The Wikinewsie Group/Newsletter/7
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter |
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- The Wikinewsie Group News
- Edition 7, January 13, 2014
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- Education
- Wikinoticias should have two classes from Mexico contributing to the project in early 2014.
- Recent original reporting (December, 2013)
- Ukrainian
- See also: Авторський репортаж. The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.
- Створювати та дивувати (created by Olena Zakharian) 2013-12-23
- У Києві відбулася «Сушка на квадратах» (created by Ahonc) 2013-12-19
- Вікі любить пам'ятки: «Сушка» на квадратах (created by Antanana) 2013-12-05
- Євромайдан барикадується (created by Ilya) 2013-12-02
- Spanish
- See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Denuncian a la Presidenta de Costa Rica por estafa, tráfico de influencias y otros delitos (created by MadriCR) 2013-12-20
- INTERPOL emite orden de captura para Edén Pastora por daños ambientales en Costa Rica (created by MadriCR) 2013-12-17
- Un sismo de magnitud 4,5 sacude la ciudad de Oklahoma (created by MadriCR) 2013-12-17
- Muere Nelson Mandela a los 95 años (created by MadriCR) 2013-12-17
- Michelle Bachelet gana las elecciones presidenciales de Chile en segunda ronda (created by MadriCR) 2013-12-15
- Manifestantes saltan accesos al Metro de la Ciudad de México en protesta por alza de tarifa (created by ProtoplasmaKid) 2013-12-12
- Hombre no dará de comer a una perrita y la matará el día de las elecciones en Costa Rica (created by MadriCR) (Not yet published)
- Russian
- See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- В Екатеринбурге обнаружен неизвестный источник раковых заболеваний молодёжи (created by Ssr) 2013-12-28
- В Киеве прошла «Сушка на квадратах» (created by Krassotkin) 2013-12-23
- На сайте РОИ стартовало голосование о запрете бесплатного обучения курильщиков в ВУЗах (created by Qnyx77) 2013-12-19
- Воровство доменов в России: Павла Гросса кинули при продаже домена (created by Krassotkin) 2013-12-15
- В Викиновостях на английском языке 20000 статей (created by Brateevsky) 2013-12-15
- Национальный Суперкомпьютерный Форум открывает путь грид-вычислениям (created by PereslavlFoto) 2013-12-13
- Екатеринбургский Сенат готовится стать общероссийским (created by Ssr) 2013-12-10
- Завершился Национальный Суперкомпьютерный Форум (created by PereslavlFoto) 2013-12-05
- Грязовец против миграционного центра (created by Авгур) 2013-12-03
- French
- See also: Reportage original, Article publié. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- France : de nouvelles œuvres viennent en remplacement d'autres dans La Galerie du temps pour le premier anniversaire du Louvre-Lens (created by JÄNNICK Jérémy) 2013-12-30
- France : l'exposition Voir le sacré ouverte au public au Louvre-Lens (created by JÄNNICK Jérémy) 2013-12-30
- France : l'exposition Les Étrusques et la Méditerranée ouverte au public au Louvre-Lens (created by JÄNNICK Jérémy) 2013-12-30
- Lyon : fin de la Fête des lumières 2013 (created by Prométhée33) 2013-12-10
- Alpes-de-Haute-Provence : Marine Le Pen huée à Digne-les-Bains (created by Épiméthée) 2013-12-02
- Romanian
- See also: Reportaje originale, Publicate. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Admiterea la facultate se va face, din 2014, numai pe baza rezultatelor de la bacalaureat, notele din liceu nu mai conteaza (created by Truezone) 2013-12-30
- Serbian
- See also: Изворни извештај, Објављено. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Ноле и ја (created by Laslovarga) 2013-12-06
- ФК Партизан: Иван Шапоњић ипак није најмлађи дебитант у историји клуба (created by Laslovarga) 2013-12-01
- Polish
- See also: Materiały autorskie. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Polskie kolędy na wolnych licencjach. Dostępne na Wikimedia Commons (created by Paterm) 2013-12-27
- Przywracamy w Łodzi pamięć o Arnoldzie Mostowiczu (created by n:User:) 2013-12-16
- CAVALIADA Poznań 2013 (created by Travelarz) 2013-12-10
- Prelekcja w Związku Esperantystów na temat wystawy lalek w Japonii (created by Marek Mazurkiewicz) 2013-12-03
- English
- See also: Original reporting, Published. The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.
- Public health officials advise on rising flu levels in Texas 2013/2014 season (created by Bddpaux) 2013-12-20
- Wikinews interviews former Matilda's player Sarah Walsh about Australian women's soccer (created by LauraHale) 2013-12-17
- Glasgow's Common Weal launch; 'Not me first. All of us first' (created by Brian McNeil) 2013-12-16
- Fundosa ONCE defeats Servigest Burgos 80-20 in Spain's top wheelchair basketball league (created by LauraHale) 2013-12-16
- Nelson Mandela lies in state as South Africa mourns (created by Thuvack) 2013-12-14
- Toronto Star reporter pursues legal action against Toronto Mayor (created by Calvinhrn) 2013-12-14
- Embassies across London lower their flags in honour of Nelson Mandela (created by Computron) 2013-12-10
- Wikinews interviews academic Steve Redhead about Australian women's soccer (created by LauraHale) 2013-12-07
- New Zealand study finds correlation between church attendance and adolescent obesity (created by LauraHale) 2013-12-04
- Police report drug haul seizure worth up to £30 million in Brownhills, England (created by Rayboy8) 2013-12-02
- Australian men, women win 2013 Asia-Oceania Wheelchair Basketball Championships (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-12-01
- Cristiano Ronaldo tops Neymar and Messi on most valuable Wikipedia edits (created by LauraHale) (Not yet published)
- Wikinews Interviews Australian wheelchair basketball player Tina McKenzie (created by Hawkeye7) (Not yet published)
- Interview prep (created by Computron) (Not yet published)
- Wikinews Interviews Australian young cricketer Gerald Huang (created by SxerksSxerks2) (Not yet published)
- German
- See also: Wikinews:Originalbericht, Veröffentlicht. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Die seltsame Sicht der Welt in asiatischen Medien (created by Drgkl) 2013-12-14
- Orkan Xaver führt zu Rekordsturmfluten in Europa (created by House1630) 2013-12-07
- Deutsche Bahn hat sich gegen den Sturm gewappnet (created by House1630) 2013-12-05