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Precedente | 2017, settimana 39 (lunedì 25 settembre 2017) | Successivo |
Ultimo bollettino tecnico della comunità tecnica di Wikimedia. Per favore informa gli altri utenti di queste modifiche. Non tutte le modifiche produrranno effetti per te. Traduzioni disponibili.
Modifiche recenti
- Wikitext syntax highlighting is a beta feature on Wikimedia wikis with text written from left to right. This beta feature is based on CodeMirror. You can now search through the entire article with
when you edit. Before it just searched through a part of the article. The developers are also fixing a couple of other bugs. [1][2] - Administrators on wikis that use Structured Discussions as a beta feature or by default can now create and move Structured Discussions boards. Structured Discussions was previously called Flow. [3]
Changes later this week
- You now get a notification when someone tries to log in to your account and fails. If they try from a device or IP address that have logged in to your account before you will be notified after five failed attempts. For security reasons you will soon get an email by default when someone tries to log in to your account and when someone logs in to your account from a new device or IP address. This can be turned off in your preferences. [4]
- Gli utenti con browser estremamente vecchi (per esempio Netscape 2-4, reso disponibile nel da 1995-1997) che non sopportano Unicode non potranno più effettuare modifiche; dovrebbero cercare di installare un browser nuovo. [5]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 26 settembre. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 settembre. It will be on all wikis from 28 settembre (calendar).
You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 27 settembre at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Cambiamenti futuri
- The Wikimedia Foundation Readers department has proposed changing the mobile website. You can read more on This would be a big change.
- You can't use OCG to create PDFs after 1 October. This is because of technical problems. You can still create PDFs. Tech News 2017/37 said the function to create PDFs from books would still work. It is now clear it will not work for the next few months. The developers are working on fixing this. You can read more on
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