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It's the latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community! Not everything may affect you. More translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 19 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 January. It will be on all wikis from 21 January (calendar).
Future changes
- The Growth team plans to add features to more Wikipedias that should encourage more visitors to actively contribute. You can help by translating the interface.
- Wikimedia Commons cannot be edited or uploaded to for a brief period on 26 January at 07:00 (UTC) due to maintenance. [1]
- MassMessage posts could be automatically timestamped in the future because MassMessage senders can now send pages using MassMessage. Pages are more difficult to sign. If there are cases where a MassMessage post should not be timestamped you can let the developers know.
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Fine print: Tech news in British English (en-gb) does not necessarily use British spelling. It is only British in spirit, unoversimplified when compared to the regular English version, allowing more complex terms (e.g. "issues" instead of "problems") and constructions.