Template:Community Wishlist/Focus areas/Top
Media formats, editing, and display
Volunteers noted the importance of supporting new file formats and improving features and tools that can allow users to upload high-efficiency images to Wikimedia sites, have an easier editing experience and improved use of media players.
Supported by: 41 people
In progress
Template recall and discovery
We're building a better way for new and experienced contributors to recall and discover templates via the template dialog, to increase dialog usage and the number of templates added.
Supported by: 30 people
Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks
Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks, so they can focus more on editing articles or other on-wiki activities.
We'll know we're successful if we can cut down on the number of edits in review and improve moderator satisfaction.
Supported by: 24 people
Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks
Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks, so they can more efficiently review and uphold the quality of content on their wikis.
We'll know we're successful if this work improves editor or patroller satisfaction and reduces the "queue" of things to review.
Supported by: 13 people