The Wikipedia Digest
Project page on en: - currently at en:Digest.
Concept: a collection of ultra-brief summaries of periodic content (journals, periodicals, mailing lists, blogs, other feeds), with links back to the source and to relevant WP/WM articles.
- A group of active users who note which regular feeds they read
- A list of periodical editions and day's-worth of feeds
- A way of marking a particular periodical / feed-chunk as Summarised.
- A standard format for such summaries: publication-date, summary-date, summary-user, original-link, topics.
- Views by topic / category into which such summaries are placed.
- Eventually, this 'standard format' will be stored properly in a db, not just as a blob of wiki text, and the views can be autogenerated rather than cut-and-pasted by hand (which makes multiple categorizations hard).
- RSS feeds of all summaries, or by topic, promoted for thrid-party use.
- Support RSS feeds from CC-by-attrib/GFDL blogs, for contributors who already do this in other areas of their lives but would be happy to have a wider audience.
[edit]This concept has been implemented at WikiSummaries is released under the GNU FDL, so its content is compatible with Wikipedia.
Periodic publications
[edit]Please add your username next to periodicals which you regularly read, whether on or offline.
[edit]- NYT - +sj+, Danny, jt, Neutrality
- WSJ -
- FT -
- London Times -
- The Times of India - Hemanshu
- Indian Express - Hemanshu
[edit]- WIRED - +sj+
- Economist - +sj+, jt
- Time - Neutrality
- Newsweek - Neutrality
- People -
- Consumer Report -
- Utne Reader -
- The Onion - Neutrality
- Mother Jones - Danny
- Commanality - +sj+
- India Today - Hemanshu
- National Geographic – Minh Nguyễn
[edit]- Content Mag(Q'ly, NYC) -
- Spinks's Grammar Quarterly - +sj+
- Musashi's Five-Ring Epicycle -
[edit]- Physics
- Physics Review (specify) -
- Law
- Yale Law Review -
- Harvard Law Review -
- Economics
- American Economic Review - jt
- Journal of Economic Perspectives - jt
- Journal of Economic Literature - jt
- Quarterly Journal of Economics - jt
- Econometrica - jt
- Journal of Political Economy - jt
Continuous feeds
[edit]- Slashdot -
- Kuro5hin -
- Salon - jt
- Lawmeme -
- BBC - jt
- Arts and Letters Daily
- Science Daily?
- Wired News – Minh Nguyễn
Raw aggregators
[edit]- Google News -
- Feedster -
Blog feeds suitable for auto-inclusion
[edit]- Any similar-format CC-by-attrib|GFDL blog?
- Any info-dense CCbA blog?
- A special feed acquired from individuals, such as blood, r'wisdom, etc?
- A special feed from organized communities, such as plastic?
Sample entry
[edit]See the current en:Wikipedia Digest for an example.