Template talk:Hidden begin
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Latest comment: 2 years ago by Evolution and evolvability in topic The recent skin change seems to have made these elements expanded by default
Template messages
- {{dablink| message }}
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Timing related
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Title related
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Character/symbol notes
- {{IPA notice}}
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Expansion requests
- {{expandsect}}
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- {{Selfref}}
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- {{Divbox}}
- {{Doctl}}
- {{Esoteric}}
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Requesting sources
- {{Unreferenced}}
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General sources
- {{1771 Britannica}}
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- {{1913}}
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Citations of specific sources
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| title=The Kiltartan Poetry Book }}
- {{Citeseer| View-based and modular Eigenspaces for face recognition
|pentland94viewbased }}
- {{MathWorld| urlname=PetersenGraph
| title=Petersen Graph }}
- {{ScienceWorld| urlname=biography/Einstein.html
| title=Albert Einstein }}
- {{Wipipedia| Wiki_pagename_with_underscores }}
Internal links
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External links
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- {{doi| 10.1000/1 }}
- {{flickr | LondonBridge }}
- {{Google Video Search1 | King+of+the+Hill |King of the Hill (TV series) }}
- {{Google Video Search}}
- {{gutenberg | no=5658 | name=Lord Jim }}
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- {{HOL| id=1535|name=Turrican II }}
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- {{ibdb name | id=33099 | name=Matthew Broderick }}
- {{ibdb title | id=12826 | title=The Producers }}
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- {{imdb title | id=0091042 | title=Ferris Bueller's Day Off }}
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- {{isfdb series | id=The_Stainless_Steel_Rat | title=The Stainless Steel Rat }}
- {{isfdb title | id=2485 | title=2001: A Space Odyssey }}
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- {{iblist title | id=2 | title=2001: A Space Odyssey }}
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- {{ibdof series | id=46 | title=The Stainless Steel Rat }}
- {{ibdof title | id=94 | title=2001: A Space Odyssey }}
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Wikimedia Commons
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- {{Meta}}
Deletion tools
Speedy Deletion
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- {{delete}}
- General
- Articles
- Redirects
- Images/Media
- Categories
- User pages
The recent skin change seems to have made these elements expanded by default
[edit]Anyone have ideas on how to fix it? Is it because this template still uses NavFrame collapsed
rather than mw-collapsed
? T.Shafee(Evo﹠Evo)talk 22:11, 18 January 2023 (UTC)