Tech-uutiset on yhteenveto viimeaikaisista teknisistä muutoksista, jotka todennäköisesti koskettavat sinua ja muita wiki-käyttäjiä. Tilaa, osallistu ja anna palautetta.
edellinen | 2020, viikko 40 (maanantai 28 syyskuu 2020) | seuraava |
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Admins can now see links to diffs of deleted revisions on Special:AbuseLog. This uses the interface of Special:Undelete. [1]
- Editors are automatically added to some user groups. For example editors are added to autoconfirmed users when they have edited enough times and long enough. Abuse filters can hinder users from automatically getting user rights for a period of time. They can also remove rights users have. Wikis can now ask to change how long this period of time is for their wiki in Phabricator. It is currently five days. [2]
- Last year some abuse filters stopped working because of a new change. If they tried to use variables that were unavailable for that action they would fail. This has now been fixed. [3]
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 29. syyskuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 30. syyskuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 1. lokakuuta (kalenteri).
Tulevia muutoksia
- You can't see the language links to other language versions from the talk page or history page. They are also not shown when you edit an article. This could change. It is not decided if for example the history page should link to another history page or to the article. You can take part in the discussion in Phabricator.
- The link colours could change. This is to make the difference between links and other text more clear. You can read more in Phabricator.
- In your preferences you can choose to get different notifications on the web or by email. You will see
as one of the alternatives later this week. This is because the Android and iOS Wikipedia apps will use push notifications for those who want them. You can see the preferences on the test wiki. The goal is to have push notifications on Android in October and on iOS in early 2021. [4] - You can soon put pages on your watchlist for a limited time. This could be useful if you want to watch something for a shorter time but don't want it on your watchlist forever. It now works on and will come to more wikis later. You can read more and see when it will come to other wikis.
- You can see what Wikimedians think are the best new technical tools this year. You can also nominate them.
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