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Template:Steward requests/Permissions/da

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Template:Steward requests/Permissions and the translation is 55% complete.

This page is for requests to have stewards grant or revoke administrator, bureaucrat, checkuser, and oversight rights on Wikimedia projects which do not have a local permissions procedure. Minimum voting requirement are listed here.

Gamle afsnit arkiveres. Listen over arkiver er forneden.

  • Requests for bot flags are handled at SRB, and requests for global permissions are handled at SRGP.
  • If you are requesting adminship or bureaucratship, and your wiki has a local bureaucrat, submit your request to that user or to the relevant local request page (index).
  • For urgent requests, such as to combat large-scale vandalism on a small wiki, contact a steward in the #wikimedia-stewardstilslut IRC channel. In emergencies, type !steward in the channel to get the attention of stewards. Otherwise, you can type @steward for non-urgent help.

Other than requests to remove your own access or emergencies, please only make requests here after gaining the on-wiki approval of your local community.

Hurtig navigering: Administrator | Interface administrator | Bureaukrat | Tjekbruger | Tilsyn | Fjernelse af adgang | Diverse | Globale rettigheder

Cross-wiki requests
Meta-Wiki requests

Brug af denne side

1. Place the following code at the bottom of the appropriate section below:

==== Username@xxproject ====
 |status    = <!-- ændre ikke denne linje -->
 |domain    = <!-- så som en.wikibooks -->
 |user name = 
(dine bemærkninger) ~~~~

2. Udfyld værdierne:

  • domain: the wiki's URL domain (like "ex.wikipedia" or "meta.wikimedia").
  • user name: the name of the user whose rights are to be changed (like "Exampleuser"). In case this is for multiple users, leave this field blank and give a list of these users in your remarks.
  • discussion: a link to the local vote or discussion about the rights change (for example, "[[ex:Wikipedia:Requests_for_adminship#ExampleUser]]"). This should normally be for at least one week, but no more than three weeks (if so, you'll need to restart the process).

3. Hvis der mangler noget i din anmodning, vil en steward anmode om flere oplysninger.

Confirmation of signing confidentiality agreement

Certain permissions (notably CheckUser and Oversight) additionally require users to sign a confidentiality agreement. Users requesting these permissions must make a request below, and must also sign the confidentiality agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation. The request is placed on hold temporarily, until the receipt has been formally confirmed by the Office.