Noticias Técnicas/2018/13
Los resúmenes semanales de Noticias Tec te mantienen al tanto de las últimas modificaciones en la aplicación que pueden afectar a todos los compañeros de Wikimedia. Suscríbete, colabora y danos tu opinión.
anterior | 2018, semana 13 (lunes 26 de marzo de 2018) | siguiente |
Las últimas noticias de tecnología de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Coméntale a otros usuarios acerca de estos cambios. Algunos cambios no te afectarán. Existen traducciones disponibles.
Cambios más adelante en esta semana
- Some of the interface icons and text sizes will change slightly, as part of the updates for improved accessibility and consistency. These icons are used in many features, including Notifications, Recent Changes, Beta Features, Visual Editor, 2017 Wikitext Editor, Code Editor, and others. While editor toolbars, dialogs, and menus will appear slightly bigger; elements on special pages will be slightly smaller. Functionality will not change. [1] [2]
The deprecated #toc and #toctitle CSS ids have been removed. If your wiki was still using these for fake Tables of Content (ToC) then these might lose their styling. They can be replaced with .toc and .toctitle classes where appropriate. [3]
- TemplateStyles will be deployed to the Wikivoyages on 28 March 2018. [4]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 27 marzo. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 28 marzo. It will be on all wikis from 29 marzo (calendar).
You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 27 marzo at 18:30 (UTC). See how to join.
Puedes participar de la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden solicitar asesoramiento. La reunión se realizará el 28 marzo a las 15:00 (UTC). Consulta cómo participar.
Cambios futuros
- From 9 April, the sort order of categories will be distorted for a short time. We are upgrading versions of an internationalisation library (ICU) and using a maintenance script to update existing database entries. This will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on wiki size. Read more details. [5]
- Changes are coming to search for Serbian projects. Cyrillic and Latin variants of a word and different grammatical forms of a word will be able to find each other. Read more on MediaWiki in Serbian or English.
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