Teknisk/Nyheder/2018/uge 37
De ugentlige tekniske sammendrag hjælper dig med at overvåge de seneste software ændringer der kan komme til at påvirke dig og andre Wikimedianere. Abonner, bidrag og giv feedback.
forrige | 2018, uge 37 (mandag 10. september 2018) | næste |
Seneste udgave af de tekniske nyheder fra Wikimedias tekniske fællesskab. Fortæl venligst andre brugere om disse ændringer. Ikke alle ændringer vil påvirke dig. Oversættelser er tilgængelige.
Seneste ændringer
- When you added or edited a template with the visual editor the input boxes were very big. This has been fixed. The input boxes will now be smaller until you click on them. Then they will change size to fit the text. [1]
- Some diffs showed lines in the wrong order. This was fixed last week. [2]
- Marking a cross-wiki notification as read didn't work every time. The other wiki was not updated. This has now been fixed. [3]
did not work for a few days. This was because of a bug. This has now been fixed. [4]{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}
is used by some templates. For a period edits saved with{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}
would save the previous user's name and not your username. This is now fixed. Edits made before the bug was fixed will still be wrong and need to be corrected. [5]- When you move a page the title still shows the old page name. The developers are working on fixing this. [6]
Ændringer senere på ugen
- Because of a data centre test you will be able to read but not edit the wikis for up to an hour on 12 September and 10 October. This will start at 14:00 (UTC). You might lose edits if you try to save during this time. The time when you can't edit might be shorter than an hour. You can read more about this.
- Because of the data centre test there will be no new version of MediaWiki this week. Changes for this week will come next week instead.
You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 11 september at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 12 september at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Fremtidige ændringer
- The developers work on making the wikis work better on mobile phones. There is a list of common problems when making content easier to read in the mobile view. You can add things to the page and ask others to help.
De tekniske nyheder forberedt af de tekniske ambassadører og lagt op af bot • Bidrag • Oversæt • Få hjælp • Giv feedback • Abonner eller annuller abonnonement.