Tell us about Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia
This page belongs to the project Tell us about your Wikipedia.
Name of the Wikipedia
[edit]Serbo-Croatian (srpskohrvatski) - sh:
[edit]- Wikimedia Statistics can be difficult to interpret. What is your impression, how many steady contributors do you have?
- I’d say that Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia has 20 to 50 contributors or even more. 06:57, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- Are your contributors mostly native speakers?
- Yes.--Rjecina2 14:40, 18 November 2009 (UTC)
- Yes, they are. 06:57, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- Where do your contributors live (regions/country)?
- exYugoslavia--Rjecina2 14:40, 18 November 2009 (UTC)
- Not only. I am a regular user from Bulgaria. Bogorm 16:13, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
- Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia editors and administrators are mostly from Croatia, however there are some from Serbia too. I never met a editor from Bosnia or Montenegro though. 06:57, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- exYugoslavia--Rjecina2 14:40, 18 November 2009 (UTC)
- How common is it that your contributors meet in real life?
- I think never yet. --Mladifilozof (talk) 12:41, 15 October 2013 (UTC)
Other Wikipedias
[edit]- Do you have special contacts with other Wikipedias (maybe in related languages)?
- Yes with Bosnian,
Croatianand Serbian --Rjecina2 14:44, 18 November 2009 (UTC)
- Yes with Bosnian,
- Do you translate a lot from other Wikipedias? Which ones?
- I oftentimes translate from Russian or Bulgarian. Bogorm 16:13, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
- Usually our editors translate from English, however it’s also common to copy Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia articles to Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian wikipedia, or vice versa. Examples are:
- sh:Rodoljupci copied to sr:Родољупци
- sr:Дан Српске академије наука и уметности copied to sh:Dan Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti
- sr:Володимир Артјух copied to sh:Volodimir Artjuh and ba:Volodimir Artjuh
- sr:Друштво српске словесности copied to sh:Društvo srpske slovesnosti
- sr:Већински изборни систем са релативном већином copied to sh:Jednokružni većinski izborni sistem and so on. 07:04, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
Organization and support
[edit]- Is there a Wikimedia chapter in your country? How does your language relate to it?
- From what I know there is Wikimedia Serbia, I think theres ond for Croatia and Bosnia too, but there Isn’t a single Wikimedia chapter for all the 4 countries that speak Serbo-Croatian. 07:05, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- Are there work groups in other organizations about Wikipedia?
Your Wikipedia and the linguistic community
[edit]- Is there a language institution for your language, like an Academy, or a club of people interested in your language? Do you have contact with them?
- No, there is no such language institution.--Mladifilozof (talk) 12:41, 15 October 2013 (UTC)
- There is, but not a unified one for all 4 varieties of the Serbo-Croatian language. I’m from Serbia, so our variety of the Serbo-Croatian language, also known as Serbian, is regulated by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) 07:09, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- Who (else) supports you?
- What does the public outreach for your edition look like? Do you have flyers, give lectures, training etc.?
- No. We don’t have any public outreach. 07:09, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- Do you get feedback from readers?
- What other encyclopedias exist in your language?
[edit]- Does your edition concentrate on certain topics, like your region and language, or Latin Wikipedia on Roman history and Christianity?
- Writing neutral articles about Yugoslavia or in another words articles which will not offend Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian users--Rjecina2 14:44, 18 November 2009 (UTC)
- Did your edition enjoy text donations, for example from older encyclopedias?
[edit]- Is there a generally accepted norm about your language (spelling, dictionary, pronunciation)?
- Kind of. 07:17, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
- How do you deal with different spellings, dialects etc. (like B.E. lift and A.E. elevator)?
- The Serbo-Croatian language has 2 writing systems and 2 dialects. So we have Latin and Cyrillic writing systems & Ijekavian and Ekavian dialects. However Cyrillic is only used in Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro, and even there its being used less. So the Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia agreed to make all articles in Latin script, and there is also a machine that converts that to Cyrillic for anyone who wants to read it in Cyrillic. What happens if someone writes an article in Cyrillic in The article won’t be deleted, but will be replaced into Latin. OK now ive explained writing systems, lets explain dialects. So we have 2 dialects which is Ijekavian and Ekavian. Croatia, Bosnia & Montenegro use Ijekavian, while Serbia uses Ekavian. Vast majority of editors are Croatian, which is also why almost all articles in are in the Ijekavian dialect. However, as Ekavian dialect is also a part of Serbo-Croatian, its also allowed to write an article in Ekavian dialect. If an article is written in Ijekavian, it stays in Ijekavian. Same goes for articles written in Ekavian, they stay in Ekavian. 07:17, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
See also
[edit]- Main/Front page of your Wikipedia: