Los resúmenes semanales de las Noticias técnicas te ayudan a monitorear las últimas modificaciones en el software que puedan afectar a todos los wikimedistas. Suscríbete, colabora y danos tu opinión.
anterior | 2022, semana 16 (lunes 18 de abril de 2022) | siguiente |
Noticias técnicas: 2022-16
Estas son las noticias técnicas de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Informe de estos cambios a otros usuarios. No todos los cambios le afectarán. Hay traducciones disponibles.
Cambios de esta semana
La nueva versión de MediaWiki se instalará en los wikis de prueba y en el 19 abril. Se instalará en wikis que no son Wikipedia y en algunas Wikipedias a partir del 20 abril, y en las restantes a partir del 21 abril (calendario).
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 19 April at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 21 April at 7:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
- Administrators will now have the option to delete/undelete the associated "Talk" page when they are deleting a given page. An API endpoint with this option is also available. This concludes the 11th wish of the 2021 Community Wishlist Survey.
- On selected wikis, 50% of logged-in users will see the new table of contents. When scrolling up and down the page, the table of contents will stay in the same place on the screen. This is part of the Desktop Improvements project. [1]
Message boxes produced by MediaWiki code will no longer have these CSS classes:
. The styles for those classes andmessagebox
will be removed from MediaWiki core. This only affects wikis that use these classes in wikitext, or change their appearance within site-wide CSS. Please review any local usage and definitions for these classes you may have. This was previously announced in the 28 February issue of Tech News.
Cambios futuros
- Kartographer will become compatible with FlaggedRevisions page stabilization. Kartographer maps will also work on pages with pending changes. [2] The Kartographer documentation has been thoroughly updated. [3] [4] [5]
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