Template:Translation requests/curreqs
To editors: this template is the original, and most frequently update. This is written in English, the default working language of Wikimedia project. If you would like to have your language version, please create Template:Translation requests/curreqs/xx (xx = your language code), instead translate this page directly.
Note: This section may not be updated since 2007/04/02. Please give once a look to Translation requests and consider to match your page to it. Thank you.
- Translation requests/Licensing policy
- CPGroup announcement
- WMF news - Last update: 2007-03-27
- Wikimania 2007 Registration etc. / ext.
- From Wikimedia press releases
- Fundraising FAQ Updated on January 18
En (orig.), Ja, Fr
De, Es, Hu, It, Nl, Tr, Sv; Zh, Da, Gl, Pt, Zh
Any, e.g. Ru... (read more)
- New fundraising page
- Note You are encourage to directly prepare the draft on the foundation wiki due to time restriction.
: Ar, Cs, De, En (orig.), El, Es, Fr, It, Ja, Nl, Pl, Pt, Ru, Sr, Tr, Zh
: Hu?
Br, Ca, Eo, Et, Fi, Ga, He, Id, Ko, Ro ...
- ADDITIONAL Note: Could translators of these new fundraising pages please redirect the old fundraising pages to the new ones? Links to the old pages can be found in wikimedia:Template:Fundraising_drive_letter. When putting in the redirect, links to the old page should probably be updated; most importantly, don't forget to change the lang line of wikimedia:Template:Fundraising_drive_letter to point to the new fundraising page for lang. For example, for en, wikimedia:Wikimedia_needs_your_help has been redirected to wikimedia:Fundraising; and the en line of wikimedia:Template:Fundraising_drive_letter now points to the latter page.
- About Wikimedia - major updated;
: En, Ja
: Fr
: Nl; Es
: Ar
: Zh, Ru, Pt ... (read more)
- Board of Trustees
- Our projects
- other Wikimedia foundation website pages.