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vorherige Ausgabe | 2020, Woche 16 (Montag 13. April 2020) | nächste Ausgabe |
Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Letzte Änderungen
- You can now use the
search word on all Wikipedias. It searches articles by topic. [1] - You can see wiki tools in the new Tools Gallery. [2]
- You can see edits from the Wikimedia Cloud Services in a new dashboard.
- When you use filters on a history page you sometimes don't see any edits. There is a text explaining this now. Before it was just empty. [3]
- There is a new Wikimedia Technical Blog. [4]
- There was a problem with the Wikidata database last week. Some wikis went down for twenty minutes. Wikidata and other projects showed error messages. Interwiki links were not shown, some tools did not work and other problems. Some of this was fixed quickly. The developers are working on fixing the rest. [5][6][7]
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf dem Testwiki und ab 14 April verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias vom 15 April. Auf allen Wikis ab 16 April (Kalender).
Zukünftige Änderungen
- Some graphs have not worked on mobile. This will soon be fixed. [8]
- The article tab on talk pages of redirects links to the target of the redirect. It could link to the redirect page itself instead. You can leave feedback on this.
- For pages using syntax highlighting, the use of the deprecated
tag, as well as the use of the deprecatedenclose
parameter, will add tracking categories.
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