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Template:Flow funding recommendation form

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Project summary


Provide a few basic details about this project.

Title of project: {{{title}}}

Start date of project: {{{start date}}}

End date of project: {{{end date}}}

Please provide a brief description of the project.

{{{project description}}}

About this grantee


Please describe the person / group / organization you are recommending. Please review eligibility requirements here.

  • Who will receive funding?
  • What is the name or Username of the grantee?
  • In which country is this grantee located?
  • What is the name or Username of the project lead(s) responsible for this project?
    {{{project lead}}}
    {{{contact information}}}
  • Please provide a brief description of this person / people / organization.
    {{{grantee description}}}
  • Briefly, explain why you, as flow funder, have confidence in this organization to execute these activities successfully.

About this project's potential for impact


Please summarize how this project will help further Wikimedia's mission or meet our strategic goals.

{{{impact statement}}}

Financial details

  • Total amount requested: {{{amount requested local}}}
  • Currency requested: {{{currency requested}}}
  • Total amount requested in US Dollars (USD): {{{amount requested USD}}}

{{{table}}} </includeonly>