Savaitinė Techninių Naujienų santrauka Jums ir kitiems Viki dalyviams padeda sužinoti apie naujausius programinės įrangos pakeitimus. Galite prenumeruoti naujienas, bendradarbiauti arba pateikti atsiliepimą.
ankstesnis | 2020 m., 10 savaitė (2020 kovo 02, pirmadienis) | kitas |
Naujausios technikos naujienos iš Vikimedijos bendruomenės. Tikimės, kad pasidalysite informacija apie šiuos pokyčius savo bendruomenėje. Ne visi pasikeitimai Jus įtakos. Naujienos išverstos ir į kitas kalbas.
- Readers who were not logged in briefly saw the interface in a language decided by their browser. It should normally be in the language of the wiki. This happened for a short period of time last week. This was because of a bug. [1]
Pakeitimai šią savaitę
- If you forget your password you can ask for a new one to be sent to your email address. You need to know your email address or your username. You will now be able to choose that you need to enter both your email address and your username. This will be a preference. This is to get fewer password reset emails someone else asked for. [2]
- When you asked for a new password you could see if the username didn't exist on Special:PasswordReset. Now the page will show the username you entered and tell you an email has been sent if the username exists. This is for better security. [3]
- On Special:WhatLinksHere you can see what other pages link to a page. You can see if the link is from a redirect. You can now see which section the redirect links to. [4]
Nuo 3 Kovas nauja Medijaviki versija bus testuojama įvairiuose viki projektuose ir Nuo 4 Kovas bus testuojama Vikipedijai nepriklausančiuose viki projektuose. O vėliau, nuo 5 Kovas, jau bus galima naudoti visose viki. Žiūrėkite (kalendorių).
Numatyti pakeitimai
- The developers are working on a new interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. You can give feedback. [5]
- There is a vote on the creation of a new user group called abuse filter manager. The vote runs from March 1 to March 31 on Meta.
was used for the mobile site. It was deprecated in 2017. It will stop working in April. Wikis should see if they use it. If they do they should fix it. You can read more and ask for help. This affects 183 wikis. There is a list. [6]
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