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Template:Community Wishlist/Focus area

Permanently protected template
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
{{{title}}} Unknown




Other details

Last updated: 10:30, 16 February 2025 (UTC)

Created: {{{created}}}

Wishes in this focus area

Below is a list of wishes that have informed this focus area. More wishes may be added to this table over time. Voting for the focus area is not a guarantee that each wish will be explicitly delivered; rather, the wishes are suggestive of the problem at large. Once a focus area is adopted, the respective team will work alongside communities to prioritize and deliver on the most impactful solutions.

{{ Community Wishlist/Wishes/{{{slug}}} }}
Wish Phabricator tasks Type Projects Date (UTC) Status


This area currently has 0 supporters. Voting for this area is open until it is completed. Show your support using the button below.

Support focus areaPlease log in to support this focus area

Supporters of this area

No supporters yet.

Template documentation


Format a Community Wishlist 'Focus area' for the full-details page or a summary 'card'.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.


The subpage name under Community Wishlist/Focus areas/

Display titletitle

The title, if different from the slug. This can include formatting such as italics, etc.

Description (short)short_description

Short description, shown on the dashboard etc.

Unbalanced wikitextrequired
Description (long)description

Longer description, with details, links, images, etc. The short description will be shown above this, so there is no need to duplicate that text here. If you include headings they should be level 4 or higher (i.e. 4 or more equals characters).

Unbalanced wikitextsuggested

The current status of this focus area. Uses the same status codes as wishes.

Suggested values
draft submitted open started delivered blocked archived
Created datecreated

The date and time that this focus area was created.

Auto value
WMF ownersowners

WMF teams that own this focus area. This will also be shown in the summary card.

[[Community Tech]], [[Editing]]
Unbalanced wikitextoptional
Community membersvolunteers

List of community members who are involved in this focus area.

Unbalanced wikitextsuggested

The format in which to display the focus area. This is used when the focus area is transcluded in other pages, so should always be {{{format|}}}.

Suggested values
title card full
Auto value