The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Coffee Kit/gl
Fagamos unha pausa e contribuamos ao #1lib1ref. Explicámosche como facelo!
Coñece como a Wikipedia encaixa no ecosistema da información coa hora de edición #1lib1ref. Congrega a un pequeno grupo de colegas e aprende como contribuír na Wikipedia a través do #1lib1ref. Colaborar na Wikipedia é máis fácil se aprendemos entre todas.
Esta guía está deseñada para axudar a planificar unha sesión de edición dentro da campaña #1lib1ref.
Planificación do evento: que facer e cando
Unhas semanas antes do evento
- Escolle data e hora para a sesión
- Reserva un espazo e equipamento adecuados (algúns portátiles suplementarios e un canón de proxección son sempre útiles)
- Se non tes experiencia editando a Wikipedia podes buscar a axuda de wikipedistas locais que poden axudarte. Pide axuda en on the Wikipedia and Libraries Facebook Group
- Crea un anuncio sobre o teu evento e engádeo nesta lista
- Comeza a facer publicidade do teu evento entre os compañeiros e compañeiras
Unha semana antes do evento
- Compila os recursos de edición e as fontes
- Prepara os carteis e os folletos
- Envía recordatorios do evento
- Redacta os chíos e outros textos para as redes usando o cancelo #1lib1ref
- Importante: Hai un número limitado de contas que poden ser creadas dende a mesma IP por día (normalmente seis). Para sortear este límite hai varias posibilidades:
- Solicita a quen participe que cree a conta con tempo (o más recomendable)
- Ten a man un creador de contas
- Solicita unha excepción temporal para este límite
Na sesión
- Welcome and introductions (2-3 minutes)
- Basics of editing Wikipedia (10-20 minutes)
- Review the concepts of Verifiability and Reliable sourcing
- How to create citations
- Demonstrate adding a citation
- Demonstrate using Citation Hunt
- Note: Remember to demonstrate adding #1lib1ref to the edit summary
- Note: It's much easier if you have a citation prepared ahead of time to contribute
- Open editing (20-30 minutes)
- If possible, have experienced editors circulate to answer questions and troubleshoot problems. Otherwise, be ready to learn together as a group or partner-up for editing help
- [Optional] Open discussion (15-30 minutes)
- How does Wikipedia interact with the library profession?
- Could you imagine teaching your patrons about Wikipedia? How can we teach other skills with Wikipedia, such as digital or information literacy?
- What different kinds of knowledge does Wikipedia try to share?
- What are the misunderstandings that library patrons likely have about Wikipedia? What could help patrons better understand research in the context of Wikipedia?
- What were the easiest parts of adding references to Wikipedia? What was challenging? How could the challenging parts be made easier?
- What kinds of topics appear to be missing or underrepresented? How could you add knowledge relevant to your work and communities of practice?
- Wrap-up (2-3 minutes)
- Please take pictures of the event, and share them on social media using the hashtag #1lib1ref.
- Share the #1lib1ref hashtag, and a link to during the event and on your materials.
After the event
- Record outcomes as much as possible: how many attendees, how many articles edited, etc. Outcomes help make the case for funding, future activities, and are a great way to share with others what you did and why your work mattered!
- Make sure to share what you did social media under the hashtag #1lib1ref and at the events page. Social media and the events page provide the main ways we are tracking the event and help organizers report outcomes.
- If you publish a blog post, or see coverage of your event in other venues, please share the link at on the #1lib1ref Press page
- If the event created interest among your colleagues, consider planning more editing events around your institution's collections. An editathons is an editing event focused on a certain theme or topic. Learn more on how to run editathons.