Tech-uutiset on yhteenveto viimeaikaisista teknisistä muutoksista, jotka todennäköisesti koskettavat sinua ja muita wiki-käyttäjiä. Tilaa, osallistu ja anna palautetta.
edellinen | 2023, viikko 28 (maanantai 10 heinäkuu 2023) | seuraava |
Tekniikka-uutiset 28/2023
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Osiotason kuvaehdotusominaisuus on otettu käyttöön seitsemässä Wikipediassa (portugali, venäjä, indonesia, katalaani, unkari, suomi ja norjan bokmål). Ominaisuus ehdottaa kuvia käyttäjien tarkkailulistoilla oleviin artikkeleihin, jotka sopivat hyvin kyseisten artikkelien yksittäisiin osioihin.
- Järjestelmänlaajuiset väärinkäyttösuodattimet on otettu käyttöön kaikissa Wikimedia-projekteissa, pois lukien englannin- ja japaninkieliset Wikipediat, jotka eivät sitä halunneet. Tämä muutos tehtiin globaalin kommenttipyynnön perusteella. [1]
- Special:BlockedExternalDomains is a new tool for administrators to help fight spam. It provides a clearer interface for blocking plain domains (and their subdomains), is more easily searchable, and is faster for the software to process for each edit on the wiki. It does not support regex (for complex cases), nor URL path-matching, nor the MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist, but otherwise it replaces most of the functionalities of the existing MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist. There is a Python script to help migrate all simple domains into this tool, and more feature details, within the tool's documentation. It is available at all wikis except for Meta-wiki, Commons, and Wikidata. [2]
- The WikiEditor extension was updated. It includes some of the most frequently used features of wikitext editing. In the past, many of its messages could only be translated by administrators, but now all regular translators on translatewiki can translate them. Please check the state of WikiEditor localization into your language, and if the "Completion" for your language shows anything less than 100%, please complete the translation. See a more detailed explanation.
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 11 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 July. It will be on all wikis from 13 July (calendar).
- The default protocol of Special:LinkSearch and API counterparts has changed from http to both http and https. [3]
- Special:LinkSearch and its API counterparts will now search for all of the URL provided in the query. It used to be only the first 60 characters. This feature was requested fifteen years ago. [4]
Tulevia muutoksia
- There is an experiment with a ChatGPT plugin. This is to show users where the information is coming from when they read information from Wikipedia. It has been tested by Wikimedia Foundation staff and other Wikimedians. Soon all ChatGPT plugin users can use the Wikipedia plugin. This is the same plugin which was mentioned in Tech News 2023/20. [5]
- There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed Third-party resources policy. The proposal will impact the use of third-party resources in gadgets and userscripts. Based on the ideas received so far, policy includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, some best practices and exemption requirements such as code transparency and inspectability. Your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on on the policy talk page.
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