj aktivadoj rilatitaj al la edukada amplekso de la projekto inkluzivas vikipediaj trejnadaj seminarioj, internaciaj vikipediaj kunvenoj (wiki-camps), retaj seminarioj, ktp.
Tesaloniko: Vikipedia Urbo

The project will start by opening content currently available in galleries, museums, libraries and archives (GLAM-organisations) in Thessaloniki in order to cover notable sites, historical events, monuments, people and artists in as many languages as possible. Thessalonians from around the world (including nationalities who have had important historical relationship with the city, such as Bulgarians, Turks, Armenians, Russians, Jews, English, French, Ukrainians, Georgians, etc.) will be invited to strengthen these entries, while special barcodes, called QR codes, will be mounted on the sides of buildings or monuments, in order to allow users with smartphones, focusing specifically on tourists and visitors, to scan them and instantly access up-to-date Wikipedia entries about all aspects of life in Thessaloniki in their native language.
La projekto estas simila al MonmouthpediA, GibraltarpediA, Freopedia kaj aliaj Viki Urabaj proektoj cxirkaux la mondo, kiuj estas apogitaj pere Vikimedia Fondajxo, alportante al signifa etendo de la uzo kaj efiko de Vikipedio. thesswiki projekto estas la unua kaj plej granda internacia international integrala strebo de la urbo de tia grandeco kaj historio in Vikipedio, kaj la unua GLAM-vikia proekto en Grekio. Thesaloniko estas la ideala afero por tia agado je sia multkulturalismo, evidenta ambaux en la pasinta historio kaj la cxiutaga vivo, sed ankaux por sia alta procento de junaj homoj en la totala populacio kaj la granda nombro de aktivaj komunaj kaj volontaj organizoj rilatitaj kun GLAM.
Kiu participas al la projekto?
The project is run under the supervision of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and is coordinated by PostScriptum (Greece’s premier digital consulting specialist to Cultural (GLAM) Organizations). It is based on a proposal of Wikimedia Community User Group Greece, an active supporter of the project, and also supported by Yiannis Boutaris himself, voted as the world's eighth best mayor by the independent "City Mayors Foundation" (2015). The project will be implemented in cooperation with Greek Free Open Source Society (GFOSS), volunteer organizations (more than 2,000 volunteers that have participated in the thessaloniki youth capital during 2014) and platforms as well as higher education institutes and all major Museums, Libraries and Archives of the city. All stakeholders have already been engaged into discussion and collaboration and are planning concrete actions to be implemented. Once the project is finalized, neighboring and other international Wikipedia chapters or user groups will be included in order to expand the outreach of the project.
Dimitria Festivalo 2015
The project will be officially announced at the opening ceremony of Demetria Festival 2015, the most prominent annual cultural festival taking place in Thessaloniki in September 2015. During the one-month duration of the festival, the first QR codes will be mounted on monuments and street signage, and specific activities interlinked to the Festival will be implemented, including Wikipedia training workshops, an international wiki-camp, open discussions and seminars. All the actions will be implemented in cooperation with informal or voluntary groups and will be coordinated by PostScriptum and the Wikimedia Community User Group Greece.
La dauxripovo de la agado
thesswiki is designed as an on-going project and aims to incorporate numerous activities throughout the years 2016 and 2017, contributing effectively to the qualitative and quantitative enrichment of Wikipedia, expanding the visibility and impact of the Wikipedia on the local population as well as international tourists, visitors and Wikipedia user groups. The follow-up activities will be designed and implemented by all project stakeholders mainly aligned to the municipal e-government and smart city strategies.
Artikoloj kiuj nin interesas
La sekvanta (nefinigita) katalogo estas artikoloj kiujn ni volus elvolvi kaj traduki al tiom da lingvoj kiom ni povas, cxar ili estos konektitaj pere la QR-codaj plakoj almetitaj sur la domegoj kaj la monumentoj.
Unu redaktomaratono en la 18a Junio klopodos krei gxermoj kaj elvolvi artikoloj en la Greka, la Angla kaj la Franca Vikipedio.
Color | Meaning |
green | new articles created after Thesswiki start (2015-06-11) |
grey | old articles |