上個 | 2017年第35個禮拜(2017年8月28號禮拜一) | 下個 |
- 語法突顯響左至右書寫嘅維基媒體wiki度而家係個測試功能。遲啲右至左嘅wiki都可以用。呢個功能源自CodeMirror [1][2]
- You will now get a notification when someone tries to log in to your account and fails. If they try from a device or IP address that have logged in to your account before you will be notified after five failed attempts. You can turn this off or choose to get an email notification in your preferences. You can also turn on to get an email when someone logs in to your account from a new device or IP address. [3]
- 有啲版會出現
Lua error in mw.wikibase.entity.lua at line 34: The entity data must be a table obtained via mw.wikibase.getEntityObjec
錯誤。呢個問題發生喺有Lua模組嘅版上面,呢啲模組都係用維基數據。依家呢個問題已經搞掂,唔會再有版出呢個問題。您仍然應該整番好有模組錯嘅版。您可以去呢度睇點樣做。 [4]
- 您可以阻止其他用戶傳送訊息畀您 [5]
測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺29 八月升級做新版嘅Mediawiki。其他唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部分維基百科會喺30 八月升級。其餘wiki會喺31 八月升級。(睇日曆)
You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 29 八月 at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
You can join the next meeting with the Technical Committee. The topic this week is Migrate to HTML5 section ids. The meeting will be on 30 August at 21:00 (UTC). See how to join.
- In the future you will have global preferences. This means you could set something in your preferences to work in the same way on all wikis. You will not be forced to use global preferences. The developers are now asking if editors need exceptions. This is where you want to use global settings on almost all wikis, but have some wikis where you want it to work in a different way. If you want this you need to tell the developers now. You can do so on the talk page. [6]
- New filters for edit review係個新嘅測試功能去改善最近修改版。呢個功能9月5號開始可以響監視清單度用。 [7]
The jQuery library will be upgraded to version 3 in September 2017. Wikis can ask on Phabricator to get it early, so they can help find and solve problems now.