ꠢꠣꠙ꠆ꠔꠣꠄ ꠢꠣꠙ꠆ꠔꠣꠄ ꠌꠟꠣ ꠐꠦꠇ ꠘꠤꠃꠎꠞ ꠡꠣꠞ ꠡꠋꠇꠦꠙ ꠀꠙꠘꠣꠁꠘ꠆ꠔꠞꠦ ꠡꠣꠁꠎ꠆ꠎ ꠇꠞ꠆ꠛ ꠍꠚꠐꠅꠀꠞꠞ ꠘꠄꠀ ꠘꠄꠀ ꠛꠖ꠆ꠟꠤꠍꠦꠉꠥꠁꠘ ꠎꠣꠘꠣꠁꠔꠦ ꠀꠞ ꠇꠤꠟꠣꠘ ꠁꠔꠣꠄ ꠀꠙꠘꠣꠞꠣꠞꠦ ꠀꠞ ꠀꠙꠘꠣꠞ ꠟꠉꠞ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠝꠤꠒꠤꠀꠘꠤꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠃꠙ꠆ꠞꠦ ꠙꠞ꠆ꠛꠅ ⁕ ꠟꠉ ꠗꠞꠂꠘ ꠨ ꠅꠛꠖꠣꠘ ꠞꠣꠈꠂꠘ ꠀꠞ ꠚꠤꠒꠛꠦꠇ ꠖꠦꠁꠘ ⁕
ꠀꠉꠞ | 2023, ꠢꠣꠙ꠆ꠔꠣ 23 (ꠡꠝꠛꠣꠞ 05 ꠎꠥꠘ 2023) | ꠛꠣꠖꠦ |
ꠐꠦꠇ ꠘꠤꠃꠎ ꠪ 2023-23
ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠝꠤꠒꠤꠀ ꠙꠎꠥꠇ꠆ꠔꠤ ꠉꠥꠡ꠆ꠐꠤ ꠕꠘꠦ ꠢꠦꠡꠝꠦꠡ ꠐꠦꠇ ꠘꠤꠃꠎ ⁕ ꠁ ꠙꠞꠤꠛꠞ꠆ꠔꠘꠣꠁꠘ ꠡꠝ꠆ꠙꠞ꠆ꠇꠦ ꠅꠁꠘ꠆ꠘ ꠛꠦꠛꠀꠞꠇꠞ꠆ꠞꠣꠁꠘ꠆ꠔꠞꠦ ꠎꠣꠘꠣꠁꠘ ⁕ ꠢꠇ꠆ꠇꠟ ꠙꠞꠤꠛꠞ꠆ꠔꠘ ꠀꠙꠘꠣꠞꠦ ꠀꠍꠞ ꠇꠞ꠆ꠔ ꠘꠣꠄ ⁕ ꠅꠘꠥꠛꠣꠖꠣꠁꠘ ꠀꠍꠦ ⁕
ꠅꠘ꠆ꠇꠥ ꠛꠖ꠆ꠟꠤꠍꠦꠉꠥꠁꠘ
- The RealMe extension allows you to mark URLs on your user page as verified for Mastodon and similar software.
Citation and footnote editing can now be started from the reference list when using the visual editor. This feature request was voted #2 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [1]
- Previously, clicking on someone else's link to Recent Changes with filters applied within the URL could unintentionally change your preference for "Group results by page". This has now been fixed. [2]
- For a few days last week, some tools and bots returned outdated information due to database replication problems, and may have been down entirely while it was being fixed. These issues have now been fixed. [3]
ꠁ ꠢꠣꠙ꠆ꠔꠣꠞ ꠢꠦꠡꠦꠖꠤ ꠎꠦꠔꠣ ꠛꠖ꠆ꠟꠤ ꠀꠠ
ꠝꠤꠒꠤꠀꠃꠁꠇꠤ-ꠅꠅꠞ ꠘꠄꠀꠔꠣ 6 ꠎꠥꠘ ꠕꠘꠦ ꠙꠞꠤꠇ꠆ꠇꠣ ꠃꠁꠇꠤ ꠀꠞ MediaWiki.org-ꠅ ꠕꠣꠇꠛꠅ ⁕ ꠁꠈꠣꠘ 7 ꠎꠥꠘ ꠕꠘꠦ ꠀꠘꠣ-ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ ꠃꠁꠇꠤ ꠀꠞ ꠕꠥꠞꠣ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠔ ꠕꠣꠇꠛꠅ ⁕ ꠁꠈꠣꠘ 8 ꠎꠥꠘ (calendar) ꠕꠘꠦ ꠢꠇ꠆ꠇꠟ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠔ ꠕꠣꠇꠛꠅ ⁕
- Bots will no longer be prevented from making edits because of URLs that match the spam blacklist. [4]
ꠐꠦꠇ ꠘꠤꠃꠎ ꠐꠦꠇ ꠘꠤꠃꠎ ꠟꠦꠈ꠆ꠞꠣꠢꠇꠟ ꠖꠤ ꠔꠂꠀꠞ ꠀꠞ ꠀꠙ꠆ꠌꠣ • ꠅꠛꠖꠣꠘ • ꠅꠘꠥꠛꠣꠖ • ꠡꠣꠁꠎ꠆ꠎ ꠘꠦꠃꠇ꠆ꠇꠣ • ꠚꠤꠒꠛꠦꠇ ꠖꠦꠃꠇ꠆ꠇꠣ • ꠟꠉ ꠗꠞꠂꠘ ꠀꠞ꠆ꠘꠣꠄ ꠟꠉ ꠍꠣꠞꠂꠘ ⁕