Die wöchentlich zusammengefassten Technik-Neuigkeiten helfen Dir, die letzten Software-Änderungen mitzuverfolgen, die Dich und andere Wikimedianer betreffen. Abonniere sie, hilf dabei und gib uns Feedback.
vorherige Ausgabe | 2016, Woche 33 (Montag 15. August 2016) | nächste Ausgabe |
Die letzten Technik-Neuigkeiten der Wikimedia Technik-Community. Teile diese Änderungen auch den anderen mit. Nicht alle Änderungen betreffen Dich selbst. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
- Last week Tech News announced you will get a notification when you mention yourself the same way as if someone else had mentioned you. This caused some problems and will happen later instead. [1]
- Creating and editing links to sections on other pages on the wiki now works again in the visual editor. [2]
- For some users, cross-wiki notifications haven't been working properly. The count has been wrong when only cross-wiki notifications were present. The cross-wiki bundle has been showing only the names of wikis and not the actual notifications. This will be fixed soon. [3][4]
Änderungen dieser Woche
- The login session when you choose "Keep me logged in" will now last a year. Previously it was 30 days. This will happen on August 16. [5]
- Some abuse filters will have to be updated during the week. This is because a bug will be fixed. [6]
- In compact language links, two new kinds of languages will be shown in the shorter language list: Languages that are used in the article's text, and languages where the article has a badge like "featured article" or "good article". [7][8]
- The visual editor will be available by default for logged-out editors on Wikipedias that use the Arabic script. It is already default for logged-in editors. [9]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from August 16. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from August 17. It will be on all wikis from August 18 (calendar).
Du kannst am nächsten Treffen des VisualEditor-Teams teilnehmen. Währenddessen kannst Du den Entwicklern erklären, welche Fehler am wichtigsten zu beheben sind. Das Treffen wird am 16. August, 19:00 (UTC) sein. Wie Du daran teilnimmst, erfährst Du hier.
Künftige Änderungen
- Starting the week of August 22 there will be three software deployment windows. They will be at 13:00, 18:00, and 23:00 UTC. This is to have more times when software of the wikis can be updated and make it easier for developers in different parts of the world. [10]
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