上個 | 2018年第15個禮拜(2018年4月9號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- 有啲頁面包含講解嗰版有物問題嘅模。而家有更多資訊畀手機讀者,話畀佢哋嗰版有物問題,同埋佢哋可以點幫手改。 [1]
- You can now thank users for many more actions than edits to a page. This was one of the top ten requests in the Wishlist Survey last year. [2]
- The sort order of categories will have errors for a short time starting Monday 9 April (UTC). We are upgrading versions of an internationalisation library (ICU) and using a script to update the database. This will take between a few hours and a few days depending on wiki size. You can read more details. [3]
- Tag filter titles will now work better on wikis where the tag filter title is in a language that is written in another direction than the language of that wiki. This could for example be an English title (written from left to right) on a Hebrew or an Arabic wiki (written from right to left). [4]
- 最近修改版入面用來儲存過濾器嘅書簽icon因為新icon改動而消失咗。爾個問題已經搞掂咗。 [5]
- 三月份有個星期反轉動作喺最近修改同其他有標籤出現嘅頁面度同時有
標籤。爾個問題已經搞掂咗。 [6]
- Patrolled edits now have three states instead of two. Recent changes filters are updated to show unpatrolled, autopatrolled and manually patrolled edits. [7]
You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 10 四月 at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 11 四月 at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- iOS同Android應用程式會喺四月後期加入同步閲讀一覽功能。